Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Worry


It’s been three days since I last talked to Elwin. I’ve messaged him a bunch of times and I’ve seen he’s read them.

But nothing, no response back.

I feel fucking dissed by him.

It was a chilly Chicago day; I was working today with KJ.

I was at the registers, when I notice 2 guys walk in.

They looked like guitar players.

One had a fedora on his head and the other was wearing a baseball cap with a bandana.

But remotely dressing in the same clothing which was a bit strange


“Hey sexy,” The guy in the baseball cap said.

“Ew, get over yourself.” I said disgusted.

“Babe, could you help us with something?” He said again.

“Fuck you, and babe. My name is CJ and if you fuck with me like that again I’ll rip you to shreds.” I said fuming.

“What did you just say?” The guy in the fedora said looking at me.

“About ripping you apart?” I said.

“No, your name? What is it?” He said.

“CJ, what’s it to you? I said.

“Um, nothing.” He said looking away.

“Okay,” I said walking toward the guitar acc.

“So, is there anything specific you need to see?” I said looking the guys.

“Oh, no we’re just looking. But thanks,” The guy in the fedora said.

I didn’t really bother asking their names. I liked having my own nicknames for people.

“Whatever.” I said walking away.

I walked back to the front of the store and sat behind the register.

The guys walked out of the store. Not before the fedora guy took one last look at me.

My heart made a stop.

What the hell?

Once I got home I logged on aim.

I saw my inbox had one message.

It said


From AcousticBomb
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