Status: 5/5 down. None to go

The Ups and Downs of Our Life

First Kiss

It all happened on a rainy Sunday. I was hanging in my dorm that I share with my best friend, Nick, about to fall asleep when Nick walked in.

"Jeffy I gotta tell you something. Promise me you won't freak out or anything," He told me. I nodded and he took a deep breath. "Okay then. Jeffery Henry Sterling, you've been my best friend since we were born. Then we were 10 and your parents got divorced and I saw you cry for the first time. And now we go to Dalton together and we're in the Warblers and your the Agent 6 to my Agent 3. I guess I'm trying to say that I l-love you Jeff."

I sat there, shocked. I never thought Nick was gay and now I find out that not only is he gay but he's also in love with me. I never thought he could like me like that.

"Oh my gosh. Jeff I'm so sorry. I didn't even think. I was just sick of being around you and having this huge secret and I knew I had to tell you but I didn't know how I was gonna do it. So I came back and you answered looking all sexy like that so I just told you. And now you probably hate me and I should just get out of your life. I'll even move out of here and move in with Thad. I'm just so sorry Jeffy." He sounded so sad and looked ready to cry as he turned and walked out.

I sat there, confused. Then I started thinking about Nick like that . I thought about how good he looked and how his singing was amazing and how his hair looked so soft, almost as soft as his lips. Then I thought about how good it would feel to kiss those lips and I liked the thought.

I liked it.

Oh My Gosh. I liked my best friend. Like really liked him and I knew that I had to get him back. So I went to Thad's dorm.

He answered looking confused.
"I assume your looking for Nick. I think he said something about going home. I don't think he's left yet though." he said. I thanked him and ran toward the parking lot.

I looked around for his car, but I couldn't find it. I ran around in the rain until I finally found him in the back of the lot. He was just about to get in the car and leave.

I ran toward him yelling his name until he looked at me. He looked confused at first, but then he looked surprised because as soon as I reached him, I grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him.

It was amazing. Sparks flew everywhere and we were both soaked, but all our feelings were put into this kiss. It was my first kiss ever and his too.

Soon we pulled apart and I smiled. "Nick I lo- I like you a lot. I would say the L- word but I still can't say it after my parents. But I feel the same way about you Nicky."

He smiled and I asked. "So does this make it official? Or do I have to ask?"

He smirked, immediately knowing exactly what I was talking about. "Umm I think it would be better if you ask."

I sighed. "Nicholas Johnathon Duval, Will you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?"

He nodded. "Yes Jeffy. Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes."
Then he kissed me again and that's what started it all.
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Chapter 1 of 5. I'm writing this for The Bucket List Contest and cause this site has no Niff. Sorry it's kinda short.