Status: Hi guys, after reading through my story, I decided to re-do 90 percent of the story line so that it is more accurate to how Escape The Fate formed. I'm sorry :( But on the bright side, this is going to be the MOST ACCURATE fanfiction on earth ever to have been done on Escape The Fate.

We Are All Okay

Tallia Radke is 15, Ronnie Radke's little sister, and Brian Monte Money's best friend. This year is her sophomore year in Mojave high school. She only met Ronnie and his dad, Russell, whom she thinks is her father too, when she was twelve. Before that she lived with her and Ronnie's mother. Russell doesn't pay much attention to her, but Ronnie, however, is always there for his little sister. She is a very open minded person, and forgives people really easily when they screw up big. But with her it's the little things that count. And if you screw up with the little things then she will hold the biggest grudge. She is really good at singing, and messes around with the piano and guitar.

Ronnie Radke is 17, and Mitch Silva is his best friend. He was in a band called 3.0 with him, playing guitar, but after getting in trouble out in California while living with Mitch and his mom, he landed himself back home in Mojave high school for his senior year. Ronnie is cocky, and enjoys attention very much. He can be a huge asshole, because he stands strongly for what he believes is right. He can hold grudges for a lifetime. He also loves to skateboard and is sponsored by a local shop.

Max Green is 16, and in is junior year at Mojave high school. He is playing bass for a band called Almost Heroes. Max is like Las Vegas rolled into one person. He is a lot of fun, and will do anything to be viewed as the bad ass. Usually that lands him in trouble. While him and Ronnie are both rambunctious, childish, and down right obnoxious, Max manages to get in a lot of trouble.

Robert Ortiz is 15, and is a drummer. When he meets Ronnie they start a band called lefty. Robert is the funny kind of guy, he's not insanely crazy, but he does have a great sense of humor.

Brian Monte Money is 15, and he was been best friends with Tallia for a long time. Though Brian doesn't go to Mojave high school, he and Tallia hang out a lot. He plays guitar and is always talking about starting a band. Monte is quiet, but is very chill to be around. It's why people warm up to him so easily.

Carson Allen and Omar Espinosa are also part of Escape The Fate's formation, though they come in later.

And this is their story.