
one of one.

“Stupid, fucking bastard!” Molly Greg exclaimed, kicking the newspaper stand outside her boyfriend’s apartment.
Excuse me, Ex-boyfriend. She thought, her nose curling up at the thought of Brett.
She had come over like she always did on Friday nights after work, so they could hang out.
Like Always.
She had stood outside his apartment, knocking on the door with the bag of candy and movies that she always brought over. After standing at the door for fifteen minutes, she had decided that he wasn’t home yet, so she grabbed the key from the top of the door and opened it.
She went in and sat all her stuff on the counter and took her shoes off, making her way around his apartment, seeing if anything needed to be picked up. She grabbed some of his clothes from the bathroom and put the dirty dishes from the living room in the sink before walking into his room to see if the bed needed to be made, She had frozen we she caught sight of the bed, and her eyes had stung.
Brett was fast asleep in bed. With his arm wrapped around a woman with blond hair.
If she had known any better, she would have thought she was a ghost, mindlessly drifting through life.
But no. She was a brunnett, so it wasn’t her lying in that bed. And she was alive.
She had walked over to the bed and pecked on Brett’s shoulder, making him slap her hand away.
If it was any other day, she would have giggled at him.
But this was Friday, and her heart was being broken.
She had pecked the shoulder again once more, making him open his eyes and turn over to her.
His body froze and his eyes opened wide when he saw her, making her heart tighten in her chest.
He glanced behind him and then back to her. He shifted in the bed and tried to get up.
“Molly, I can explain.” But his words fell on deaf ears, because Molly was already in the kitchen putting her shoes back on and grabbing her stuff.
She fled the apartment, tears stinging her eyes.
By the time she got to her car, the tears and sadness were replace with Anger and rage.
She should have known she wasn’t the only girl.
She never was.
What had made Brett so different? What had made her think he was The One?
Opening her car door, she threw the bag of stuff in the back seat and made her way to the down town bar.
When she got there, she went inside and asked for a beer.
Though she was angry, she had to drive home. So she couldn’t get drunk.
The man beside her eyed her and pointed at her.
“What the hell’s wrong with you?” He asked, chuckling when she gave him the stink eye.
“Life.” She said, simply.
The man nodded and sat his drink on the bar.
“It happens sugar. But ya gotta keep living.” Molly looked up at the man and gave him a small smile.
“I know, but you get a certain rush from being angry." She said, and the man laughed.
"That it is my dear, that it is." And the man toasted to her and swallowed his drink.
"Anger is bittersweet emotion, makes world go 'round." He said, and she smiled and nodded. He got up from his barstool and clapped a hand on her shoulder, making her glance up at him.
"He wasn't worth it anyway, you'll find someone better." With that being said, the man walked out the door leaving Molly smiling.