Status: Goodbye, everyone :) Thank you for reading this story and growing up with me, but it's time for me to go now.

The *** of Warped Tour

*** Me For ***ing Myself By ***ing You!

"Danny! Ben!" Ronnie exclaimed, bro hugging the two guys I did not want to see. Danny and Ben echanged a look and smirked at me.
"Hello B." Danny laughed.
"Did you want to come hang out with us on the bus again?" Ben tried to keep a tenuous grasp on his composure. He was failing.
"Whore." Danny was in fits of laughter by now.
"I heard about your new job." Ben grinned. "Nice tits."
"Can I be in one of your videos?" Danny laughed harder, which I didn't think was possible.
"Guys what the hell?" Ronnie asked the two dick faces.
"Nothing nothing. You'll find out sooner or later." Danny calmed him self down. Ronnie just shot me a weird look.
"Yeah when she's fucking you and it ends up on #isanyoneup." Ben was now laughing, and Danny had joined back in. I took this as my que to leave. But once again someone was following me. Not Danny. Not Ronnie. But Ben.
Bitches love Ben Bruce? This is debatable, because I infact fucking hate Ben Bruce. He's hot, but he's a dick.