Status: Mehhhhh British peeps hit me uppp~~ ;D I still need lots of help with disss!!

The Limey and the Yank!

Cursed Names!

“Don’t change in here!” Tobias hissed as Mary attempted to pull off her jeans causing the taxi driver to swerve a little.

“What?! Why not?!” Mary asked, not fazed by the swerve in the least while Tobias almost had a heart attack.

Tobias recovered his wits as he snapped his head back to her. “You can change at the school! This is no place for a lady to change!”

Mary automatically smiled at him for some weird reason. “You called me a lady. No one has ever called me that before.” She revealed, sitting back correctly in her seat.

Tobias glanced at her sideways in uncertainty. No one had called her a lady before? How come that slightly worried him?

“Bro, I never got you name!!!” Mary suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence and making the driver swerve again.

The driver glared angrily at Tobias as the teenaged Brit suffered from a mini heart attack. “I thought I told you to shut your gob! Please! Just for as long as you are here?!”

Mary pretended to zip her lip and throw away the key as she nodded eagerly at him, determined to stay quiet this time.

Tobias rolled his eyes. “My name is Tobias Churchill and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He grumbled.

“Your name is Tobi?!” Mary asked, disbelief and fear in her voice.

“No. My name is Tobias, not Tobi. And what is wrong with that?” He asked irritated, crossing his arms at her.

“Bro, that name is cursed! Didn’t you know that?!” She hissed lowly.

“Cursed? What in hell are you talking about?!” Tobias questioned, her terrified expression making him more intrigued with the topic than he should have been.

Leaning in closer, Mary cupped a hand around his ear as she whispered-in a shaky, horrified voice, “Haven’t you watched Paranormal Activity 3?”

Tobias automatically slapped his forehead at her idiotic reasoning.
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I haven't watched that movie, yet. Lol.