Status: Mehhhhh British peeps hit me uppp~~ ;D I still need lots of help with disss!!

The Limey and the Yank!

Bombed it!

Mary snatched Mitch’s corrected math homework from his grasp. “You bombed this again?! I was helping you any everything!!” she squawked in disbelief.

“Bombed it? He didn’t bomb this, Mary. He cocked his homework up bad.” Tom pointed out bluntly as Mitch sighed in defeat.

“Cocked up?! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Mary asked flustered by their slang, her cheeks reddening.

“It means he didn’t bomb it.” Tobias frankly told her, making her seem dumb.

“But he did bomb it, Tobias!! Look, it says he didn’t get any right!!” Mary screeched, waving the paper full of crossing-outs in his face.

Tobias rudely pushed her away from him.

Not even fazed by the shove, Mary turned angrily back to Mitch. “Explain yourself young man!! How the hell did you bomb this?! I taught you so well!!”

“He didn’t bomb it, Mary. And how did you do, Miss?” Jack asked her, cheekily.

Happily lit up by the question, the girl dove into her beach bag, shoving things from side to side like a kid looking for treasure. “Look! Look!! I killed it!!” she exclaimed, waving her perfect paper in the air smugly for the boys to see.

Mitch gasped as he stole the paper from her grasp. “You bombed this, Mary!” He exclaimed. “Can I copy it?!”

Mary snatched the paper right back, pursing her lips at him. “No. I ain’t in your class.”

“Ain’t?” the boys asked her.

“Yeah. I ain’t in your class, dude.” She rolled her eyes at them. “The true question is why you didn’t kill this paper as well as I did, bro.”

“Killed it? How can one kill a homework assignment?” Oliver asked in a whisper.

“Like this, my dear!~” Mary sang happily, waving her paper in his face.

“B-b-but you bombed it…” he whispered, his face reddening.

“I didn’t bomb it!! Mitch did!!” she yelped, pointing at him.

“No I didn’t…” Mitch cried out desperately. “I cocked it up!”

“How can you knock up a paper?!” Mary questioned loudly, her cheeks reddening.

“Knock up?” the boys asked, truly confused now.

“Did you knock up your paper, Mitch?” Tom asked while Jack died of laughter in the back ground.

“I didn’t know you treated it as a person now.” Tobias snickered, finally laughing a bit.

“Wh-wh-what?!” Mary asked, the confused one now.

“Your slang makes no sense, Mary!!” Jack told her in between his laughter.

“My slang is the shit, bro… Your slang is dumb…” Mary mumbled angrily, crossing her arms and turning away from the boys.

Jack laughed some more as Tom patter her on the back soothingly. “Dish, you just called your slang a biggie!” he laughed in her face. “Our slang is fan-bloody-tastic! It’s the dog’s bollocks!”

“Dog’s bollocks..? What are those?” Mary asked in a whisper to Oliver.

Automatically beaming a bright red, he shook his head like a lion shaking meat off a carcass. “You don’t want to know…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol I confused my friends. X)