Rumored Nights

Chapter Six

Louis lied awake in his bed. It was already a few minutes past midnight and he looked out the window and saw the moon shine inside and light up the room. He thought about his friends and wondered if any of them would actually show up. He couldn’t stand all of his thoughts spinning around in his head, so Louis tossed and turned in his bed.

Louis’ clean undies had already been packed, waiting to be brought on the adventure. Louis was worried there would be no adventure. And if there was, what kind of adventure would it be without the guys? He was happy that, at least, I had agreed and he was thinking of the fun he could have with me as I sat, awake, in my bed, wondering about the fun I would have with him. It was going to be great…


Louis had gotten up at about 3 a.m. to go get the minivan. It was now 4:30 and he’d already stopped at Dunkin Doughnuts three times and downed four coffees. He was just about ready for his fifth cup when he pulled up to the curb outside my building.

The sun wasn’t even up yet an neither was I. I thought bright and early meant like, seven, but apparently not.

I moaned and opened my eyes as the buzzer woke me up. I looked up to my clock and it was only 4:33. Was Louis here already? Was this really happening? Was I dreaming?

I definitely could not have been dreaming, because the buzzer sounded impatiently and I knew it was Louis who was below, outside, pressing it anxiously.

I got up and pressed the button.

“Hello?” I asked in a raspy, sleepy voice.

“Are you READY?!” Louis yelled as if he was more awake than ever and also excited too.

“Uh, no…not really.” I admitted with a yawn

“WHAT?!” Louis screamed over the intercom and he wasn’t mad; he was just…hyper. I think that’s the word.

“Uh…” I couldn’t even answer. My mind wasn’t awake just yet.

“I’m coming up there right now, Alex. To help you get ready.” He informed me. I just buzzed back, opening the door in response.

Louis must have sprinted up the stairs, because not two seconds later there was an impatient knock on my door.

“Come in!” I tried to yell, but I was still too tired.

Louis barged in, already dressed, looking especially sexy in his dark jeans, striped t-shirt and jacket. For it being extremely early in the morning, Louis still looked perfect. He cradled the almost empty coffee cup and minivan keys in his hands.

“What the…WHY AREN’T YOU DRESSED?!” His eyes were wide as he looked at me with annoyance and anticipation.

“Uh, maybe because I just got up?” I told him flatly. I was not a morning person.

“Whatever, we have to hit the pavement pretty soon. So hop to it! Go get dressed!” He demanded, looking at his watch anxiously.

“I’ll be back in a jiffy…” I said, sarcastically, and shuffled back to my room and crawled under the covers.

But, of course, Louis followed me…

“ALEX! GET UP!” He screamed in a panic, like we had a plane to catch or something. We were taking a van, couldn’t I get, like, one more hour of Z’s?

“Ughhhmmmm…grr…” I moaned a weird, annoyed moan. I think I kind of growled too. It was early, I wasn’t thinking straight.

“Get. Out. Of. Bed. RIGHT. NOW.” Eric told me as he whipped off the covers. I felt a cool breeze, but I stayed where I was, with my face planted into the pillow. I needed my beauty sleep, especially if I was going to be going on a trip with Louis…


Outside my apartment building, Harry walked in the cool morning air. The sun hadn’t risen just yet, but Harry hoped he wasn’t too late to join in on the trip.

And, to his liking, when he came upon my place he saw the minivan we were supposed to take parked outside. Harry felt a sigh of relief in his body. He was happy he hadn’t missed us.

Harry didn’t want to barge into my apartment, so he put his suitcase, filled with clean undies, at his feet and leaned against the van, frequently checking his watch like it was a nervous habit. He hoped we would hurry up so we could leave and he wouldn’t have time to think over it twice…


“NO!” I moaned and sort of growled again

“Alex!” Louis cried.

“Mhmm...” I snapped at him and, even though I was unable to see him, I knew he was standing there, watching me with his arms crossed like a little kid who didn’t get this way. Louis let out a big sigh.

“Alex…Am I going to have to come over there and MAKE you get out of bed?!” He asked, and I couldn’t help but notice the suggestive tone in his voice. Which was all the more reason for me to stay there and let Louis come and get me out of bed. So I sat there and waited for him to put his awesome threat into action.

“Fine, you asked for iiittt…” Louis taunted playfully as he pounced on the bed. “GET. UP.” He said, deepening his voice and whispering in my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck as he spoke. It sent a chill down my spine.

“Alllleeeexxxxx…” He sang. “Get out of bed! NOW!” He playfully tapped my bottom and we both smiled.

“NO!” I was practically BEGGING for him to touch me again.

“YES!” He tried to sound serious, but he had to laugh. Louis took his soft hands and began to tickle me until I couldn’t take it anymore and rolled over.

“Okay! Okay! You win!” I forfeited and sat up, looking Louis straight in his amazing eyes.

“Good! NOW LET’S GO!” Louis urged and ran to my closet. He cutely flipped through my clothes furiously and picked a hideous outfit from the closet.

“Here, put this on and let’s burn rubber!” Could he be any more anxious?

“Uh, thanks but no thanks. I already have an outfit. I’ll be out in a minute and then we can ‘burn rubber’…” I told him, rejecting his attempt at an outfit.

“Okay, but hurry!” Louis reminded me as he walked out to the living room to wait for me to finish.

I got up and got dressed. It didn’t take me long to get ready. I gave myself one last look in the mirror, because I had promised myself last night that I was going to come back a changed girl and I would keep that promise whether it was wrong or right.

“Ready!” I called out as I dragged my stuff to the living room. Or…at least attempted to.

“Good! Let me help you with that,” Louis offered and took the heavy suitcase from my hands. He was so strong that he picked it up and threw it over his shoulder in one lift. I could barely pick it up to begin with.

“Let’s go!” I smiled, getting rather excited for this wild ride we were about to partake in. I swung my guitar case around me as I closed my door, going over my mental checklist. I took one last good look inside. ‘Bye…’ I felt like saying. I just locked the door and Louis and I crept down the hallway, silently.


Louis was surprised, and so was I, to see Harry standing there in front of the van, leaning against its door. When Harry saw us his face lit up and he smiled his amazing smile and picked up his things.

“Hey,” He nodded to Louis.

“Hey,” Louis nodded back and they both shared a smile.

“Can I still go with you guys?” Harry asked, quietly, not too sure of the response he would get.

“Um…” Louis looked like he was really thinking about it. He looked back at Harry and a menacing, but adorable, smile spread across his face. “I guess it’s okay.”

“Sweet,” Harry nodded and he and Louis shared a handshake/man hug as they started loading everything into the trunk of the minivan.

They were too busy talking to notice a guy with a head full of blond hair approaching us. Niall. Good ol’ dependable, Niall.

“NIALL!” I squealed. I was so happy they had decided to come. Louis and Harry whipped around when they heard me squeal their friend’s name.

“Dude!” They smiled.

“Hey guys, I have my undies. Am I still invited?” Niall asked, trying to hide his happy and excited smile.

“Are they clean?” Louis asked, jokingly.

“I think…” Niall asked in the same joking way.

“Ew…” Harry laughed.

“Okay, I guess that’s cool. You’re still invited.” Louis nodded and all three boys smiled at each other and helped Niall put his stuff in the trunk too.

Not two minutes later, I saw a guy with a medium sized suitcase walking down the sidewalk, shyly. And I couldn’t believe it. Liam Payne was along for the ride too.

“Is that…?” I asked, even though I was pretty sure.

“Liam!” All three boys smiled, mischievously again and nodded in approval of Liam’s arrival.

“Hey man!” Niall waved in an excited way and then smiled at the other two boys. And you could tell from the little way away Liam was that he was smiling a little shy smile too, happy to see his boys…and me…

“Yo,” Liam said, straight faced. Then a small smile read across his face.

“Yo,” They all said back.

“Do you have your clean undies?” Louis joked.

“Hah, yeah, you bet.” Liam smiled as his cheeks reddened a little bit.

“Are you coming or what?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, I’m in. Let’s rock!” Liam said and his huge smile that I loved began wider.





All of the four cuties screamed in joy, getting excited and pumped for the trip.

“Do you think Zayn’s coming?” Harry asked, kind of sadly breaking the excitement.

They all looked a little sad at the thought of Zayn missing the whole entire trip to California.

“Let’s give him a few minutes…” Louis suggested.

“Uh, guys…I don’t think that’s really necessary…” I pointed to Zayn walking towards us, pulling along his stuff.

“SWEET! We’re all going!!” Louis smiled. And so did we.

But those smiles faded fast.

Because tagging along behind Zayn was evil in itself.

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Thought I'd throw up another chapter! Is Lola going to end up going or not? Find out when I get more comments and I'll put up chapter 7! Hope you like this one! Don't forget to comment! :D