Baby, I'm a Million.

You Move Me.

I walked to lunch with Ferris, Nancy, Sloane, and Cameron. Sloane was busy filling Nancy in on all the things she needed to know about other people. Ferris walked beside me. Every now and then he would brush his hand against mine. I’m sure he expected me to grab it, but I just wasn’t sure if Ferris and I were gonna work. Since Nancy’s accident he’s been talking to Sloane a lot more. Cameron kept saying that he was just trying to get back at me for talking to Bender so much, which I suppose made total sense.

“Hey, can you tell me about that guy?” Nancy asked Sloane about Brian Johnson. I had a couple of classes with him, but we never really talked. He seemed pretty sweet to me. I think I heard Bender talk about him once.

“Oh,” Sloane finally seemed at loss for words, “he’s just…Well, he’s just a brain!”

Nancy still looked at him curiously, “He seems lonely.”

I nod in agreement. The others just shrugged.

“Can we sit with him?” Nancy asked.

“I don’t really want to,” Sloane says just as I notice that Claire is motioning for her to sit at her table. Ferris and Cameron both say that they would feel awkward.

“I want to sit with him,” Nancy says sounding more determined than I’ve ever heard her sound about anything. “Will you come with me, Avery?”

I look to Cameron and Ferris who both just shrug. I sigh and tell her yes. We get our food, and as we make our way to Brian’s table he stands up.

“Don’t get up,” Nancy tells him, “we’re coming to sit with you.”

“You d-d-don’t have to d-do that,” he stammers.

“We want to,” she insists, and then introduces herself. He looks to me desperately as if I was going to stop her.

I smile and hold out my hand, “I’m Avery.”

He shakes my hand with a look of defeat, “I’m Brian, also known as ‘The Brain’.”