Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Deal

Syns POV

"You are out of your mind," Jimmy said as he read over my shoulder.

"Dude you scared the shit outta me. What are you talking about?" I asked my best friend.

"Did it not get through your brain that she hates you? She hates all of Avenged because of something you and Matt did," Jimmy stated.

"Well...but...." I had no idea how to respond to that.

"What are you doing Brian?" Jimmy asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"You aren't single, in case you have forgotten."

"Oh Mandy. Damn."

"Yeah. She's coming tomorrow by the way," Jimmy told me sternly.


"Yeah she just called and told me to let you know. She says she has something important to tell you."

"Did she say what she wanted to talk about?"

"Nope, just that it was important."

"Oh great," I sighed. "She gave no hint or anything?"

"No, just said she was coming at 8 so be up and ready."

"Ready for what?"

"I don't know. She hung up right after she said that."


"Anyways, CJ?"

"What about her?"

"What if her brother says no?"

"Speaking of her brother...."

"Now before you get to mad at me, we've been friends for a really long time. I've never met CJ just KJ. He's hooked me up with drum stuff for a few years now. Over time we became pretty close. Their parents died in Cali so he's not going to be willing to just let her come out here."

"She's 22. He can't tell her no."

"You clearly have never met KJ."

"Actually I've talked to him before. Somehow he got my screen name and is convinced that I like CJ. How did that happen Rev?"

"Well maybe she talks to him about you?"

"Whatever. I just want to meet her."

"Tell you what. You tell her that you are Synyster Gates and if she still agrees to come then I will get KJ to let her come. Deal?"

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