
Off We Go

We galloped through the forest and as we did my blonde wavy hair blew in the wind. I could hear the hooves of Van Helsing’s horse racing after me. Each thump on the ground made my heart beat a little faster.

When we arrived at my house. I mounted off Tanix. Van Helsing mounted off his beautiful white horse that stood quietly while I tied the two horses to the fence. I patted Van Helsing’s horse for a moment and then Tanix before we both walked up to the door.

I saw Sebastian in the front yard. He was chopping up wood for fire wood which I was probably suppose to get hours ago. I saw him stare at Van Helsing who stood beside me. “Hey Sebastian!” I called out to him. He waved at me and continued on chopping the wood.

Van Helsing walked up beside me. “Who’s that?” he asked me. I looked up at Van Helsing and followed his eyes. It led to Sebastian who was staring at Van Helsing with curious eyes.

“Sebastian? That would be my brother!” I giggled as I opened my front door. “Mom!” I called out as we entered the house. Van Helsing and I stood while we waited for my mother to greet us. I noticed Van Helsing looking around my house. “ It’s ok, don’t worry there’s no rats in here!” I explained as I began to grin evilly.

He shook his head “I, I never said that,” he laughed. Just then my mother came out. My mother came out and just like Sebastian she kept her eyes on Van Helsing but unlike Sebastian my mother smiled when she saw him.

“Nakia, who do we have here?” my mother asked. Her and Van Helsing both looked at me to be introduced.

“Oh sorry, Mom this is Van Helsing. Van Helsing this is my mother, Malana!” I introduced the two. They both shook hands and we all sat down at the table in the kitchen. “So, Mom Van Helsing is going to see Princess Anna Valerious and I really want to go with him, please can I go?” I begged my mother. She was hesitant at first but when I explained that I would be back tomorrow she finally allowed me to go. Okay I lied about coming home tomorrow but she obviously wouldn’t let me go if I was gone any longer.

I hugged my mother and Sebastian goodbye before mounting back onto Tanix and racing off to go and see the Princess.
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Please comment guys i really like this story and would like to continue writing it so please comment, thank you!