Status: Gone away, wanting to come back but i just cant find the way <3

I Am a Creep! What? Yeah, a Creep!

My little purple spoon

The sky shines bright, sun high up in the blue sky. The guys sleep in their van on their way to yet another stop. Their in Texas and right out side of their destination, Austin. I guess I should introduce you all to the band before we go on any further.
Band name:Descending The Armada
Drummer:Quinntin (Q or Quin)
Bass Guitarist:Jepha (Jeffa)
Guitarist 1:Alexander (Alex or Al)
Guitarist 2: Wyatt
Manager: Colton (Colt)
Driver: Adam Tate (A.T.)
Lead Singer: Phenoix

A.T. drove the white van along the open roads. Colt slept in the passenger seat with his phone in on hand and his laptop on his lap. Quin and Jepha slept in the seats right behind the driver and passenger seats. Behind them Alex and Wyatt slept. In the vary back Phenoix slept with everyones bags surrounding him. They guys have just a few more hours until they arrive to their temporary home.

******TIME LAPSE************

"Phenoix! Get your ass up!!" Colt yelled while Alex hit Phenoix in the face with a pillow.
"We're here you lazy fuck," Alex said laughing as loud as he could. Everyone had gotten out of the van but no one bothered to take out the bags. Colt had a friend who was a real estate agent, Beck, he had a house that was sold but the people weren't moving in for another week or two so the guys were offered it. They accepted.
The house was big but at the same time very small. Down stairs was a kitchen, living room, two bathrooms, a laundry room, and one bedroom. Upstairs was another three bedrooms and four bathrooms. Colt got the master bedroom upstairs, Quin and A.T. got the other two upstairs bedrooms. Jepha decided to sleep in the upstairs room with Quin. Alex and Wyatt rushed to get the last bed room before Phenoix could downstairs. Phenoix was left with the pull out couch. After they picked rooms they unloaded their bags from the van to the rooms. They got to Austin earlier than they needed to be there, but that left time to do some site seeing.
The house was furnished but nothing else was there. The guys with rooms (everyone but Phenoix) put their clothes into the drawers and closets. Phenoix's things stayed in his bag. "Phenoix, you coming with us to eat?" Jepha asked Phenoix as he walked down the wooden stairs.
"Uhh, sure I guess why not." Phenoix walked over and grabbed his black and white chuck taylors. He slipped them on and wore some black pants and his black hoodie. Everyone was pretty much dressed the same. They guys all went out for BBQ and drinks. Their first night was a blast. None of them remember it.
But it was all caught on camera and put onto every website.

****TIME LAPSE**** (Next morning)
The boys woke up around noon, all with hangovers. They got themselves bowls of cereal and spoons.
They ate and watched some crazy show on MTV,

Jepha had a purple little spoon. I had a cough.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to Bee for her crazy mind, thank you for the Story title and chapter title. This is how my brother wanted me t show his inspiration from you :) so thanks!!

Hope you guys stick around too read more!!
Sorry it's such a slow start.