Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Invite

AcousticBomb: this might sound a bit weird.

CJversusKJ: what might?

AcousticBomb: would you like to come visit me?

CJversusKJ: what?

AcousticBomb: im sorry, i shouldn’t have asked.

CJversusKJ: no, it’s not that. you really want me to visit you?

AcousticBomb: of course, i do.

CJversusKJ: weird, i don’t even know where you live.

AcousticBomb: California, i’m from Orange County.

CJversusKJ: like that ghey show laguna beach?

AcousticBomb: unfortunately, yes i am from Orange County but Huntington Beach.

CJversusKJ: wow, i’ve been there before. but that was a long time ago.

AcousticBomb: you’ve been to California?

CJversusKJ: yes, it’s so beautiful there. but i don’t think i could ever live there.

AcousticBomb: yeah, it’s beautiful here. oh really, why?

CJversusKJ: um….my parents’ died in california.
AcousticBomb: oh im sorry, i should’ve asked.

CJversusKJ: it’s okay; it’s been twelve years since it happened. i was ten years old at the time.

AcousticBomb: so do you still want to come visit me?

CJverusKJ: yeah, i need to reconnect with california.

AcousticBomb: ill send you your airplane ticket and stuff.

CJversusKJ: what? your sending me an airplane ticket? shouldn’t i be buying that?

AcousticBomb: no, im inviting you so you’re my guest. You don’t need to pay for anything. (:

CJversusKJ: well aren’t you just so nice. Lol. well I hear my brother screaming about food. so i’ll catch ya later. (:

I placed my aim on away and so did Elwin.

I walked down the hall toward the kitchen.

“Yes, your highness!” I said looking at KJ.

“Ha, funny so funny I forgot to laugh, food what do you want?” He said looking at the menus on the counter.

“Indian and Sushi, I want some lentil soup and jazz.” I said jumping.

“Good, why are you so happy?” He said looking at me.

“Well, I got asked to go to California.” I said smiling.

“No!” He said.

“No what?” I said looking concerned.

“You’re not going, I won’t lose you there too and your too young.” He said.

“Kevin James, I’m twenty-two years old. I can make my own decisions!” I said.

“Catie Jo, that’s my point. Your twenty-two years old. I’m worried about you and I don’t trust this guy and you’re not going that’s my final word.” He said.

I looked at him crushed.

Why was he doing this?
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