Instant Hate, Instant Love

Instant Trouble

Syns POV

"Who are you talking to?"

I jumped as my best friend read my conversation over my shoulder. Somehow he had gotten onto the bus without me hearing anything from him. He's not excatly the quietest person around so in order for him to do that I would have to be dead. But he had made it on the bus and read my conversation and there wasn't anything left unknown to him. How on earth was I going to be able to explain something like this?

"Oh, just this girl that I met online."

That wasn't suspicious at all. I might as well just state that I was nearly cheating on Mandy with this girl who hated me.

"She hates you apparently," Jimmy said as he read our conversation.

"Thanks for pointing that out," I snapped at him.

"What's the matter? You like her or something?" Jimmy asked me.

"No. Why would I like her? I barely know her."

"You like her," Jimmy smirked at me.

"It's not like anything is going to happen. Clearly she hates me."

"Well I would hate you to if you laughed at me while I was dieing."

"What am I going to do Jimmy?"

"That depends on how much you like her."

"I don't like her."

"Then you just don't talk to her anymore. That will be easy considering you have no one else to talk to. So just don't get on anymore."

"But then she'll think I'm mad at her."

"Oh my god Brian. Just admit that you like her."

"I don't like her."

"Yes you do. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation and you would ignore the whole thing."

"You're not helping me here."

"Ok, so you don't like her but you want to talk with her."

"It's not like that."

"You've stressed several times that you don't like her. Yet you still want to talk with her."

"Yeah, I want to get to know her."

"You need to break up with Mandy and find a way to make it up to this girl."

"I can't break up with Mandy. Maybe I can get her to break up with me."

"You are Synyster fucking Gates and you can't break up with a girl?"

"Shut up! Fine. I'll break up with her."

"Oh thank god. I'm going to go celebrate."

"I haven't broken up with her yet."

"Do it tonight so I have a reason to get drunk."

"You don't need a reason to get drunk."

"Yeah, but it makes it better if I do," Jimmy said as he ran out of the room, more than likely going to tell Zacky what had happened.

I looked back at the computer and noticed that CJ had asked me another question. Quickly I responded to her simply why question. I really don't know what I said because something else had stolen my attention. Someone else was sending me a message. KJbeatsCJ. Now her brother was IMing me. Oh no, what if he somehow found out who I was. I'm in deep shit.
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