Status: Work in Progress

Subconscious Illusion

He's Mine

The crowd for the most part was only filled with girls;girls with such shrill screams that made you wish you were deaf. I was among those fan girls but i just didn't show it the way they did. I was just into watching the performance and singing along keeping my eyes on one man and one man only. This man was Brian Elwin Haner Jr. or known to most as the famous Synyster Gates. He was roughly six foot tall , black spiky hair, warm chocolate brown eyes and a smirk that has all the ladies swooning over him. Thinking about all those girls throwing their selves at him made my smile falter but not for long as I ran over my plan in my head and that sinister smile reappeared.

I slowly made my way to the exit doors and to Avenged Sevenfold's limo that was awaiting them.I made sure that the driver was no where in site and picked the lock on the trunk.I did one last look out to make sure the band had not gotten out of the building early(or any strange crazy fans) and climbed in pulling the trunk shut just in time as i heard voices coming towards the limo.

" That was one great show! Those fans were fucking nuts tonight!" I heard jimmy's muffled voice as he got into the limo.

"Yeah they were! " I heard what I'm assuming was Johnny's excited voice getting into the limo after him.

"I'm hungry guys. lets get something to eat!" I heard Zack's voice clear as a bell since he was yelling. That man does love his food I thought as I heard Matt yell into the building.

"Come on girls hurry up!" I heard someone reply but couldn't quite make it out.

"Matt honey we are girls, we like to take our time" I faintly heard a woman's voice and the click of heels against the pavement. I'm betting it was Val, Matthew's girlfriend. I smiled at the thought of them, those two are just cute together! I heard a few more pairs of heels and then a loud yell.

"Michelle, babe hurry up!" Syn's voice made my heart race but at the same time scowl. He was talking to her. The woman who is no good for him. The one who stole him from me. The one who I should be. I should be the one by his side not her.Iwill be the one at his side. Saying that over and over in my head had got me to formulating a plan, not just any plan, a brilliantly sinister plan.


The limo had stopped for the second time- once about an hour ago at what I'm guessing was a restaurant because Zacky ran out screaming "Food", and now at what I'm assuming to be there hotel for the night. I am glad we had arrived because i was about to blow my cover by screaming and pounding on the truck to attack that bitch. She was basically fucking him right then and there from the noises I heard and the guys telling them to get a room and stop fucking. She was definitely going to get it now.

I had opened the trunk once again as soon as I heard all the guys and girls get out and I watched as they all walked in the hotel entrance.I glared at the last coupleperson because she was getting all cozy and leaning her head into his neck. I quietly climbed out of the trunk and shut it running to the pillar to hide behind.It was as if I were a spy, running pillar to pillar and not getting noticed. I strained my ears to hear what rooms they had gotten.

"Here are your room keys Mr. Sanders,rooms 400-405, top floor just like you requested. " the receptionist said as he handed over the keys.

"Thank you" he replied and turned around to hand out the keys. They were just barely visible for me to see the number he had handed Brian but I managed to get it , almost falling out from behind the pillar. Room 403. I watched as they all got into the elevator and the doors ding closed behind them and raced to the nearest stairwell.

Out of breath I peaked out the doors window just in time to see them come off the elevator talking and laughing. I slowly slipped out of the stairwell as quietly as I could so they did not notice me and followed them down towards their rooms but stopping at the corner.
Her obnoxious loud giggles met my ears as I was hiding behind the corner making my blood boil.

"Brian stop it" was all I heard along with her giggles as she tried to open the door and finally managing to do so and then pulling him inside.The door slamming shut behind them. A low growl emitted from my throat as I glared at the wall in front of me .That slut was on my man. Boy oh boy was she going to get more than just a warning.

"Room service" a female voice echoed through the hall disturbing my glaring but also sparking an idea. I went to where she was in the hotel and an evil grin spread across my face as I seen she came back out of the other persons room.

"Excuse me miss could you do me a favor??"

"Sure ma'am how can i assist you?" she smiled back. Poor girl is unsuspecting of whats going to happen to her.

"Well you see i ran out of towels for my room so i was wondering if you could get me some?" I put an extra big smile on.

"I can do that. the linen closet is just down the hall so if you want i can go get them and bring them-" i cut her off.

" No no I can come with you and get them."She shrugged her shoulders and started walking to the closet. As soon as she was in the closet I shut the door behind us.

"Wha-what are you doing?" she stuttered.

"Nothing personal sweetie but you've got to go." I said as I advanced on her and grabbed her neck. Twisting it around and hearing a sickening crack. I took her jacket and shrugged it on myself and then patting her my jacket pocket for the master hotel key.Grinning as i felt the small rectangular piece of plastic. I pulled on my jacket a little as to make sure i looked like a proper hotel staff and walked out the door and down to Brian's room.
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So what do you think? This will be two or three chapters.
Also please note I do NOT have anything against MIchelle this is clearly fiction and i just thought it would work better with Brian.
Comment --> please :)