Status: ongoing

Nine Kinds of Crazy

the New Guy

Dean wasn't supposed to pace. If he paced they'd make him sit down, force him to sit down and stay down. But Sam was in therapy and he wasn't allowed in with that group, so he paced. Behind the couch, seven steps and turn over and over again. "Dean ..." came the warning voice from the nurses station. He immediately dropped to the ground and pretended to be preoccupied with his hands. Fourteen more minutes.
Then that door opened. The door that was locked and didn't open unless people were really bad; really extremely bad. It's where they kept the dangerous people. He'd heard stories about their room with bars everywhere and padded wall and locked doors. They'd tie you to the bed and force you full of drugs. He'd seen people be dragged through the door. But never him. He was good, but he didn't like seeing the door open. It knotted up his stomach and made him sweat. He was always worried they'd come for him or worse, for Sam. "Dean you will mess up your stomach again if you sit like that," nurse Andy said as she passed him. He tried to relax. He didn't want to go back to the hospital wing. He'd gone three weeks ago after he'd been so tense that it had messed with his stomach and intestines . It hadn't been fun and he didn't want to repeat it. Or be away from Sam.
He turned his head so that he could watch the doctors and the nurses. This there was someone with them. He wore white. White pants, white shirt, white slippers; where as here they either got hospital issued blue clothes or their own sweatpants and tshirts and sweatshirts. It was a privilege though, their own clothing that is. Sam didn't have that privilege right now. The man stood with slumped shoulders and messy dark brown hair. A clipboard was taken off the wall and Dean watched as he signed his name in a box. A box that assigned him a room. A box that Dean wouldn't be surprised was next to his own name. There weren't many open rooms and he wasn't allowed to room with Sam. The facility held 24 in their wing and he was number 21. This guy made 22.
The doctors left the guy with the nurses who lead him down the hall towards the rooms. Dean crawled after them. They went to his room. It was room 11. Sam was in 8.The guy had nothing, but they still went into the room and left the door open. Dean crawled close enough to hear what they were talking about. Nurse Andy was explaining rules and routine.
"Dean what are you doing?" Dean jumped and looked up to smile at Sam before standing.
"There is a new person. He came from the bad place though, but he's in my room."
"It's not good to spy Dean," he reprimanded and Dean shrugged.
"Whatever Sammy." He headed back to the lounge, Sam following. Soon it would be lunch and then Dean would have group therapy. He hated group therapy more then individual therapy. There was nothing wrong with him. He was just carrying the burden of saving the whole world. Dean sat at a table with Sam across from him. Sam looked around before settling back down.
"Have you seen her?" Sam asked and Dean shook his head. Sometimes the doctor would come and talk to him about why he had to save the world. She'd been gone for over a day though. They had to keep telling him that she wasn't real, but Dean insisted. Sam on the other hand was always being hunted. Everyone wanted him and wanted to drag him to hell or torture him or eat his insides. It made him violent and fighting hallucinations, again, had lost him privileges. Dean wore a worn gray Clapton tshirt and black sweatpants and Sam wore hospital issued blue clothes. Dean also refused to wear his slippers and ran around in his socks unless they were going out and he was allowed normal shoes.
"What did you talk about?" Dean asked his brother who shrugged and looked around again. "Tell me Sammy," Dean insisted but Sam only shrugged.
"Same stuff as always," he murmured and focused back on Dean. "They told me to talk to other people, like my roommate." Dean frowned.
"But you have me," he said and Sam nodded.
"That's what I said."
"Good Sammy," Dean smiled and watched the nurses direct the new guy into the lounge. Andy was making a beeline for their table. She always did. Dean crossed his arms hoping to deter her, but it was a lost cause.
"Stop that Dean," she said and sat the guy on a chair. He remained silent and staring at the ground. Sam shifted uncomfortably and Andy gave him a look before heading back to the station.
"He won't hurt you Sammy," Dean reassured his brother who glanced around again. Nurse Melissa started going around passing out medicine which relieved Dean. Sam became more paranoid when his medicine started wearing off. Sometimes that wasn't the case though and he'd snap and Dean couldn't stop it anymore, so he'd curl up in the corner, shut his eyes and cover his ears. "Where is his?" Dean asked as Melissa walked away without giving the new guy his medicine.
"He can't have pills Dean. He won't swallow them," she said and walked off. Dean stared at the guy who hadn't moved even an inch since he was sat down.
"It's not that hard," Dean said finding himself repeating the same words he told Sam a long time ago when he had to get Sam to swallow medicine.
"Are you going to save him too?" Dr. Cartwright asked from behind Dean. He shrugged and turned to her.
"I just want him to know it isn't hard. Sam thought it was hard, but I showed him it wasn't. It's easier. If you don't they stick you with needles."
"I see," she said.
"Take your medicine Dean," Sam said from across the table. Dean knocked it back dry and Dr. Cartwright had walked off. Dean noticed that the new guy was now looking up at him. His eyes were dark blue and staring inquisitively at Dean.
"It was Dr. Cartwright," Dean told him and he cocked his head, his eyes moving behind Dean. There was uncertainty backed by fear in them. His mouth moved but no sound came out.
"Only Dean sees her," Sam told the guy and Dean glared. Phrasing it like that made Dean sound crazy or something and he wasn't crazy. The guy didn't acknowledge Sam, instead he dropped his eyes to the floor again.
"No doctor," he whispered so quietly that Dean almost didn't hear him. "Only Lucifer."