Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Solution

Syns POV

If I didn't know any better I would say that was the very same CJ that I talked to. We hadn't discussed where she lived so my mind was saying that wasn't her while my gut was telling me different. Zacky had laughed at my suggestion that it was her. Even he doubted that she was the girl I talked to. Though I haven't talked to her since that day that she came out with her hatred for my band. Something about that just didn't seem right either.

"Hey Brian quit thinking about her and help me get the bags on the bus," Zacky said as he grabbed our bags from the back of the car.

"What if that really was her?" I asked him for the hundredth time.

"Oh my god Brian. If you really want to know just go back and ask her if that's her screen name," Zacky said a bit annoyed.

"No! She'd think I'm so kind of stalker or something," I turned the idea down quickly.

"Then ask her over aim sometime."

"Still a bit stalkerish."

"Fine then just ask her the name of the place she works in. I can't imagine that's a common store. I've never seen it anywhere else in the country."

"Yeah that's one of the reasons you like it so much."

"That and they have good stuff. But seriously just find out if that's her or not and end this whole thing."

"Have you told any of the other guys?"

"Again, no. I haven't told them."

"Sorry, I just really don't want them to know about this.

"Why? Because you're practically cheating on Mandy with someone you barely know?"

"I am not cheating on Mandy. For your information I haven't talked to CJ since you did."

"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"She hasn't been on."

"Right. Like I'm going to believe that."

"Well she was never on when I was on."

"When was the last time you got on?"

"Shortly before we left."

"Then maybe she was at work. Did you get on at all before then?"

"No," I whispered.

"You are so stupid," Zacky said and walked onto the bus.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked him rather harshly. He was really starting to get on my nerves, acting like he knew everything.

"What's your password?" Zacky asked as he sat down by the computer and opened AIM.

"Why would I tell you that?" I responded like a smartass.

"Hellraiser it is then," Zacky said as he quickly typed in the correct password and logged on.

"How did you know that?"

"Brian, it's your password to everything."

"Well it's easy to remember. What are you doing?"

"I'm checking to see if CJ is on."

"She's at work."

"So then I'm going to leave her a message."


"You really need to learn how to use this. You can email people through this."



"What are you going to say?"

"I'm just going to say hi. Chill lover boy."

"Shut up."

So Zacky quickly sent that message off before logging off. There was no one else on my buddy list so he didn't have anything else he could mess with. The fact that he knew my password to everything freaked me out just a tad bit. There was no telling what he had access to because of this little fact. Note to self, change passwords asap.
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:D comments please. They make us both smile :D