Such A Tragedy

Such A Tragedy

She looks so pretty when she's bleeding. The poor girl.

Didn't know what she was messing with. Who she was messing with.

She wanted to get rid or me but I rid of her before that happened.

And now here she is.

Chained to the wall, in my basement. Lifeless. Her pale drained body glowing with the little light that shines down here.

Such a shame.

Such a tragedy.

When things go wrong.

And turn on you.

It was supposed to be me

She was so young. So clueless

She had her life ahead of her.

I already threw mine away.

Oh well

No turning back now.

She's already dead. Not much I can do about it now.

I didn't want to kill her. Just make her suffer. But what's done is done

Its like old love.

You can't bring it back once its buried behind all the years and lies

But this wasn't love. It was lust. I lusted for her frail body.

She lusted for my touch

She got what she wanted and a lot more then she deserved.

My touch was one of death

Girls would die for it

I touched her, she backed away, Like she was afraid.

Like she knew

That wasn't happening.

She couldn't even blink before I tore her close off and was beating my self in her senseless

After the rape is when she got obsessed

She wanted me gone

I took her childhood so she wanted to take my life

Fair? She thought so

Me not so much. That's why she's gone

No body even came looking for her

And no body would suspect me

An innocent 19 year old singer in a famous band, that's wore make up and girl pants

Who in there right mind would point there finger in my direction and say

"It was him. Sonny Moore!"

No one that's who

And that's why this is the perfect crime to end her perfect life
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Because i couldnt update the other one