Status: Mehhhhh British peeps hit me uppp~~ ;D I still need lots of help with disss!!

The Limey and the Yank!


“Hey everyone! I’m home~!!!!” Mary sang out, slamming open the apartment door and setting her stuff inside.

Tobias shook his head at her. “Who are you talking to?” he asked as he walked around the American to get inside his apartment.

“Well, duh! Your parents, silly pants!” she answered, rushing inside the dark apartment room and looking for everyone. “Wh-where are they?”

“The school I wanted to go to was too far away from home, so my parents bought me this apartment. I house foreign students like you behind their backs so I could split the costs with them.” He bluntly explained as he walked to his room.

Not that Mary was completely listening, anyway. Instead, she ran into the dark living room and slid open the window, letting a flood of light pour in. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “Oh, it’s raining.” She stuck an arm out the window and let it get dampened in the drizzle.

Tobias raised a brow at her, leaning against his doorframe. His room was right next to the window, and her room was directly across the living room from his.

Mary gave him a sideways glance before smirking and flicking some of the raindrops on him.

“Why you little!” he barked, furiously wiping the water off his face.

Mary simply laughed. “You need a chill pill, bro. And let loose a little!” she winked before pivoting on her heels and walking into her room…
♠ ♠ ♠
No slang in this? Say whattt???