Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Solution

Syns POV

I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down as I watched Val and CJ get in my car and drive away. For some unknown reason Val prefers my car to all of the other guys so she takes it whenever she can get away with it. Considering what happened there was no way I would stop her now. Matt came up beside me and watched the girls leave. He was slowing calming down and I could tell that everything was just setting in for him.

"We were so stupid back then," Matt whispered.

"I know. But we have a chance to make it up to her. Are we going to do it?" I asked my best friend.

"I am," Matt whispered.

"I am too," I said and turned to go back into the house.

KJ and Jimmy had taken some things out of Jimmy's car and we placing it in the spare bedroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked Jimmy as he placed the final bag into my spare bedroom.

"Well, since you want to make it up to her we figured that you can pamper her for a few weeks. She'll be staying with you. Have fun," Jimmy said quickly exiting with KJ following right behind him.

"Oh man dude, I wouldn't wish that on anyone," Johnny said quickly following the drummer and his annoying friend.

"Hey man, I'll stay in the other spare room if you think that would help you out," Zacky said not moving from the couch.

"I'm hoping that everything will be ok. It seems that she is at least willing to be civil and I can hopefully use this time to beg forgiveness. This really sucks," I said with a heavy sigh.

"I know man, I know," Zacky said as he went outside to join Matt.

Soon enough Val had brought both CJ and my car back to me and I can say that I was extremely relieved the car wasn't totaled. Matt seriously just needs to buy her the same car. I would but I think that would be breaking the whole, there are some things you just don't buy your best friends girlfriend, rule. Ok so that rule probably isn't really as complicated as I made that sound. Like, I would not ever buy a girl lingerie and I wouldn't ever buy her a car. Unless she is my girlfriend, then I might.

"Alright we are leaving Brian. CJ is in her room hopefully resting. We did a lot of retail therapy and so she needs some rest. I will call in the morning to make sure that you both are still alive and haven't killed each other," Val said kissing me on the cheek as she walked out of my front door.

"Bye Bri," Matt and Zacky said following after Val.

I took a deep breath and stood for a few minutes with no clue what to do. I suppose that I should go check on CJ and make sure that she doesn't need anything. I have no idea if Val even fed her.

"CJ?" I asked as I knocked softly on her door.

"Yeah?" came a muffled reply from inside.

"Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" I asked through the still closed door.

"What?" a sleepy voiced asked as CJ opened the door.

"Are you hungry?" I asked softly staring at the sleep filled eyes in front of me.

"No, Val and I got dinner before we came back," she replied back to me.

"Alright. Just let me know if you need anything, alright?" I told her.

"Yeah I will let you know if anything comes up," she said tiredly before shutting the door.

This is going to be a long few weeks.
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so so so sorry this took so long guys. I hope you like it though :D