Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Excitement

“So who was my feminist sister talking to at 1AM this morning?” KJ asked.

“Bite me!” I said to my brother walking back into the kitchen to get more corn pops.

“Awe, I love you too!” KJ said.

“Ha Ha Ha!” I said looking back at my corn pops. Last night I talked to AcousticBomb, I could tell it was a guy. A completely clueless noob, on internet speak.

I had such a blast talking to him. I don’t even know his name, but that’s the thing about aim, he’ll never no my name unless he get’s smart and figures my screen name is my initials and my brothers rolled into one. Because I’m so much more super then him.

I was excited about after work, I usually don’t have much to look forward to afterwards. But something about talking to him click in my head.

The moment I got home I ran to my laptop and logged on AIM. I saw he was online too, so I messaged him.

CJversusKJ: Hiya

AcousticBomb: Hey

CJversusKJ: How’s it going?

AcousticBomb: Good just got back from work. You?

CJversusKJ: Same and listening to Born of Osiris

AcousticBomb: Who?

CJversusKJ: WTF? You don’t know who Born of Osiris is?

AcousticBomb: huh?

CJversusKJ: what the fuck? How do you not know who Born of Osiris is?

AcousticBomb: oh, I’ve just never heard of them, are they an emo band?

CJversusKJ: *drops dead from hearing the word emo compared to Born of Osiris* No freaking way is Born of Osiris emo, they are pure fucking metal.

AcousticBomb: Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.

CJversusKJ; It's alright, i forgive you. lol.

AcousticBomb: thanks.

CJversusKJ: you’re so welcome.

AcousticBomb: So do you want to tell me about them?

CJversusKJ: who? Oh the band? Sure.

AcousticBomb: yeah.

CJversusKJ: NA!

AcousticBomb: awe, why not? :(

CJversusKJ: because you’re not cool to know Born of Osiris yet.

AcousticBomb: fine, :P

CJversusKJ: awe, im so proud of you! *jumps up and down*

AcousticBomb: huh?

CJversusKJ: you’re growing up so fast; you learned how to use your first smiley. :)

After another two hours of talking, we had to both sign offline. I need to go to work start the inventory of everything we sell. I really liked talking to this guy, he was something different a new change on a redundant routine.
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next part is by chemically avenged. (: