The mystery unsolved


"Whats the matter you look like you've encountered a ghost" says Jeremy with a smirk. "I was under the impression you were no longer amongst us in this world of earth i shout". "We'll participate in story time later says Jeremy, now lets departure from this barrier". Jeremy was and always will be the eyes on the back of my head. We have gone through so much and life can vouch for me when i say that I shall not let him disappear twice. The blessed feeling of a partner to share your battles with can not be expressed by words, only through action. My first step towards freedom was halted by the immense pain under my shirt. I flipped my shirt to examine the misery. A dagger was pierced through my intestines. I thank that it has penetrated the left side of my body for if it were my right, worse danger can have creep up due to my liver existing there. I scan the eyes of Jeremy as they fill with alarmed questions. "That wound is life threatening. How did this come to be? You can not walk in this state." He grasps the end of the shank and maneuver his forearms towards his body as if to relieve me from the disturbance. "Mount my back, we will break out together." I do as he says. I take a glance back to visualize the dagger and realize it was not a weapon but a blade from the kitchen. It seemed a war has nested right in this very town and somehow I feel as if I'm to blame. The ally had came to my rescue I noticed the uniforms they were sporting are from Pin Point. This is where I call home now. This is a base not known to outsiders. We are the ones that keep life running with out the people that we swear to protect ever detecting our existence. Like magical fairy fell from the skies we destroy the controlled and operating forces that bind us to poles and take away our freedom. As we break away the blood loss I've endured batted down my eyes. I can still detect the sounds around me but they seemed far,and farther they got until the only sound detected was my thoughts.