Status: Mehhhhh British peeps hit me uppp~~ ;D I still need lots of help with disss!!

The Limey and the Yank!

Opposite Things!

Tobias groaned, sagging in his suddenly super comfortable couch. But then again, most things at 3 in the morning are super comfortable when you’re knackered.

“Tobi..?” her equally weary yawn automatically made him grimace. She tiredly rubbed her sleepy eyes at the entrance of the kitchen, her cell phone dangling lightly in her dainty fingers. “What are you-?"

“No!” he barked grouchily, giving her a glare where she stood. “Go to your room and finish your unpacking! And do not come out until you are done!” he commanded her.

Mary gave him a questioning, but drowsy, look which Tobias furiously ignored by turning the other direction. Still pretty ticked off, he listened as Mary dragged her feet to her room.

“But Tobi-”

“Shut the damn door!” he snarled at her.

With a surprised yelp, she did as he commanded swiftly and obediently. There was a gap of complete silence, like how the night should sound, which Tobias gratefully accepted with a relieved heave of breath, but the annoying voice continued to butt it's way in.

“But Tobi…” she whispered through the door.

“Get. To. Work!” he hissed, irritated. There was a large bang from inside her room that startled him, but he quickly pushed it out of his mind and leaned back into his couch.

Staring at the ceiling, he waited once more for sleep to try and overcome him. All he wanted was sleep-and half and hour's rest from Mary. But the bang that came from her inside her room persisted to occupy his mind, keeping him awake for whatever reason. Flustered and frustrated, he gave up on sleeping and reached for his XBox controller. He hadn’t been on XBox Live for a while, seeing how Mary seemed to be addicted to her PS3, so having a chance to play his own games with his own friends sounded like a swell idea to the boy. That is, if the underlining drones of the TV didn’t lull him to sleep first…

“Eyyy! Tobias!”

Tobias jumped at the familiar voice and looked up at his screen. RedHead5000 had not only sent him a message, but began chatting with him.

“Tobias, you there?” the voice continued to call him.

Flabbergasted by his sudden chat, Tobias quickly searched for his headphones in the dark and plugged them into his controller, not wanting to miss a chance to talk to his friend again.

“C-Connor?” Tobias stuttered over the gleeful laughter on the other side of the microphone. Connor was an old friend whom he hadn’t seen for months. He just suddenly disappeared for whatever reason.

“You sound like hell! Why are you up so late if you’re tired? What happened?”

“American happened!” Tobias groaned, leaning his head on his hand. “And what of you? Why are you still up? And why aren’t you tired?”

“Huh? Oh, yea.” Tobias could hear the red head’s signature smile despite the miles and wires. “I got a job out in Canada. Makin’ maple syrup for 10 dollars and hour!”

“In Canada?!”

“Yeh. But nuff about that, mate! What about this American?”

Tobias groaned at that horrid topic being brought back up. “She doesn't shut up. Like, ever. Talks my ear off all fuckin' day! And last night! Bloody hell, last night…”

“Get in there!” Connor chuckled approvingly.

Tobias raised a brow, wondering what the approval was for. “Sorry. I don’t know what I’m being congratulated for…”

“Well, for bangin an American girl!” Connor answered with a matter-of-factly way. “I bet the boys back home are jealous of ya, aren’t they?” he chuckled again.

“B-bangin?!” Tobias stuttered loudly, obvious disgust in his tone. “Mate, I'd need to be wasted before I'd even think about getting with her!” he hissed through his teeth.

Connor continued to chortle at the younger boy, an essence of wisdom in his slight laughter. “She must’a been something to get you so riled up like that, mate. What’d she do to get so much out of ya?”

Tobias snorted at the silent suggestion of fondness in Connor’s statement. “She was up all night talking on her I Phone! Just got off a couple of minutes ago! And you know my flat, it’s tiny! The walls are paper thin! I couldn’t get a wink of sleep!” he whined, crossing his arms and slinking deeper in his seat.

The chuckle from Connor’s side was less than comforting to Tobias’s ears. “Oh, piss off…” he grumbled at his friend as he crossed his arms and set the controller down.

“Sorry, mate.” Connor apologized, sincerity in his voice. “Why did ya let her talk so late? Who was she talking to anyway?”

Tobias shrugged, turning away. “Probably her parents… Or her friends… I don’t know…” he muttered, avoiding the first question.

“Mm-hmm.” Connor answered, understanding why he let the American talk so late into the night. “There was no reason for her to talk to her family who haven’t seen her for a week-”

“Five days.” Tobias corrected glumly, knowing it wouldn't help his charity case.

“Five days, I apologize. But, that’s still no reason for them to call or worry at all.” Tobias could pick up hints of Connor’s smug smile through the microphone.

He sighed, silently murdering his friend for his sarcasm. “Whatever…” He grumbled, memories of her conversation from just moments ago still fresh and ringing in his mind… He was boiling when he marched out of his room, ready to tell her to hang up or go outside into the frigid night, but the sound of sadness and glum in her usually peppy voice made him stop in his tracks…

‘I do miss you guys… A lot… The kids are nice here, but nothing like at our school… … Sure I made some new friends. … Well, I hope they like me. … … Oh, Tobi?! He’s smart and… And… Well, he’s smart… … … I’m trying to be friends with him, John! It’s hard… … … …To befriend someone who hates your guts though they’ve only known you for a week… No matter how hard you try… Well, yeah he is kind of cu-’

The screech on the other side of the microphone brought Tobias back to reality. “Well, I gotta get off now, Tobias.”

Tobias shook the memory of last night from his head. “Right. Uh… Talk to you later then?”

“In a bit.” He could hear Connor smile. “Oh, and good luck with your American girlfriend, mate!” Connor mocked before sighing off.

“Yeah… Right…” Tobias huffed, sagging in his seat before realizing what Connor had said. “Hey, wait! She isn’t my girl…” But he gave up in trying to defend himself seeing how RedHead500 had already signed off.

He looked back at Mary’s door, wondering how she was doing. She had been quiet this whole time which was extremely unusual for her… He had a right to worry as much as anyone else, right? Getting up from the couch and walking to her room, he realized that the lights weren't even on.

“Damn lass wasn’t even unpacking this whole time!” he hissed under his breath, a headache beginning to pulse in the back of his head. He opened the door to her dark room, something falling at his feet with a loud thud. “Bloody HELL!?” he screeched, jumping away from the dark mass and running towards the light switch.

Light revealing what had attacked him, he growled in complete annoyance. “Mary?! What the bloody fuck are you doing-” he marched to her, only to realize she was…snoring. “She’s asleep. She slept on the door. Fan-BLOODY-tastic... Mary… Hey, Mary, get up…” he poked at her.

She sighed loudly, making Tobias jump 5 feet in the air, before turning her face to the side where he can see it. Tears rolled down her cheeks from her shut, drowsy eyes. “I’m sorry…” she muttered quietly.


“The ice cream melted...” she muttered again through her tears.

Tobias mentally slapped her, finally realizing that she was only sleep talking. And it was just so like an American to cry over melted ice cream, even in their dreams. With another annoyed complain and a grumble, he knew the only way to get her back to bed was to carry her there. Wrapping his arms under and around her so he held her up bridal-style, he gasped at how heavy she really was. She looked short and tiny, but it was like holding up a ton of bricks! It must be all muscle, but he hasn’t seen or heard her play any sort of sport…

Step after heavy step, he carried her back to her room. Suddenly, she grasped him tightly, sobs emanating from her lips… “I’m sorry… Tobi, I’m sorry… Don’t be a… Hater…”

Tobias looked at her in surprise. He didn’t quite know what a hater was, but it must be something bad if it’s making her cry like this… He set her down in bed and wiped the tears away, a sort of heavy feeling in his chest. “I… I’m sorry, too, Mary… I don’t…really dislike you…a lot…” he murmured awkwardly to her sleeping body before groaning about how ridiculous it was and leaving.


He quickly turned around. Mary sat up in her bed, confused and awake. “Mary?! Did you-”

“The light wasn’t working…” she cut him off, hugging her knees. “The light switch was up when I walked in, though… I think the light bulb is dead…”

“The light switch was…up?”

Mary nodded.

“Then you didn’t turn on the light, Mary.”

“Yes I did!” she defended herself. “Well, not really, I guess. But the light switch was already up when I walked in!”

“Up is off, Mary!”

“What?! Is it opposite day for the light bulbs?! That makes no sense!”

Tobias groaned, too exhausted to fight with her this time. “Shut the bloody fuck up and go to sleep, I’m too tired to argue. Especially with the likes of you.” He stated before turning off the light the living room and walking out.

“Wh-what?!” Mary called out, baffled by his sudden annoyance. “W-well… Goodnight then!”

Tobias ignored her, slamming his door loudly…
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope the English don't know what haters are... ... ...