Baby, I'm a Million.

Monday, Monday.

Monday morning I woke up early because Jackson was crying, I didn't want mom to have to get up so I got up and gave him a bottle. When he was back asleep I got reay for school, my dad was sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of papers in front of him.

"Good morning dad." I say coldly and get a bowl of cereal, he barely look up over his glasses.

"Good morning Avery." I sat down and ate my breakfast in an awkward silence that was broken by knocking on the door and telling me that she was ready to go.

Nancy and I walked to school together, when we got to school the bell hadn't rang so every one was just hanging out. We found Ferris, Sloane, and Cameron sitting on the stairs in front of the school in deep conversation about Cameron's new Vans. I didn't know how to join in on a conversation about shoes so I didn't join in.

It wasn't until Nancy nudged me in the side that I realized some one had approached me and was talking to me, I looked up at this guy with nice hair. That's all I noticed about him at first, I think he was the same guy that tried to sell me weed.

"...Anyway, so you're the new chick huh? You're a really cutie! Where are you from?" He says, everyone looked at me waiting for an answer.

"I'm the new chick yeah, my name is Avery. I'm from Dallas, Texas."

He smiles, "I am John Bender!" He leaves after saying that.

"Well, that was strange." Sloane says with a giggle, ever since Friday night when we went to the movie she and Ferris had acted kind of weird around each other. I didn't really understand it because whenever I saw them before that they were totally happy.

"I'm not going to class anyway." Ferris says, Nancy declared she wasn't either.

"You want to come with us?" Nancy asked me, I barely gave it a second thought before agreeing.