Sand Castles


There is nothing at all like the beach. I love it more than anything, and finally, I was getting to stay. The big blue beach house, all mine, well mine and Dad's. No sister or little brother (I'd kind of miss them anyway). Just Dad and me.

But that was the problem. Dad and Mom had had a... Falling out about six years ago. Arianna and Silus had always sided with Mom, but I remained nutrual. Plus, Dad lived in Charleston. Mom lived in Greenville. Which would you choose? Arianna was pissed at me because I left her. I was a little sad she didn't come with me.

"You coming in Dee?" My father yelled from the porch.

"In a little while," I yelled back, looking over my shoulder. Dad was on the screened in porch, holding the door open.

"Aren't you hot?" He asks me, cocking his eyebrow.

I'm wearing capris and a longsleeved shirt, even if its lightwieght. "Give me two minutes, kay?"

"Whatever." I looked a bit like Dad, but that was where all the similarities stopped. I don't look a thing like either of my parents except for my eyes are the same shade of blue as Dad's. Ocean blue, because that isn't cliche at all. My hair was long, wavy, and pale blonde. I was thin, but not really pretty enough to cause attention.

My toes squirmed in the sand, but I turned around and left anyway. Had to get unpacked.
I was walking Dad's chinese crested Envy. It wasn't one of the ugly ones, I thought she was really pretty. And people were shooting us looks, and kept asking me what type of dog Envy was.

I'd also changed into a pair of shorts and a white bikini. I had my bag with me, too, because I knew it would only be a matter of time before I snapped and jumped into the water.

When I stopped I was right beside a pier. I pulled out Envy's little umbrella and tied her to it, making sure to massage sunscreen into her skin anyway. Leaving her with a little water and ample shade, I shimmied out of my shorts and skipped down to the water.

An hour later I pulled my shorts back on and went home.
Dad cooked dinner. He wasn't much of a cook, but he wasn't bad either. Spaghetti and meatballs. The silence was a bit awkward, only on his part. He should know by now I didn't talk a lot, but we haven't seen each other much in a while. "You still playing?" He asks me eventually.

He means the piano. I smile at him. "Of course. I learned the guitar too, but the piano is my favorite. I'm still painting and drawing and such."

"Good.... Good."

"How is work down at the station?"

"Good, well, as good as it gets. Hasn't been to busy, but just last week we busted this woman making drugs in her apartment..." He goes into the story about her, then tells me how much time she'll be facing, and stresses to me drugs are bad, bad, bad. Like I didn't know that.

But I love my Dad. He's not sure how to act around me, a teenage girl he hardly knows. Even if I am his daughter. He's middle aged, with thinning brown hair, but not overwieght at all. He's the type of Dad that has a shotgun upstairs, drinks beer from a can, and tries to get his daughters to watch football with him. He's also a police officer. Not the sheriff, just an officer. Officer Roan.

After dinner I help him clean up in silence. Eventually, as were almost done, he speaks. "I'm really glad you're here."

"So am I Daddy." I peck him on the cheek and scamper upstairs.
I love having the beach right outside, but I love swimming nearer to ther people. Plus, I might be able to make some friends before school starts. Its already July ninth.

So I set up in the middle of a crowded beach and sprawl out on my towel. A while later, I realize there are some kids, roughly my age at sixteen, playing volleyball. What else do you do at the beach?

And they have an odd number of people.


I get up and walk over to them, catching their attention quickly. 'Hi, I say, smiling. "i'm Aphrodite. Can I play?"

"Aphrodite, like the godess?" One of them asks.

I nod.

"Sweet. I'm Liam," the guy says. He's really tan, with black hair and almost photoshopped abs. "This is Raven, Genesis, Sam, Courtney, David, and Jordan."

"Hey," they all intoned. I turned to raven and Genesis, who were obviously twins. Both had long black hair and surprising purple eyes. "I'm a twin too," I say.

"Really?" They say at the same time.

"Yep. Her name is Arianna. The only difference between the two of us is she has green eyes."

"Where is she?" I think Raven asks.

"Back home. My parents are split, I'm living with my Dad."

"Cool... I think," the other says uncertainly. "Welcome to Charleston."

I end up on the team with Jordan, Courtney, and Liam. I'm pretty good, so they don't hate me for sucking. Liam is one of the most loud guys on the planet, yelling about everything. From what I've seen, him and Jordan are best friends.

"Do you live here too?" I eventually ask as we all take a break.

"Yeah," Courtney answers, pulling her braids back into a ponytail. "David was the new kid until you came along. How long are you staying?"

"Through the school year, at least."

"Awesome," Liam crows pouring a bottle of water on Jordan's head when he wasn't looking. Jordan jumped up, blushing a little, and knocked Liam to the ground. Jordan had yet to speak to me. He seems really shy.

"So now they can't make fun of me anymore," David says cheerfully.

"What grade will you be in?" One of the twins ask.


"Great. You're with Raven, Jordan, Liam,and I. Courtney, Sam and David will be seniors."

Sam, who has red hair and the same green eyes as Arianna, hands me a water bottle. I thank her and drink some, then start braiding my hair absentmindedly as questions are fired at me from all directions.

"Whats your favorite color?"


"Do you play an instruments?"

"Piano and guitar."

"Whats your favorite band?"

"Er, Lady Gaga."

"Lady Gaga, you like Lady Gaga?"

"Of course I like Lady Gaga, she's my role model."

"Chick needs some screamo."

"No, thank you."

"No one listens to that shit but you, Liam."

"Its not shit!"

"Oh, its shit."

Jordan and Liam go rolling across the ground, wrestling. My attention is drawn back to the others.

By the end of the day Liam and Jordan drive me home, even though I really could just walk. Liam talks nonstop, but Jordan remains quiet, despite Liam's attempts to draw him into the conversation. I talk back animatedly, but I don't want to make Jordan fel uncomfortable, or more uncomfortable, so I don't ask him a bunch of questions.

"Bye guys! Thanks for the ride!" I say, hopping out of the jeep.

"No problem!" Liam yells back. "I'll call you tomorrow, 'kay? We're having a cook out."

"Sounds great!" The screen door slams behind me as I head inside.
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So... Keep or kill?