Status: Active :)

Like We Did When We Were Young

We're on our own time now.

Kelsey's POV-

I woke up with a headache. I guess I drank more than I should of. I went to the kitchen, and poured myself a glass of water. Slowly, I drank the water, and took some aspirin. Then, there was a knock at the door. I groaned, stumbling to the front door, and swinging it open. Standing there, with his hands tucked in his pockets, was John. My expression changed to disgusted, while I slammed the door shut.

A second later, there was another knock on the door. I sighed, and reopened it. "Why are you here?" I asked John, while I tied my robe shut.

"Good morning to you to." He smirked smugly. "I decided that I should probably stop by, and say hi."

"Well, hi." I said, and then attempted shutting the door.

John quickly stopped the door from closing. "Whoa, not so fast." He said, "Can we talk?"

I rolled my eyes, and opened the door for him to come in. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, sitting down on the couch.

John came and sat down on the other side of the couch. "I just feel like we got off on the wrong foot. And we should try to fix that; we are neighbors after all."

"Well, can we make it fast? I have to go job hunting soon."

"Sure... I'm John O'Callaghan, but most people call me JohnO. And Uh, I live next-door with my buddies. See that was fast! Now, your turn."

"My names Kelsey, and you can call me Kelsey. I moved here from Michigan, with my two friends Harlow and Justin."

"Any certain reason why you picked Arizona?

"We are going to school here, ASU."

"Very cool; I tried going there, but college really wasn't my thing." He shrugged.

"Oh my gosh," Harlow shouted, as she entered the living room. "What did Kelsey do to you?" She asked John.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Harlow, he came to talk, and fix things. I didn't do anything wrong." I scoffed.

"Sorry, it's a habit, I suppose." She apologized, sitting on the edge of the couch. "I'm Harlow, by the way."

"John." He smiled.

"Well, I hate to break up this beautiful moment, but we have to start getting ready." Harlow said, to me.

"Yeah, you're right." I agreed. "It was nice talking go you, John. Hopefully, we can do it again."

"Yeah, for sure. There is always party going on around here, so stop by." John paused. "Just not in the morning." He laughed.

"Right." I laughed, while I walked to the door, with John. "See ya later."

"Yeah." John smirked, before leaving.

I waved to him, and then shut the door. I walked over to Harlow. "Let's start getting ready."

"Wait a second, fill me in on what just happened." She demanded.

"John came by, an I guess we worked it all out."

"So, you don't think he's a asshole anymore?" She asked, with one of her 'told you so' smirks.

I rolled my eyes, and sighed. "No, not anymore."

"I knew you liked him."

"I don't like him; I just don’t hate him anymore." I stated.

"Whatever, let's get dressed, so we can find a job!" Harlow said, heading back to her room.


"Where to first?" Harlow asked, looking around.

I pushed my blue ray bands, back up on my nose, and shrugged. "I don't know, who is hiring?"

"I looked it up, there a couple places near by." She stated.

"Starbucks!" I exclaimed.

"Let's go check it out." Harlow said. "It's this way." She pointed, down the street. We began wandering all around the streets of Arizona, until we found Starbucks. We went inside, for an application, but the spots already have been filled.

An hour and a half later, we began feeling quite defeated. We slumped around, about to give up hope; when we came across a cute little diner. In the window was a sign, which read, 'Help Wanted'. We looked at each other, and nodded. We put on a smile, and went inside. At the counter was a man with a nametag that said, manager.

"Excuse me?" Harlow said politely.

The man looked up, and smiled. "Can I help you girls?"

"Yes, actually." I smiled. "See we are new in town, and we have been looking for a job all day."

"And we saw your sign in the window. Are you still looking for help?" Harlow asked.

"Well, we are, but only for one waitress." The man frowned. "Are you two sisters?"

Harlow and I busted out laughing. "No." I chuckled. "Just best friends."

"Well, I would hate to break up this duo; I suppose having two new waitresses wouldn't hurt." He smiled. "Would you like the jobs?"

"Of course!" We said.

"Can you two start Tuesday?"

"Yes!" Harlow exclaimed. "Thank you, so much."

"No problem." He smiled, handing us some papers. "Just full these out."


We returned home, with some take out. "Justin?" Harlow called. "We are back, and we brought food!"

"And we got jobs!" I added, excitedly.

He came running into the kitchen. "Ohh, food!" He shouted, rubbing his hands together. "I'm starving."

"Hey." I snapped, slapping his hand away from the bags. "Don't you want to congratulate us?"

"Oh right, congratulations on the jobs." He sang, giving us hugs. "Now, let's eat."
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