A Birthday to Remember

Chapter 1

Jordan was just waking up in his home in Thunder Bay. Dan had given him time off due to a sore back to come home and spend time with his family. His birthday was today and even his brothers were coming home.

He rolled over expecting to feel his wife lying beside him. But his arm landed over nothing. He sat up and looked around the room. He heard something coming from downstairs and a smile came upon his face. Britney was always looking after him and he couldn’t wait until they had a baby. He knew that she would make a great mother.

He got up out of bed and pulled on some sweatpants before heading downstairs. He scratched the top of his head and moved towards the kitchen. Jordan stopped in the doorway and smiled as he watched his wife move around, while making breakfast. He sauntered over and placed his arms around her waist and pulled her into his chest. He places a light kiss on the top of her head before resting his head on her shoulder.

“Good morning baby.” He said.

Britney smiled and placed her hands on his arms. She leaned further into his chest, loving the feeling of his abs. “Good morning.” She turned to face him. “Happy Birthday.” She leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips.

“Thank you.” He placed another kiss on her lips before moving to sit at the table. “Do you know what time everyone is getting here?” He asked as he continued to watch her.

“Yeah. They should be here at about 2-ish. I have to go pick up your cake with your mom and 1:30.” She told him as she plated the pancakes and bacon and grabbing him a cup of coffee.

She placed it down in front of him. “Thank you.” She walked away and grabbed her own breakfast with some orange juice instead of coffee and joined him. “You don’t have to get me a cake, you know.”

“I know. It was mostly your mom’s idea.” She told him with a smirk.

Jordan chuckled and shook his head a little. “Of course it was.”

They continued to eat their breakfast, while talking and joking around with each other. After they were done, Jordan got up and put the dishes in the dishwasher and then headed upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the day.

Britney let out a sigh and then smiled. She placed her hand on her stomach and took a deep breath. She could not wait to tell Jordan.

{FF- 1:30}
Linda and Britney were on their way to get the cake. Linda looked over at Britney from the passenger seat with a huge smile.

“Are you excited about telling him?” She questioned her daughter-in-law.

Britney smiled and nodded. “We have been trying for a year. He will be so excited.” She then bit her lip. “At least I think he will be. I mean, we are still pretty young. Maybe he still wants to wait a little longer.”

Linda shook her head and grabbed onto Britney’s free hand and held onto it. “Oh no honey. He will be so happy.” Britney looked over a little before turning her attention back to the road. “In fact, the other day he mentioned that he can’t wait until you’re pregnant.” She smiled at Britney. “He thinks you will make a good mother and…” Britney looked at her again when she came to a stop in from of the shop. “…and so do I.”

Britney smiled at Linda and leaned over the center console to give her a hug. “Thank you Linda. I really needed to hear that.”

“You’re welcome dear. Now let’s get that cake and go back.” Linda replied getting out of the car. Britney followed suit and went to Linda’s side. “How are we going to hide it from him?” She asked as they walked through the door.

“I was thinking that we can take it through the back door.” She said as she walked to the counter and turned to Linda. “We will just have to watch when he goes into the kitchen.”

Linda nodded her head and turned to the employee behind the register. “We are here to pick up an order for Staal.”

“One moment.” The girl said before heading to the back where they kept the orders. She came back with a tall box and placed it down. She opened the lid so they could inspect the two tiered cake.

“Oh it looks great Britney.” Linda exclaimed and looked over at her before looking back at the cake. “He will love it.”

Britney nodded her head. “It is perfect.”

The girl closed the box and then pushed the box in their direction, considering Britney paid for it when she ordered it. “Thank you for shopping with us.” Britney and Linda nodded their heads. “And congratulations.” She said smiling at Britney.

Britney smiled back. “Thank you.”

Britney and Linda make their way back to the car and made sure the cake was secure in the back seat. Both of them got into their seats and made their way back home. They talked all the way home, especially about the next few months would entail. When they got to the house, Britney pulled the car into the garage.

“Why don’t you go inside? I’ll take the cake in and hide it.” Linda told her.

Britney nodded her head and made her way into the house. When she stepped through the door she could hear Jordan and his dad talking loudly from the living room. She took her coat off and laid her keys and purse down on the table by the door. She slipped off her shoes and made her way to the living room. The chatter stopped when she came into the room. Henry smiled and stood up to come hug her.

“Hi sweetheart.” He pulled back to look at her face. “How are you feeling?” He asked her. But she knew there was a hidden meaning to his words.

“Hi Henry.” She smiled at him. “And I am doing just fine.”

He nodded his head then pulled her over to the couch to have he sit down. When she was close enough, Jordan pulled her down on to his lap. Britney cuddled into him and he tightened his grip on her. Linda soon came into the room and sat down in the armchair, joining in on the conversation. They all sat around talking, just waiting for the guests to arrive.

{FF- 4:00}
It was getting closer to the time for everyone to leave. Eric, Marc and Jared were keeping Jordan company, along with some of their other friends. Parker and Levi, their nephews, were lying down in the guest room taking a nap. Britney was in the middle of talking to her sister-in-laws, Tanya and Lindsay, when Linda came over.

“It’s almost time for everyone to leave. Why don’t we do the cake now?” She suggested.

Britney nodded her head and smiled. “That’s a great idea.” She excused herself from Tanya and Lindsay, before she and Linda headed to the kitchen.

Linda had set the box on the island before hand and placed all of the candles on. Britney pulled the cake out of the box and turned to Linda.

“Why don’t you go tell everyone that we are doing cake and have Jordan sit in front of the table?” Britney suggested.

Linda nodded her head and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I will start singing ‘Happy Birthday’ when we are ready.”

As soon as Linda walked out of the room, Britney lit all of the candles so she was ready. She could hear the song being sung so she picked up the cake and made her way out into the living room. When she got to the table and placed it down, many of the guests gasped.

Jordan looked down at the cake in shock. He quickly blew out the candles before looking up at his wife. “Britney…” He stuttered out, unsure of what to say. He looked back down at the cake.

It was a round, two tiered cake. The fondant on the larger cake was a baby pink with baby blue dots and the smaller one was vice versa. But what really caught his attention was, written in pink and blue gel frosting. In big letters it read ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!’ Jordan stood up and walked over to his wife, who was beaming.

“Britney… Are you… Are we?” He couldn’t get a full question out.

Britney smiled wider and moved closer to him, she placed one of his hands onto her lower stomach. “I’m pregnant.” She let out a chuckle. “We’re having a baby.”

Jordan’s smile grew and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a kiss. He was beyond happy. They were having a baby.

{FF- 5:00}
Everyone had congratulated the young couple and had left, leaving Jordan alone with his wife. They were currently sitting on the couch, well Britney was. Jordan was laid out on it with his head in her lap.

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant.” He looked up at her with a gentle smile. “You’re going to be a great mom.”

She smiled back at him and ran her fingers threw his hair. “You’re going to be a pretty good dad.”

Jordan leaned up and kissed her lightly. “I love you.” He mumbled.

“I love you too.” Britney responded.

Jordan then placed a kiss on her stomach. “And I love you too.” He looked up into Britney’s eyes. “We both do.”

The two of them spent the rest of the day just relaxing. Both of them thinking about their future. But there is one thing that Jordan was sure of… This is his best birthday yet and one he was never going to forget.