Burning Revenge


My eyes were closed , as my brain hammered to life. My head was pounding, like a nail being hammered into my skull and bent sideways and swished around. Sweat slipping down my forehead. I try and calm my brain and stay still for a couple minutes until it subsides.

I open my eyes and find that the room was lit by nothing but candles. The bed I was on was fluffy purple with a black canopy draping over it. The room looked like it was all wooden with carpet that was like a coffee brown.

"Hello?" I called from the bed pulling away the covers to stand next to the bed.

From the other side of the room, my kidnapper with blue eyes walked in closing and locking the door behind me.
"Hello Sharron." he said and I backed against the wall hopeing it would support my shakeing knees.

He continues to speak " As of right now you are in the slave quarters of my home. You will address me as 'master' and nothing else, understood?"

"Go to hell." I spit the words out the words wit venom hoping deep down when he dies, there is a hell just for people like him. " There is no way I will ever call you master, scumbag maybe."

At the last statement that came out of my mouth, the took long and powerful strides toward me. Then he lifts up my hand forces my hand open with ease, and places a kiss on my palm.

"You have no idea how close to hell you really are you silly girl." he smiled showing me his teeth. He had an amazing smile but there was something about it that scared the hell out of me, his threat didn't scare me but his smile did.

"If you do not obey me, I'll have to kill you, it's as simple as that my dear. No one is coming to save you, not even the little pawn that Alexion has placed to protect you. You belong to me now, I am your master and you will do as I say."

I weighed his words and there was no hint of lying, if I wanted to get out of here alive I'd have to suck up my pride and play the part of his little slave....for now...
" I understand."

"Good girl now what are you going to call me?" his eyes still held mine and his hand still in mine.

"Master" I spit out the word. His eyes turned light green at that moment.

He let go of my hand backed away from me and went to the closet beside the bed and , pulled out the sluttiest thing I have ever seen in my life...

" This is your uniform." he announced.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

as soon as I said this he threw the dress on the bed, came very close to me put his hands on my neck and squeezed his hand!

"What did I just say not even two minutes ago?" he loosened his grip so he could hear my anserw.

"That I have to obey, so you won't kill me." I say as I suck in air.

He released his grip and I fell hitting my head on the edge of a nigh-stand, sucking in breath i try to fight to stay awake. I failed and the blackness surrounded me and I head the scum-bag laughing at me.
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comments? I know there are grammar issues already