Status: Active

Mentiras de Amor


You know that place where you escape from reality? The place where all your troubles are gone and no one can hurt you? That place where you always go running to just to forget for a little while that you are terrible person?

Yeah, that place that makes it all better was actually his arm, his eyes, his smile, everything about him.

But I lost it. It wasn’t my fault. It was his.

You see, when you are little you live inside this bubble full of rainbows and dreams and good things. But then you grow up, the bubble bursts and you learn that reality isn’t what you thought it was. You learn reality is a dark place full of lies and people trying to get advantage of you.

A few years ago I let myself believe that people could actually change if they really wanted to.
I wish I never did, it would have saved me a lot of heartache, but I guess that’s growing up.
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Hey! This is my first story here :) & sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language.