Status: Updated whenever I feel like it,

His Girl Friday


"What do you want, Assgarth?" I asked into the phone. It seemed like I could never just get some peace and quiet when it came to him. Even when I was in the solitude of my own home, he found ways to bother me.

"I think you know what I want." He chuckled from the other side of the line.

"Alex," I sighed, "It's a Thursday. My parents are home on Thursdays, we've gone over this. We even made a schedule so you would remember."

"YOU were the one who made a damn schedule." He whined, "I have needs. Sexual needs. Sexxxxxual Neeeeeeds! Unfortunately you're the only one who can fulfill them at the moment."

His voice began to slur which made me laugh, "Alex, you're drunkā€¦ on a school night."

"I get horny when I'm drunk, damn it!" He shouted into his phone which made me pull it away from my ear, "Please, have sex with me!"

"I didn't take you for a beggar." I chuckled as I flipped the page of my magazine, "Look Gaskarth, I'm always up for a good fucking, but I am busy right now, okay?"

"You know, I thought you would be less of a bitch when I was drunk... but nooooo!" He said, sounding extremely annoyed.

"You only think I am a bitch because you're not getting your way for once!" I shouted, "Don't call me back after I hang up."

"Like I would want-" His voice was cut off as I hit the End Call button on my iPhone. In that moment I wanted to desperately throw my phone at my wall and watch it break into a hundred little pieces. How could one person infuriate me so much? No one else bothered me as much as he did.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

"Sup, slut!" Alex smirked as he sat across from me in third period the next day. I was surprised he didn't appear to be the slightest bit hammered after our last conversation on the phone. I was actually a little impressed and slightly jealous that I couldn't bounce back that fast myself.

"What do you want, Alex?" I groaned, "You're not even in this class."

"I wanted to tell you..." He paused for dramatic effect, "I got a new girlfriend today."

"So?" I rolled my eyes, "You get a new one every week."

"Well, this one is different." He smiled to himself smugly.

"So does this mean you want to cut off, you know?" I asked curiously, secretly hoping he didn't. I would definitely miss no-strings-attached sex even if it was with someone as cringe-worthy as Alex Gaskarth.

"Oh, God no, Audrey." He shook his head, "I was just letting you know that I would probably have to cut back on as many times as we," He paused and looked around the room to make sure no one was listening in before he spoke in a quieter tone, "do that thing."

"Sure, whatever." I shrugged as I opened my notebook, "Now get out of here before people actually start thinking that we're friends."

"Sure thing whore." He smirked as he stood up.

"Jackass!" I retorted shooting a bird in his direction. He just ignored it as he left, waving to our mutual close friend Jack as he entered the room.

"AUDREY!" He shouted before running over to sit in my lap.

"Jack-O!" I giggled before messing with his hair.

"I have a question." He stated as he nuzzled his head into my neck.

"Shoot Jackers." I said as I began to braid the blond strand I had dyed a few weeks prior. I was damn good when it came to coloring hair.

He looked up and smiled a little before just sitting there and looking straight into my eyes. It was moments like these that made me feel most uncomfortable. When someone was looking straight into me, like they were searching for something. I never felt this way when I was getting naked for sex. Maybe I was just weird- or slutty, I don't know.

"What is it Jack?" I asked as I shifted his bony body to make myself more comfortable.

He bit his lip a little and sighed, "Will you be my date tonight?"

I could physically feel my jaw drop and my eyes widen immediately after he asked those six words. I had never thought of Jack as anything other than a friend, who happened to be best friends with my enemy who I happened to sleep with on pretty much a daily basis. Things we're pretty complicated in my life, no doubt.

"I promised Alex I would double with him tonight," Jack hurried to explain, "And you we're the first person I thought of. I know you hate Alex, but will you do it for me please?"

I sighed, "Of course Jack, because I love you."

"Thanks Aud!" He squealed and pecked my cheek, "You're the best."

"I know." I smirked, "Now get your bony butt off of me, you're starting to hurt my legs."

"Please, you love this bony butt." He slapped it as he stood up, right as the teacher walked in.

"Mr. Barakat, please refrain from striking your buttocks in a lady's face. You wouldn't want another detention added to your record.

"No ma'am." he sighed before taking the seat that Alex had previously sat in. The rest of class he was unnaturally quiet, which stuck me as odd, especially when Jack didn't even try to copy off of me while we did book work. Eventually, the bell rang and it was time to leave.

"Can I walk you to class?" He asked shyly as we both stood up.

"Uh, I guess if you want." I smiled when he picked up my books.

"Cool." He muttered, "So what is your next class, anyway?"

"Physics." I sighed, "The worst class of the day. I have like, no friends in there"

"Is Rian in your class?" He asked curiously as we left the classroom.

"Dawson?" I wrinkled my nose in confusion, "Yeah, why?"

Jack merely shrugged, "He's a cool guy, you should get to know him."

"Yeah, okay Jack." I smirked as we got close to the room, "This is my stop, I'll see you later?"

Jack totally disregarded what I said and walked into the room, "Aye! Yo Dawson!" He shouted to Rian who had just sat down at his seat.

"Sup Bro?" He asked as he stood up to join the lanky boy standing next to me.

"This is my homegirl, Audrey. You should be her new best friend." Jack said nonchalantly.

At this, both Rian and I began to laugh. Jack was always one to say ridiculous things, and this was definitely one of those times.

"What's so funny?" Jack asked looking back and fourth inbetween us, obviously confused.

"It's just so typical of something you would say." Rian chuckled.

I nodded and placed a hand on his arm, "It really is Jack."

"What's so bad about saying you two should be best friends?" Jack asked defensively crossing his arms around his chest.

"Go to class, Jack." Rian said, shaking his head.

"Fine, I will!" He whined, "I'll see you later Audrey." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I felt my face turn red and I looked at Rian who was still standing there with a slight smile on his face.

"So, uh, do you want to sit with me?" He asked awkwardly, probably trying to break the acquaintance barrier that was still evidently between us.

"Sure, I was getting a little annoyed sitting by Jamie." I nodded towards the petite bleach-blonde who was too busy applying another coat of bronzer to her already orange face to notice.

Rian laughed, "Yeah, and Phillip likes her so I don't think he'll mind switching."

I made a gagging noise as I put my stuff down at the place next to Rian, "How could anyone like someone who is that fake?"

Rian shrugged, "You'd be surprised. Hey, so are you and Jack.. you know?"

I wrinkled my brow, "A couple? No, we're just really good friends, why? Did he say something?"

"Well, he'd kill me if he found out I was saying anything, but yeah he does. A lot. He never fucking shuts up about you. It drives me, Alex and Zack crazy. No offense or anything. It's nothing against you, it's just he won't talk about anything else sometimes."

"Okay, I get it Rian." I sighed looking down at my hands, "I had no idea. I guess that's why he asked me to be his date for tonight."

"So how do you feel about him? Rian asked as Mr. Parker passed us each a lab worksheet.

The first thing that flickered in my mind was Alex. I don't know why he did, but I knew that if I dated Jack, I couldn't bear to hurt him by still having sex with Alex. But I was also not about to give my no-strings-attached sex. "I don't know, I mean I like him I guess, but I have a lot going on right now that complicates things."

"Like you having sex with Alex?" He whispered.

"How'd you know about that?" I hissed.

He shrugged, "Alex says a lot when he's drunk. He's a very honest drunk. Don't worry though, I was the only one there when he said it... This time."

"Well, since the cat is out of the bag I might as well be honest. I don't want to hurt Jack by sleeping with his best friend." I bit my lip and looked up at Rian.

"Then don't sleep with his best friend, don't you two hate each other anyway?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, we do. But it isn't that simple, we both have this unnatural need for sex."

Rian shrugged as he punched in a few numbers in the calculator, "I guess that poses a problem then. I just think you should give Jack a chance."

"Maybe I will." I sighed, "I'll have to think about it though. Thanks for the insight, Ri."

"Anytime." He grinned showing his bright smile, "Glad to be of service."

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

The doorbell rang exactly at 7 o'clock. Jack was usually late to everything so this surprised me. Before going to the door, I quickly checked my curled, blonde hair and reapplied my lip gloss.

"You're on time." I smiled at Jack as I opened the door. He was wearing a white button down shirt which obviously had a Blink-182 band shirt underneath it and a pair of nicer black skinny jeans. His hair was purposely unkempt per usual and he was wearing a pair of black Nike dunks. He looked hot.

"For once in my life." He chuckled, "You look pretty."

I glanced down at my white dress and brown blazer that I had paired with one of my pairs of leather oxfords. I had decided to accessorize with a gold bracelet and matching ring to keep things simple. "Thanks." I blushed as a car horn honked behind us.

"Hurry the fuck up losers!" Alex shouted from the driver's seat, "I have to go pick up my sexy date too!"

"Fuck off you fucker!" Jack shouted back, "Are you ready to go?" He asked as he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers. His hand was a little sweaty, but I didn't mind it too much since it was Jack after all.

"Yeah." I smiled and bit my lip. We quickly walked to the car as Alex repeatedly honked the horn until we climbed into the backseat that I knew far too well. "So who is the poor girl who actually said yes to you, Alex?" I taunted.

I could see Alex roll his eyes in the rear view mirror as we turned onto the next street over from mine, "Well," He said as we pulled into a driveway, "She happens to be one of your best friends."

My jaw dropped for the second time that day as Lisa came sauntering out of her house and towards the car. "Hey Baby." She smiled as she sat down in the passenger's seat and quickly frenched Alex.

"Hi." Alex blushed.

"Lisa!" My voice cracked as I stared at the small girl in the seat in front of me.

"Oh, Audrey. Um, what are you doing here?" Her face turned bright red as she looked at me in shock.

"I'm the girl Jack asked to double." I replied still freaked out by what I just witnessed, "Were you just going to not tell me you started dating this jackass?"

"I wanted to wait..." She said hesitantly.

"Wait for what exactly?" I asked.

"Because... I thought- well... I don't know." She shook her head and blushed, "I'm sorry, Audrey."

"It's alright."I forced a smile, "You can't help it that you have bad taste in guys."

"Hey!" Alex said defensively, "I am a great catch, really."

I rolled my eyes, "If you were the only fish in the sea you still wouldn't be a catch."

"Shut up Jack!" Alex shouted at the boy next to me who had started laughing at my comment.

"It was funny, Lex. Chill out." He smirked once he had regained composure.

"Whatever." Alex rolled his eyes, "We're here anyway." He pulled up to a nice looking hibachi resturant that I couldn't even pronounce the name of. I had no idea how the guys were about to pay for this and a movie considering only Jack had a job, and he only got paid minimum wage.

"Welcome!" A waitress greeted us as we walked in. I felt Jack's hand quickly slip into my own and I smiled as she led us to our table. A few minutes later a man came up to our table and started cooking.

"I want to catch the egg in my mouth!" Alex shouted at the man, "Throw the egg in my mouth!"

"Alex, please..." Lisa whispered and tightened her grip on his arm.

"I want one too!" Jack called out.

The waiter smirked and got the egg ready for them to catch, "Ready?" He asked Jack who nodded fervently. Jack caught the egg in his mouth immediately and smirked at Alex who was still waiting for his turn. The man then proceeded to throw a piece at Alex which he missed and nearly toppled over on top of me.

"Don't touch me you prick!" I screeched as I moved out of the way.

"Good one." He laughed.

"Wait, I don't get it." Lisa spoke up for the first time all night. She had been oddly quiet which was weird. I had seen her on other dates and she usually talked their ears off. I guess that she was really nervous around Alex. That, or their relationship was mostly physical.

"Me either." Jack wrinkled his nose as he nodded in agreement.

My heart froze at Alex's slip up, "Yeah, what do you mean Alex?" I played along.

"I, uh.. I mean, nobody can resist this body!" He said quickly and nodded his head.

"Sure they can't." Jack chuckled and rolled his eyes.

The rest of dinner went rather smoothly despite spending so much time with Alex. He was almost tolerable tonight, though I wouldn't say he was a good match for Lisa, especially with how much of a cheater he was... Granted, I wasn't perfect for Jack either if we were going by that standard.

"What movie are we seeing?" Lisa asked quickly grabbing Alex's hand as we left the resturant.

He shrugged and raised his eyebrows at my best friend, "Are we really going to be watching the movie, Lis?"

She giggled and I knew that it meant no. I turned to Jack and smirked, "Well, WE'RE watching the movie so you better pick."

Jack's head fell slightly before he met my gaze and smiled, "Then we're going to see... THE LION KING IN 3D."

"Fuck! Lisa, I think we may be watching the movie." Alex sighed, "The Lion King is badass."

I could hear Lisa groan from beside Alex. She definitely wanted some action, the slutty bitch. I chuckled at my tiny friend as she tried to convince Alex not to watch the movie again as we walked across the parking lot to the movie theater in the same shopping center.

"Two for the Lion King." Jack said smiling.

"You don't have to pay for me, Jack." I smiled.

"Please, you're my date Audrey." He scoffed as he pulled out his wallet and grabbed at the bills inside to hand to the cashier.

"Only as a favor!" I said stubbornly, still trying to pay for my own ticket.

"Well I'd look like a douchebag if I didn't pay Aud. It's all about the rep you see." He smiled as he put his arm around me as we walked into the theater without Alex and Lisa.

"Where are the other two?" I asked curiously looking around for them.

"Who cares?" He smirked as we walked to our seats.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

To be completely honest, this was one of the best dates I had been on in a while. I realized this as we pulled into my driveway. As I got out of the car and walked towards my door I heard someone walking behind me. I turned around and saw Jack smiling at me. "I thought I would walk you to your door." He smirked as Alex's car drove off.

"Why did Alex just leave you here?" I questioned as I looked at him. I may have liked Jack, but I wasn't about to have sex with him just because we had a good date. I may have been slightly slutty, but I wasn't that slutty.

Jack shrugged, "He's going to pick me up in a few minutes after he drops off Lisa... Anyway, I just wanted to say that I had a really good time tonight."

"Me too." I blushed as his hands brushed against mine. Before I could do anything else, his hands reached to my neck and pulled me in for a soft kiss. He pulled away and looked at me questionably.

"Why'd you do that, Jack?" My voice was barely audible.

"Because I like you Audrey, I like you a lot." He whispered as if it was a secret only I was supposed to know.

"I like you too." I bit my lip and smiled at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend then?" He asked a bit childishly which made it all that more adorable.

"Yes I will, Jack." I smiled and pulled him closer for another kiss, "Of course I will."
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter done and done. The drama is to come soon. How soon, I don't really know. It all depends.

Please comment and subscribe! It's one in the morning here so I should probably get some sleep now. Anyway, goodnight everyone!

- Sommer x