Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Surprises

This is my first official trip to California….well since the accident.

But this was different I was meeting someone…I’ve talked to over the internet.

I arrived at LAX airport. KJ said James would be meet us at the gates.

KJ and I exited the flight gates. Toward our way out I saw a sign.

“CJ and KJ Green” it said.

“James!” My brother yelled at this James guy.

He nodded at my brother and looked at me.

“You’re here to see Elwin right?” He said grinning at me.

“Yes, I am.” I said.

“Alright, well like the plan goes. He doesn’t know your coming. So we’re surprising him at his house!” James said.

“Ok, um alright.” I said feeling extremely awkward and nervous.

So we all went to pick up the luggage and things.

The car ride was mostly noise from James and my brother.

“So she doesn’t seem very happy.” James said.

“She is….she’s just nervous.” KJ said.

I could here them….but I wasn’t paying attention. I was excited to see Elwin but at the same time very scared.

Would he like me the moment he saw me or would he run away from me in terror?

We finally made it to Elwin’s house.

The guys told me just inside and wait.

I got off the car and walked toward the house.

I took a deep breathe and walked inside.

I could hear music being played.

I know, I was supposed to wait for James and my brother to come inside. But I wanted to know where the music was coming from.

That’s when I saw it.

Elwin was playing the guitar.

I could only see the back side of him. But I noticed something.

There were other guys around him.

They all turned and they’re eyes off of him toward me.

That’s when I saw him. He was the guy from the shop.

I instantly started to freak out.

He stopped playing and looked at the guys and saw me standing there.

“Oh my god what are you doing here?” He asked.

“You fucking lied to me, you fucking asswhole!” I said running out.

"CJ, CJ wait, please. Let me explain," he yelled as I ran out of the door and into the busy city before me.
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