Status: DONE :)


Dare turned Fantasy

The floor boards creaked as I stepped up to the old house in front of me hesitantly. I turned around to look out into the street, my friends were all watching with aggravated, worried or bored looks.
“Go on already you chicken!” Derek yelled. I had the urge to flip them off but my hands were deep in my pockets because the night air was cold. I was not going to chicken out of this dare, I have never backed out of one before so why would I know? I sighed and took a deep breathe and turned around to face the old wooden door. It looked like someone hacked at it with an axe- I'm surprised its still standing. The windows were in no better condition; they were either shattered or so dusty you couldn’t see in. This house was the eldest on the block and the creepiest – no one dared to enter it.

“Stop stalling Aiden! Go already!” Ben yelled this time.

“Fuck off” I muttered and reached for the handle of the house. The door creaked opened slowly with out any force. I took one look back at my friends again to see they were all standing up this time instead of crouched behind the bushes. Then I saw Tara start to cover her mouth and point to the house, I thought she was trying to scare me but I thought wrong when I was grabbed harshly around the wrist and pulled into the house. I could hear my friends scrambling away, some screaming; I screamed too and started to hit the person who grabbed me but I was just hitting thin air. I stopped and tried to look around but could not see anything so I pulled out a match from my pocket.

One strike.
Two strike.

“Boo” someone said as it lit up and I dropped the match to the ground, the orange flame going out in an instant. My heart was racing by now as I backed up trying to find the door but my luck was running short tonight as I bumped something other than a door. I felt my hands up the figure and gulped. My hands were roaming over a person. I slowly backed up and made a run for it up the stairs. I searched frantically for somewhere to hide. I found what looked like a bedroom in the dim lighting and I hid under the canopy bed. I heard a door open and close to a room that was close to where I was and I bit on my fist to muffle my breathing. It went silent before I heard a chuckle that sounded like it was right behind me but that was impossible the door didn’t even open. Just to make sure I looked behind me to the other side of the bed – no one. I sighed in relief and I put my forehead against the dirty floor boards and sighed quietly. I heard the laugh again and I was getting ready to run putting my hands on the ground like I was going to do push ups and I looked all around the room in front of me- no one. I swallowed hard and slowly looked to the other side of the bed to see feet. I quickly scrambled to get up but I was being dragged backwards by my ankles. The sound of my nails scraping the floor and my screams filled the room.

“Shh it’s all right” the person whispered in a sweet tone that sent shivers down my spine. He pulled me to my feet and led me over to the bed. With the little light coming into the dirty window I could see he was tall maybe 6 foot or more, skinny with spiky hair , what looked to be gray or blue eyes and a labret piercing. His hand gently rubbed my cheek making goose bumps appear on my skin from his cool touch. He bent down to my level on the bed and leaned in kissing my neck. His lips were so soft and it felt so good against me. I closed my eyes and leaned into him making him apply more pressure. I had no clue what was coming over me one second I was scared for my life because of him but now I'm wanting him- badly. He pulled away from me making me look up at his tall figure, he snapped his fingers and in an instant there was faint lights filling the room-not just any lights but candle lights. It was like he was a magician or something because they appeared out of thin air. I shook the thought from my head and decided to take a better look at the stranger in front of me.

He was wearing jeans with two belts and a purple shirt. He had lots of tattoos on his arms and he had dog tags hanging around his neck. To sum him all up in one word he was hot. After one final look over of his body I looked up to meet his gaze and we held it for what seemed like eternity. I slowly stood up and made my way to him . My hands began to roam his fully clothed body as we still had eye contact. I could now see he had blue eyes that were captivating. I broke our intense stare and began to pull his shirt over his head and was pleased to see he had even more tattoos that covered his body. I scanned them quickly before kissing up his “Fiction” tattoo. As I made it up to his neck I began to suck on it earning a small growl to erupt from his throat. I stepped back a little scared as if i had done something wrong but was pulled back into his bare chest. I felt his fingers trail down my back slowly to the hem of my shirt and then it being slowly pulled over my head leaving me in my pants and bra. I looked up to his face and saw he was smirking as he looked over my body, I matched his smirk and stood on my tippy toes and kissed the smirk off his face. His hand found my ass and lifted me up and took us over to the bed making me squeal into the kiss as i made contact with the springy mattress. Soon enough our clothing was all thrown across the room leaving us naked in the dim lighted room. Heavy breathing, moans and small screams could be heard all throughout the room .

We laid in silence just staring at each other with small smiles across our faces. His fingers traces patterns on my hips which were comforting. I moved my hand to touch his face and he closed his baby blue eyes leaning into my touch.

"What is your name?" I whispered still caressing his face. His eyes opened and stared directly into mine.

"James" was his soft reply but it had sent tingles down my spine. James lent in for another kiss which was slow but yet passionate. I was so lost in the moment but before I knew it I hear sirens in the distance breaking the comfort and peace I felt.

"Get dressed" James commanded politely and I did as i was told. Just as I slipped my shirt on over my head I heard voices coming down the hall. As i turned around James was gone from sight and the door slammed open and flashlights were being shined on me.

"We have a visual on the girl. She is alone She appears to be alright. Search the rest of the house" an officer said into his wallkie talkie.

"Miss we need you to come with us. Is the suspect still in the house?" He asked as he gently led me out of the house. I was confused who were they talking about. I shook my head at the officer. Ten minutes later the officers came out empty handed.

"Aiden!" a female voice shouted for me and then I was tackled into a hug. I faintly smiled it was Tara, Derek, and Ben.
"What happened are you okay?" I was getting questions left and right. i was confused.
Was this real? Did that all just happen or was it a figment of my imagination? Was i just so scared that I conjured up a man and wished I was there instead? I mean how could a man be there in one second and not the next? How could he have just disappeared?

"Miss we need your statement on what happened. Your friends claim you were going up on this porch to retrieve something and then a man grabbed you and brought you into the house. Is this true?" The officer had come back to interrogate me. I shook my head.

"No , no one had taken me " I replied. Was i sure of that? I mean sure at first but i felt so comfortable with him but did he even exist?

"Then how do they explain that you were pulled into the house?" The officer questioned. Should i tell them what happened? What do i say? Before i could answer i heard another voice in my head.

<i>"It was real and I am real Aiden"</i> the voice echoed i my head. I shook my head once again and thought of a quick lie.

"The door creaked open and i got scared tripped and fell into the house. By that time they ran away screaming and i couldn't tell them everything was fine." I stated hesitantly. The cop just looked at me and shook his head.

"Alright boys pack it up" The officer shouted. "And kids dont be pranking 911 again." He commented and walked away. My friends stared at me in disbelief.

"But we saw-" Derek started but i raised my hand.

" You didnt see anything" i simply said and walked away. I had a huge smile on my face and one name on my mind- James.

<i>"We will meet again"<i> James voice rang in my head again
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So i wrote this a long long time ago but forgot to post it ...
This is for Aiden (FakeRedHead)