Status: Mehhhhh British peeps hit me uppp~~ ;D I still need lots of help with disss!!

The Limey and the Yank!


Tobias tapped his foot impatiently as he waited in the airport, a board with the name ‘Mary Cabral’ written clearly and all in capitals. If he had to wait another ten minutes for her then he’d take his leave, deciding that being late to school on account of an American exchange student wasn’t worth it. If she were anything but American, then maybe…

“Hey, I found you! Yippee!!” a female voice called out loudly above the others.

Tobias automatically rolled his eyes, knowing that this was unfortunately who he was waiting for. He had taken in many exchange students from all around the world, but he disliked Americans the most. Tobias looked around, eyeing every blue-eyed, blond haired person in the airport, waiting for one of them to walk up to him. But none did. Instead they went off happily with other people into the cold, London weather.

Suddenly, someone from behind him slapped his shoulders while screaming “BOO!!” loudly into his ear.

Tobias jumped in surprise, the snickering laughter getting louder behind him. He turned around towards the owner of the flamboyant laugh to find a tanned, scrummy girly with long dark brown hair and huge black eyes smiling eagerly at him.

“Hahahaha!! I totally freaked you out!!” she laughed at him loudly.

“No, and that was quite rude! I should think that your parents have taught you better, you ankle snapper!” Tobias hissed at the seemingly young girl angrily.

“Whoa, chillax, dude!” the girl defended herself. “I was just kiddin’, ya know?”

“Just kidding?” he asked her curiously, not knowing what she meant.

“Yeah. Ya know, like… Um…makin’ fun of you?” she shrugged.

“Oh!” Tobias nodded his head in understanding. “You were just taking the piss out of me?”

The girl raised her brows at him, shocked at what he had just said. “No, and I don’t wanna take the piss outta you, bro… The bathrooms gotta be ‘round here somewhere…” she commented while she looked around.

Tobias gave her a blank stare, finally realizing that this brown girl was the American he was looking for. “Pardon me, miss, but are you Mary Cabral?” he asked, dread in his voice.

“Yepp!” she answered eagerly, turning her attention back towards him.

Tobias slapped his forehead in utter defeat and annoyance. How is it that he was always stuck with the ridiculously loud Americans? But something struck him as odd about this girl. “How is it that you are American but you look like a Mexican, if you do not mind my asking?”

“Huh?” Mary cutely cocked her head to the side at his question. “Well, because I am Mexican, silly! But my friends say I’m really white-washed.” She added loudly. “I’ve never set foot in Mexico, but I went on a cruise there once. You find a lot of people like me, though. Especially in California where I’m from.” She blathered on and on about her race and country.

“Okay, okay, forget I ever asked!” Tobias shushed her, annoyed by the girl and her American slang already. “Now let’s go before we’re late to class. Why aren’t you in your uniform?”

“What?! We’re goin to school?!” she asked me wide-eyed.

“Of course! Did you think I would skip on the likes of you? Aren’t you here to learn anyways?” he scolded her.

“Well, sure… When you say it that way…” she turned away from him, embarrassingly. “Then I have to change!” she blurted out confidently. “Do we have enough time?!”

Tobias’ felt his face redden at the thought of her changing as heads turned their way due to her loud proclamation. “No, there is not enough time. Unless you plan to change in the taxi.”

“Fine! Challenge accepted!” she declared, grabbing hold of one of her bags and handing him the rest. “Let’s go, dude!!” she exclaimed as she rushed out of the airport.

“Bloody hell, I hate Americans.” Tobias growled, following behind her. “Wait! Mary, wait!!” he chased after her, running into the crowd outside only to run straight into the girl. “Bloody hell, you twit! Where are you going?” he scolded her again, knowing that he’d be doing a lot of that as long as she’s around.

“Well, I don’t know. What’s why I came back for you.” She grinned at him happily.

Tobias groaned as heads turned their way. “Would it be too much trouble to shut your gob? You’re really loud!” he scolded her once more.

“Oh!” Mary looked surprised as she wrapped a hand around her lips. “I’m sorry!”

Tobias shook his head at her. “It’s quite alright, it being your first day and all, but please try to be a little quieter, okay?”

Mary nodded her head enthusiastically.

“Okay, good. Now we’re just going to wait over in front of the zebra crossing for-”

“There’s zebras?!” she cried out in glee, automatically breaking her silence. Tobias rolled his eyes, not expecting much out of the American anyways…
♠ ♠ ♠
Peace!~ :D