Status: Has Been Found!!!!! Shall Begin Immediate Work!!!!

Because Your My Destiny

Chapter 2

During the night I woke up constantly, because of the fever and cold that I had coming on. I didn't have another set of clothes in my bag so I had been forced to wear my soaking wet clothes all through the night.

But, that night is the blurriest of my memories. I had felt something wet on my cheek and someone speaking, but I was too out of it to know what they were saying. The last thing I remember before falling back to sleep was someone lifting me up, and walking.

When I came too again, everything was still blurry. My head felt like I had bashed it into an oncoming train, and my body felt like stone.

A elderly woman's face appeared in my vision and spoke in the strangest language. She said, "Machi yetta cal". I couldn't understand her at all, but the only thing I did know is that my racing heart was not a good thing to be happening. While looking at her, my vision whited out, and I fell back to sleep.

The next time I woke up, I was feeling better than I had been before. The rain and wind had, apparently, did a number on my immune system, because, even with a fever and cold on a usual basis, I would be alright within a week, but it feels like more than a week has passed.

My body felt a little lighter than stone, and my vision was less blurry so I could make out the high stone cieling that was shaped like a dome above me, and I could feel, what felt like, animal on me, but I couldn't be too sure.

When in this state I usually start talking in Spanish, don't ask me why, and, when I saw someone walking in my vision I muttered, "Agua". The person bent down to show the woman that had tried talking to me before. "¿Necesitas un vaso de agua?" she asked me. "Do you need a drink of water?" she had asked me. I nodded to her as my answer my head increasingly getting worse and worse.

She brought a cup of water to my lips before holding my head up so I wouldn't choke. The water helped my head feel like it was less on fire, and kind of calmed, but, after that, I slipped back to sleep.

I couldn't, honestly, tell you how many times I was in and out of conciousness, but, when I had finally woken up for the last time, my body felt normal. My fever had to have broken sometime in the time span I was drifting in and out of conciousness, and I wasn't coughing anymore.

As I sat up, I immediately noticed I didn't have my shirt on. My eyes swished from one curved one to the next before I pulled the soft brown bear fur away from my body to look under it.

Bad mistake.

I let out a blood curling scream when I realized I was as bare as the day I was born. Someone had seen me naked! Other than my babies momma, and the occasional groupie, but someone. had. seen. me. naked! I remember the old woman that had been in the room with me, and I'd much rather it had been her than anyone else!

I heard rushing foot steps so I quickly hid myself, head and all, underneith the blanket. I was not going to let some Freddy Kreuger creep see me naked! No way! No how!

"What is the danger?" a middle aged man's voice said as he entered the room. I tried not to move one muscle to make him aware that I had heard him. I don't want anyone knowing I was the one that let out that scream.

"Alpha, let me see what has disturbed the human" an familiar elderly woman's voice said as she sounded submissive to the "Alpha" that she was talking to.

"Do so Caretaker" he responded to her before I heard his, and many others, swift exits.

The elderly woman breathed a sigh of relief. I soon felt the blanket's in my little bedding hole move to signal her weight had been added to them. I felt her place her hand on my shoulder and shake it softly.

"Cachorro pequeño" she said softly as she shook me once more. Cachorro pequeño...Little pup I thought as I uncovered my face so she could see that I was awake. "Lo que ha molestado cachorro pequeño?" she asked me. I tried to figure out what she had asked me, Lo que ha...What has...molestado...disturbed...cachorro pequeño is little pup. So she asked me "What has disturbed you little pup?".

"Yo puedo hablar Inglés" I responded to her as my eyebrows were still furrowed in concentration so I could remember the Spanish my father taught me. "This is good. Less hinderance to us" she said as she gently started taking the bear fur away from my top half, and placed it so it covered my bottom half only.

"May I ask. What does your ink mean?" the elderly woman asked as she traced my daughter's name with her finger. "It's mostly things that I like, but, that right there, is my daughter's name. She's six years old now" I answered her while looking down upon Alayna Marie's name with love in my eyes. "She's my pride and joy, and I wouldn't give her up for any amount of riches in the world" I muttered as I started to trace the tattoo myself.

"You bore her yes?" the elderly woman asked she looked kind of concerned and serious. "In a way, I helped create her, but her mother carried her around until she was born just like you would. I don't think it's possible for men to get pregnant" I answered making it a little joke at the ending.

The elderly woman let out a sigh, of what seemed like, relief. "That a problem?" I asked kind of getting pissed that it seemed like such a big deal that I had a daughter. "No problem little pup, just needed to make sure that you were not mated" she answered looking at me lovingly now.

"Avhera, Alpha wishes to see him now" a teenage girl said coming into the room. The teenage girl looked like she took great interest in me, and I mean "I want you to ravage me all night" kind of way, but I looked down to my lap to avoid her gaze. I feel it would be deemed inappropriate if a girl as young as her was to take me to bed almost as soon as I got here.

"Come, I have a pair of shorts for you to wear. Tatreya, leave us" Avhera said as she shooed the girl away. "I do not listen to old woman Avhera" Tatreya responded with a growl, but an even more menacing growl came from behind Tatreya.

This made me curious. Who could easily make a slutty girl shut up so fast? And why were they growling like some kind of dog? Tatreya's eyes immediately bulged, and she took, what looked like, an instinctive submission pose as a male walked in.

He was wearing dark black cargo shorts that were hanging off his waist in a "Could slip right off" way. His hair was shaggy black, as black as mine, his eyes were a honey brown that could capture you, and make your heart race. His chest had two claw marks that were three lines each, and a paw print was in the middle of his chest.

What are these guys? Some lost Native American tribe? I thought as I looked around, and saw that Avhera also had the markings, except for the paw print. Avhera had two markings exactly like the man that was coming closer too me. Tatreya had no markings on her. I can't believe I saw this just now.

The man bent down so he could see into my eyes. I wouldn't say he kneeled or knelt, because his position still held the air of dominance to everyone, even myself, in the room. "What is your name?" he asked me. I looked over to Avhera on my right, but she looked away in submission. "C-Craig, Craig Anderson" I responded as I instinctively let my eyes go into their innocent state. It's like even I wanted to submit to him.

"I'm Malachi, second son to the Alpha" he told me. "What do you mean by Alpha, the word "Alpha" is-is usually associated with a pack of Wolves?" I asked him still feeling I needed to look innocent as possible. "It does, and that's what we are" Malachi answered before he flicked his eyes over to Avhera, "Get him dressed, father wishes to see him" Malachi told her before he stood back up, and left the room with one last growl toward Tatreya.

"Tatreya" Avhera said looking over at the teenager. Tatreya, in possible fear that Malachi would come back, left immediately at Avhera's word. "Come you can take a bath in the water pool in our cave" Avhera said as she started wrapping another bear fur blanket around me.

I grabbed ahold of the one around my waist as she grabbed me a pair of baggy black jean shorts that were layed out on a rock on the right side of the cave. "Come follow me" she said as she lead the way through the cave.

As we walked I saw many male's and female's. Some were petting wolves, or walking with them. While other's conversed amoungst themselves. But what disturbed me the most was that many of them had stopped their talking and walking to watch me. I swear most of the watchers sniffed me, and I must have smelled right or something, because some smirked. I all too well know the look of lust in a person's eyes as well, and that made me shiver.

"One of these days you will have to get used to the looks your going to get. You are new to the pack so they are curious about you" Avhera told me as we kept walking the paths to the water pool. "And apparently I made a good impression already" I muttered to her. She laughed, "It's your scent, you smell like citrus and blue berries" she told me as she came to a stop. "Well blame my daughter for the blue berry part" I said as I stopped as well.

"I will help you wash, dry off, and dress" she said as she followed behind me. I stopped in my tracks now feeling extremely uncomfortable. "Craig, you will need to get used to it for the future" she said as she carefully took the blanket off my shoulders. "Future? I thought I'd just go home" I said to her now confused of the words I had been blocking out.

She sighed sadly, "I am sorry Craig, but only the Alpha can decide if you go home or not. It's most likely than not that you will be staying here for the rest of your existance" she said as she gently grabbed the remaining blanket out of my hands since I was distracted.

She pushed me gently into the warm water, but I didn't register it. "I won't be able to see my daughter ever again?" I asked her as my true mask of innocence came into play. She could see the sadness and loss in my eyes, she knew I wanted everything, but to lose my daughter. She sighed sadly as she poured water over my head and lathered in a shampoo that smelled like real citrus. "I am sorry my dear" she responded as she got more of the shampoo like substance and put it on my head so she had it all covered.

My heart broke right then and there. I will possibly never get to see Alayna Marie grow up, I will possibly never get to see my band anymore, and I will possibly never get to live my life normally ever again.

"You must not give up hope Craig, for the Alpha has been known to let human's go and live their lives the way they were choosing too. If a emotional connection is not formed with one of the pack, or he doesn't think you'll be a good mate" Avhera said as she poured water over my head so as to wash the shampoo out.

"Wash your body please" she asked nicely knowing I didn't need anyone touching me anymore with the way I have started to close up. I just nodded and washed myself in the citrus scented soap. Apparently it was better if I smelled like one fruit, and not two of them.

Soon I was out of the bath, dried off, put my shorts on, and now Avhera was having her way with my hair. She put a braid in it, and added a white feather to the end. "What does the white feather mean?" I asked her in a mumbled voice, even though I was devestated about the fate that awaits me, I was still curious. "It means that your a virgin in our pack, unmated, and submissive" she answered as she finished tieing the feather around the braided strands of hair.

I looked toward the door.

I didn't know what lyed with my fate in this cave full of... Werewolves, but, I knew, that I'd need to escape somehow if they sentenced me to life in this rocky prison.
♠ ♠ ♠
All translations were made from Google so sorry if they aren't accurate.

Thank you to IceDeath. for commenting on my story!

And to the 3 subscribers.

I have chapter 3 ready on stand-by so please comment!

Chelsea's Dead Smile

PS: Alayna Marie looks like Leila Rose. I had been writing this as an Original FanFiction, but I soon, after a bit of thought, cut out the "Fan" part of it, and just made it Original Fiction.