Life's Too Short For So Much Sorrow

Ex Best Friends

I never thought that it would take such a toll on me, but I guess there’s a first thing for everything. We were sisters, we knew every single detail about each other’s lives; we were so close, so why did it end like this?

One New Message.
Raymon: Why are you being so mean to her?
Ellie: How am I being mean? I’m not even talking to her right now.
Raymon: Then why are you ignoring me? I thought we were friends. I guess not.
Ellie: We are… it’s just that I don’t want to get close to anyone anymore. We’re all going to go to different school next year and I don’t want to be that girl that no one knows what happened to.
Raymon: Sorry, but this user has went offline.

It’s been a hard day at school; everyone now knows me as the girl who got punched in the face, ditched, and cried on the school field trip. I see everyone looking at me. “Is that her?” I hear someone say. “Well, she deserves it,” I hear another say. Just heading to class is a struggle. My friends say to ignore it, but how can I? Everyone is saying things; rumors are flying, lies are being told. Everyone around me has heard about me. I just can’t shake it; it’s not a little thing, at least not to me.
Sitting all alone at lunch, I realize that no one cares. No one cares about my side of the story; just Shelley’s. Looking over, I see Raymon, Shelley, Mayson, and Maryjane; all friends that I thought I could count on, but I guess not. Sitting here, I realize that I didn’t know them as well as I thought; I didn’t know myself as well as I thought. We’re all wearing masks to hide our true self, trying to make ourselves someone who we clearly aren’t. Trying to convince people we don’t like, and the only thing I see in them is trying to get attention from people they don’t know.
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the assignment is to write about something personal that occurs in your life and i chose ex best friends and stuff and idk what else to write i wanna try and finish it soon but idk... please help