Hush Little Baby, Don't You Cry

Chapter 5

My eyes flickered open to what seemed like a bedroom. I groaned as I pushed myself up on my elbows, my body heavy like a rock, my right arm numb. I closed my eyes, looking down, sighing. The bed sunk next to me. My eyes became plastered upon Harry’s face.
“Hey, baby.” He said lightly. He ran his hand down my cheek, dropping his eyes down. “How are you feeling?”
“I-I’m not sure, yet.” I glanced up to the doorway, to see a bunch of faces.
“Can we come in?” It was Liam. His face, sympathetic, smiling.
“Yeah, guys, come on in.” Harry stood up, hand still on my face.

They all crowded into the room, as I pushed my back up against the backboard. Niall sat next to me, resting his hand on my shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
I thought of why I blacked out. My mind was totally hazy, in turn, causing me to not be able to think straight. I put a hand on my forehead, remembering what I was doing before I fell out of consciousness.
“D-D-D-DARCY!” I yelled, alarming everyone around me as I ripped the blankets off of me. I tried to jump up, but Harry pinned my shoulders down.
“HARR-” He put his hand over my mouth. I shook frantically as I tried to get out of his grasp. He was too strong. I kicked as Louis grabbed something off of the table next to me.
I felt a sharp pain in my right arm as a wave of calm overtook my body. My eyes flicked to the source of pain to see Louis pushing in liquid from a needle.
He pulled it out as I jumped “WHAT THE FUCcc--…” I leaned back onto the bed. Sarah gasped as her hand flew up to her face. Zayn rubbed her arm as I became engulfed in the pillow.
Harry’s eyes filled up with tears as his hand went up to his mouth.
I sat still as I could not move.
Harry took a deep breath, furiously blinking as he looked up to the ceiling.
“Ahhh.” Sarah sighed in tears as she tried to contain herself.
“We’re going to go out here, okay Harry?” Zayn said as he rubbed Harry’s back.
Harry nodded and pursed a faint “mhm” through his tearful breaths.
I felt faint as I sunk deeper into the pillows.
I couldn’t speak as I wanted to, and my mind was totally still.
My eyes blinked as I looked at Harry who got off the bed. I became numb all over as Harry brushed hair out of my face. “I love you.” He stepped away with the boys as Liam rubbed Harry’s back repeatedly.
“I can’t keep doing this for the rest of my life.” He cried into Liam’s shoulder as he walked out the door. I screamed inside but nothing came out.

I slowly came to, looking around the room. Moonlight shone through the curtains as my hands ran the blankets off of my body. I felt empty as my feet hit the cold hardwood flooring. I took a deep breath, confused and angry at what happened. I paused at the door, hearing voices from in the living room.
“Harry, I don’t know what you’re going to do. She can never stay awake that long to tell her.” Louis said.
“I know, Lou. But, she has to know. I just want my wife back. I need her to get over this. We need to get through this together. I can’t lose her like…” He broke into sobs.
My heart thumped in my chest. I scuffed my feet to the doorknob on Darcy’s room. What happened a little while ago, flashed back at me. I was in the same position, scared to open the door, but I had to. For our daughter.
I weakly turned the doorknob, pushing the door open. It squeakily came to an abrupt stop. The room was…empty.
The walls were all white, the window was boarded over and the room was empty.
I gasped for air as I fought the tears back. My stomach twisted as my heart exploded, making my knees weak and fragile. Tears flowed down my cheek as I heard scuffs behind me.
They stood there, expressionless, except for Harry, eyes red, tear stained cheeks.
“Where’s Darcy…” I questioned through tears. Harry slowly walked towards me, one hand outstretched, palm facing me.
“Honey, come here. Don’t do this again please. Please.” He begged me as he stepped closer to me.
Niall ran back into the room, slowly sliding Harry the needle into his hand.
“Harry.” I said, giving him a look.
“Come here. It has to be done.”
He walked closer to me, as I backed away, into the corner.
“That’s what she said…” Louis joked behind Harry. Harry turned to give him a look, and I hit the needle out of Harry’s limp hand. I took his hand in mine.
“Harry, love. Please.” I begged with my eyes as they watered up. “Please. Please tell me what’s going on. What happened to our baby? Where’s Darcy? Where’s our Darcy?” I looked up into his big green eyes. His arms wrapped around my body, tightening his grip on me, pulling me close. He sobbed as he leaned his head on my shoulder.
“This is hard to say, baby.” I leaned back, looking back into his eyes. “Maddie…please come back to me"
"What?" I spoke, confused because I wasn't gone anywhere. "I'm right here, Harry..."
"Maddie...I love you."
“I love you too...What happened?” I asked, but had already sensed it, sensed that something happened. My heart broke into a million pieces as Harry began to cry, yet again.
I tightly hugged Harry and dug my face into his chest. I then, felt a deep prick on my arm. I threw my head over to see Niall standing there with the needle in my arm as Harry held me tightly.
I struggled as I tried to wiggle out of Harry’s grasp.
“Sorry, M.” Niall pressed the liquid into my arm.
“N-N-N-Niall.” My head drooped as my knees buckled and Harry slowly lowered me onto the cold dusty floors.
I leaned against the bare walls, astonished at everything.
I began to freeze as Harry stood up, looking at everyone, then back to me.
Liam came over, resting his hand on Harry’s shoulder. “Listen, lad. She’ll get over her sickness. It’s going to take time to get over everything. But I promise, she’ll break through this mental illness and you can let her know everything. She didn’t do it, the sickness did.”
Harry slowly nodded, watching my eyes flutter together.
He bit his bottom lip. Fighting back tears, “It’s not every day you get to tell your wife that she killed our baby girl.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you don't hate me too much! Haha I just didn't know how else to end it! At first, I WAS going to take the "it was all a dream" route, but I know how much I hate it, so I didn't want to do it. This was the only way I could think of ending it that would be dramatic, haha.
Thank you so much for reading the whole thing!
Please leave me a comment of what you liked/disliked about it! I highly appreciate feedback, good or bad! Thanks!
PS. Another story coming up soon! Not scary because I got scared writing some of this story, haha.
But again, THANKS! <3 xx