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All I Wanted

When We Were Younger

"Are you ready for prom tomorrow night, Baby?" Alex smirked as he leaned back on Finley's closed locker. His excitement was evident as he pulled at his beanie that his girlfriend had given him for their one year anniversary earlier that month.

Finley giggled as she pushed up the sleeves of her boyfriend's over-sized red jacket, "Yes! I got my dress two weeks ago and I have been itching to wear it."

"And I've been itching to tear it off of you." Alex winked and pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her small waist.

"ALLLLLEX." She whined, "There are so many teachers around, we could both get detentions."

"Finleyyyyy!" He said back mockingly tightening his grip on the girl squirming around in his arms, "Just calm down, it's not that big a deal, school is almost over and teachers don't really care about PDA anymore." He leaned in and kissed her forehead, knowing if he went any further she would get more upset about it.

"Damn you two, get a fucking room." Jack rolled his eyes as he walked over and took his usual spot next to Alex.

"We can't." Alex pouted, "Coach C and Ms. Washburn took the last available closet."

Finley scowled, "And you are always all over Sophie at school, you fucking mauled her at lunch the other day, so you have no room to talk." Quickly she weaseled her way out of Alex's tight grip and smiled apologetically, "Sorry Babe, I have to get to math. I can't be late in there again or Mr. Phipps will blow a fuse. I'll see you tomorrow night." She smiled and pecked him on the lips as Jack made a gagging sound behind her before walking to her next class.


"In twenty minutes we will be on our way to the best night of our lives!" Kara squealed as she finished curling her hair in Finley's bathroom.

"IF the guys show up on time." Finley interjected tugging at her straight blonde hair that was refusing to cooperate with her.

"Quit being such a negative Nelly." Sophie glowered at her as she zipped up her dress.

"I'm sorry, but I know my boyfriend - as well as each of your boyfriends - pretty well and they're always fucking late!" Finley giggled and waved her hands around excitedly.

"Careful, you may rip your dress, if that is was you would call something that is barely there." Sophie smirked.

"Shut up, you're just jealous I found this dress before you did!" She played with the fabric of her purple dress which showed her whole backside. She had always had problems agreeing on a dress to wear, until she found this one and everything just clicked- she knew this was the dress for her.

"Touche." Sophie giggled.

"Zack's here!" Misty squealed as she sauntered into the room.

"Just Zack?" Sophie asked curiously examining her nail beds.

"Did you really expect the rest of them to be on time? At least my date is punctual." Misty winked and let out a soft giggle, "And I cannot believe that you guys aren't even ready yet! Get with it ladies!"

"I'm ready!" Finley said as she put the last bobby pin in her hair.

"Good because I think I hear the rest of them downstairs now." Kara said as she grabbed her purse, "Ready girls?"

Slowly, the four girls descended the stairs to join their respective dates. Finley was the last to make her way over to her date and she smiled as he held out a corsage.

"You look beautiful, Fin." Alex turned red as he fumbled with the lavender colored flower.

"You look handsome too, Lex." She bit her lip as she took the pin from her mother to put on his matching flower. Her hands shook from both nerves and excitement, and she got that weak feeling in her knees that happened every time Alex touched her.

"Ready?" He asked, taking her hand in his.

"Ready." She answered, squeezing his hand for reassurance. This was going to be a night to remember.


There was a loud bang as Finley hit the wall of the hotel room. Senior Prom was over and it was now officially the after party, if that is what you would call it.

"I've been waiting to do this all night." Alex said between kisses as he pressed closer to his girlfriend, their hips slowly grinding together.

"Me too." Finley gasped as he kissed a sensitive spot on her neck. Without letting go of each other, they made their way to the bed. Finley quickly slipped out of her heels as Alex threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her. He pulled off his shirt as she unzipped his pants and let them both drop to the floor. She let out a soft moan as he nibbled at her ear while he began to feel around for the zipper to her dress. Moments later, all of their clothes had disappeared and through the night they got hot and sweaty until they saw the sun rise on the east side.


"Morning Love." Alex yawned as he pulled Finley close and kissed her temple.

"Good morning." She smiled as he nuzzled his head in her neck.

"Fin, I have something to tell you." Alex swallowed hard. If it were up to him, he would stay where he was forever, but he knew that he had to set things straight before it was too late to fix things- the mistakes he had made.

"What is it?" She asked, sitting up straight as Alex positioned himself upright.

"Finley, I- I love you." He sputtered.

Finley sat there, taken aback for a minute before she regained composure. They had never actually verballized how they had felt about each other in the past year they had been dating and she was definitely surprised that Alex was the first to do so, "I love you too Alex." She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. When she pulled away she got concerned as she noticed the sadness and remorse that filled his eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Remember that party I went to last week?" Alex choked out.

"The one your band played at?" Finley asked trying to recall it.

Alex nodded his head, "That's the one. Well, the girl whose house it was at, her father is high up at a record label, and he signed us, Fin. He signed us to his label, Hopeless. We start touring right after school lets out." There was a glimmer of excitement in his eyes that mixed with all the other emotions she couldn't quite place.

"That's so wonderful Alex!" She squealed and hugged him tight. She tried to kiss him on the lips again but he moved his head so she missed his lips and kissed his cheek instead.

"Finley," He paused and grasped at her hands, "Finley, that's not all that happened that night."

Finley's stomach formed knots as she heard the strain in his voice. The last time she heard him this perplexed was when he had run over her dog who had ran out in front of his car, and he ended up alright anyways so it wasn't too big of a deal after all, "Lex, what happened?"

"Well, we all decided to celebrate by joining in with the party... and we all got really drunk, me in particular. It wasn't anything like my normal drunk, Finny. I was really drunk."

"Just get straight to the point Alex." She huffed placing her hand on his chest. He would have just kept on rambling unless she stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Finley. I'm so so sorry. Lisa knew what she was doing. I was just so out of it..." He choked, his eyes welling up.

"Sorry for wha-" She jumped up when she realized what he was saying, "Alex, how could you?"

He still refused to look at her, "I'm sorry, Finley. I never meant to hurt you."

"I should have known you would do this Alex!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. There was a sharp pain in her chest as her heart broke with every word. Alex loved her, yet he had made the decision to cheat on her- totally conscious or not.

"Finley, please. " He begged, his voice cracking.

"EVERYONE warned me, Alex. Even your best friends told me you would cheat on me, and what do you go and do? Exactly that! You're such a bad joke. A terrible, terrible joke." She sobbed, "How could you do this to me Alex?"

"I didn't mean to have sex with her, Finley! I didn't even know what I was doing!" He shouted, "I never wanted to hurt you... I love you."

"Really?" She said, grabbing her purse and throwing any contents that reminded her of Alex at his bare chest, "Because if you really didn't want to hurt me, you wouldn't have slept with her. You absolutely have ruined my first time, you know that? Alex, you said you love me! You sure have a terrible way of showing it."

"I DO love you!" He bellowed and pounded his fist on the end table next to the bed.

"You're such an arrogant little boy Alex! You were just thinking about the sex this whole time!" Finley's whole body shook as she made her way across the room, "I'm not a casual fuck, Alex! That's not how I operate!"

Alex shook his head and sat down on the bed, "Finley, can we try to fix this? I'm so sorry, I really am."

Finley's eyes narrowed as she opened the door to leave the hotel room, "Screw you Alex Gaskarth. Go to hell."


The rest of the week was a blur for both Alex and Finley. Alex spent most of it trying to get back on Finley's good side, and Finley spent most of it trying to avoid him as much as possible. The couple people never thought they would see break up had ended things and as much as Alex tried to pick up the pieces, there we're too many too broken or missing to completely fix things again.

"She's a bitch, Jack. A cold-hearted bitch." Alex groaned as he stood by his best friend at his locker.

"Just yesterday you we're begging her to take you back." Jack rolled his eyes as he twirled the hat in his hands.

"What did I even see in her, Jack?" Alex continued, choosing to completely disregard what Jacl had just said, "She's an ugly, vile, lying, manipulative, annoying, detrimental, heartbreaking, train wreck."

Jack shook his head, "Alex, you cheated on her."

"And I'm damn glad I did!" He spat arrogantly, "I just wish there was some way I could get back at her for all the time I wasted on her stupid ass."

Jack slammed his locker shut and looked his best friend straight on, "Don't you dare hurt her, Alex. Finley's already torn up enough by everything she has been through, she may never forgive you if you do anything else. Alex..?" As Jack was lecturing him, Alex had already started to walk away, knowing exactly what he was going to do to her- the perfect revenge. He went straight to the computer lab and opened up photo shop, setting his plan into action.


"Finley! We're graduating literally in minutes!" Kara squealed as they put on their red caps and gowns.

"Yeah." She forced a smile, "This should be fantastic."

"I'm really sorry about Alex, by the way." She put her hand on Finley's shoulder reassuringly, "He's a real jerk when he wants to be."

Finley sniffled and nodded, "Yeah, he is." As much as she wanted to hate him, she knew she couldn't. He was such a big part of her life and he would always be. Though she would never admit it to anyone except Alex himself, he was her first time, and despite the circumstances that really meant something to her.

"Well, on the bright side, we're out of fucking high school!" Kara cheered as she linked arms with her.

"Hell yeah!" Finley joined in painting on a smile, "High school is OVER!"

Kara and Finley made their way down to the field, only having to separate to sit in their assigned seats. "I didn't know there was a program," Finley muttered as she looked down questioningly at the blank paper sitting on her chair. She picked it up as she sat down, but she threw the paper out of her hands once she had turned it over and saw the terrifying image that was printed on the other side. Suddenly she was very aware of all the eyes watching her and whispering. Her eyes met with one pair in specific, which caused her blood to boil.

"You did this!" She shouted as she crossed the field, not caring who heard her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Finley." Alex sneered, "You really shouldn't be such a whore, sending around naked pictures of yourself to the whole student body."

"Alex, you of all people know that I would never do anything like that. How could you do this to me?" She demanded as tears began flowing down her face, ruining her makeup Kara had spent so much time perfecting.

Alex shrugged, "You deserved it for what you put me through."

"Because I refuse to forgive you for tearing me apart? Alex... how-" Her voice cracked and before she knew it, her feet were moving underneath her, and she just left. She ignored all the calls from her family and people who still cared for her as she ran. School was over and they could send her a diploma for all she cared, as long as she was far away from everyone, especially Alex.

Finley ran all the way home that night and refused to break down until she was in her room with the door locked. She tore off her gown and didn't even worry about where her cap had fallen off on her route home. When she relaxed enough, she picked up an empty notebook that was laying there and began to write down everything that came to mind. That was the first day she began to write lyrics.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm baaack again! Yeah, big surprise. I've just been rummaging through my old drafts and salvaging all the halfway decent stories in hopes that they will become great stories eventually. I hope you all noticed all the lyrical references in their argument. Some of them are harder to find than others.

This is the only chapter spoken in third person as far as I know. The rest will be in the present (Which is two years later) and will be in first person perspective.

Thanks for reading!

- Sommer x