

We continued cantering on when Van Helsing stopped suddenly. He seemed to be looking around. I pulled Tanix’s reins so he would stop. Tanix gave a loud snort as I pulled him to a halt. “What’s wrong?” I asked hoping he wasn’t having second thoughts about the adventure.

“Did you hear that?” he asked as he continued to search the forest. I looked at him and shook my head. I noticed it was getting dark out and I began to think of our journey.

“Hear what?” I asked Van Helsing. He seemed to be smiling when a man entered the scene. The man was on a chestnut horse. The man was dressed in a long Monk suit and he had his hood up as he entered.

“Carl! I’m sorry I forgot about you!” Van Helsing laughed. The man I knew to be Carl shook his head and turned his head to me. I smiled back and the man shyly whispered something to Van Helsing. “Oh, Carl this is Nakia and Nakia this is Carl,” Van Helsing introduced us both. Carl and I shook hands before we all continued the journey to see Princess Anna.

It got later and darker out and it even started to rain. “Guys we have to stop somewhere!” I announced. We pulled over and we sat down on the ground. Van Helsing let us use his Jacket as a roof and Carl and I got fire wood and started to make a fire. We began wondering when the rain would stop. I lay down and stared at the fire and with that I began to fall asleep.

The next day I woke up. I saw Carl sitting down by a new freshly made fire. “Mourning!” he said chirpily. I pulled myself up and began rubbing my sleepy eyes. “Mourning! Carl where’s Van Helsing?” I asked Carl.

“Van Helsing is just gone on a quick walk. He should be back soon actually,” Carl explained. I took out my dagger from my bag. Carl had a frightened look on his face and he jumped back “What are you doing with that?” he asked.

I looked at him and laughed. “I’m just cleaning it!” I explained I took my bottle of water out of my bag and poured some water on it, then I carefully wiped the edge of the dagger with the cloth I kept it in. I showed the dagger to Carl and smiled. “Crystal clear!” I smiled. Carl gave a frightened smile and just then Van Helsing arrived.

“Oh good your both up, come on lets go!” Van Helsing said eagerly as he mounted quickly onto his horse. Carl and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders before mounting onto our horses. We raced off. The three galloping horses hooves thumped off the ground heavily. We raced on and on our journey I felt rain drops falling on my head. ‘Not again’ I thought to myself but it cleared up quickly and we continued on our journey.

We arrived at a quiet ghost town. “I thought you said this is where she lived?” Van Helsing questioned. I stared at him for a minute and shook my head. “Thanks for your help Nakia, how am I suppose to know she use to live here!” I explained bitterly.

Carl just looked around quietly. The town was dark and quiet almost to quiet until an angry mob came towards us cornering us into the middle of the town. “They look angry!” I whispered to Van Helsing. Van Helsing frowned at me as the mob continued to grow.
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