I'm Beating Myself Up Over This

Chapter 4

Last week Tom turned 19. One of our friends threw a rave. It was smashing. Seriously. I got so drunk Tommy had to carry me back home piggy back style. He said he thought I got alcohol poisoning. I honestly can’t remember a God damn thing from that night. But Oli keeps smirking at me when we talk about it, meaning I made out with someone. I hope he was cute at least.

But today, today is the day before we leave for tour. Today is May 21st. today, today is my birthday. And one of our friends is throwing a rave for me. Hell. Yeah.

So after I double check to make sure I packed everything I’m gonna want and/or need, I throw on my dress SJ picked out. It’s a light grey baby doll that is tight just under the breast, and is loose from there down to make it look as though I’m not as skinny as I really am. It also shines a bit in the light. I have on my bright blue heals that SJ bought me for Christmas, and they are my favorite. The only jewelry I have on is the necklace Tom bought me for my 6th birthday. The first birthday without my dad. It’s a heart, it part of it missing; shaped like the bottom of a key, the part you put in the door. It’s silver and on it says “only he has the key to my heart.” I saw it in the store and loved it. But it actually had the key with it in the store, and mine didn’t. Weird. But I didn’t complain, cause it’s from my best friend.

When I walked into Jonny’s house, the first thing I saw was the table set up next to the door with presents on it, and I laughed. They didn’t do this for Tom, probably because he’s a guy and could careless. But they always do it for me, cause I’m a girl and it makes me happy to see that my friends care that much about me.

Of course I already opened the gifts from BMTH and SJ. Mat chipped in with Matt Kean and Curtis and bought me a new camera lens, which I’m stoked about. Lee bought me this awesome over night bag with toiletries in it, for the tour. And Oli went in with SJ and they both bought me a bunch of outfits and crap. Mostly new stuff from their clothing lines that they haven’t put up for sale yet.

They always give me the first ones.

Though the best present I got so far was from Mum and Dad Sykes. They got me a puppy. A freakin golden lab puppy. I nearly shit myself.

But Tom said I had to wait. I hate when he does that. He has to be the last one to give me a present. You’d think he wanted to be the first. But no, he knows I love surprises but hate waiting.

So as I’m walking threw the house looking for my boys and my girl, I find at least one of them. SJ is wearing the cutest gold sequin dress, and obviously looking for me.

She spots me and smiles, running over to me.

“Hey! Oh my god you look so gorgeous, I knew it!” she said excitedly.
“Yeah, and it’s comfortable so I won’t be itching to rip it off anytime soon,” I said with a wink. To which she just laughed.
“Where are the boys?” I ask, just as Lee, Kean, and Curtis come running to me. I know they can’t stay long, because unlike Oli, they don’t have me to wake them up tomorrow to get on the road.
“Happy birthday!” they said in unison.
“You know we’d love to stay, but if we don’t get some sleep tonight we’ll never get up tomorrow.” Lee said with a sad face.
I laughed and gave them each a kiss on the cheek and said, “If you’re not up and ready by the time we get there tomorrow, you best be in for a world of hurt my friends.”
They just laughed and gave me hugs goodbye.

Now where the fuck are Oli and Tom.

SJ grabs me a drink. And not a beer, cause I fucking hate beer. A real drink. Some wonderful vodka and redbull. More vodka then redbull though. Just how I like it. Once I take a good long sip, we head off to find our boys.

When we found them, I almost dropped my drink laughing. Oli was trying to dance like a girl to “Cyclone” and Tom was joining in. good god, what have we gotten ourselves into with these boys.

“Hey guys!” I said really loudly causing both of them to stop and run over to me.

Luckily they didn’t spill my drink, or there’d be hell to pay.

“Happy birthday!” Oli shouted into my ear giving me a kiss on the cheek and spinning me around.
Once he let me go his brother picked up where he left off.
“Happy birthday, Kay.” He said softer then his brother but loud enough to hear over the music. I smiled and hugged him back.

“Where’s my present?” I asked.
He smirked and said “Later.”

So three hours, 20 present, and a whole lotta drinks later, Tom was driving me home with all my goodies in the trunk. Once at the house, he helped me out of the car, mumbling something about getting the gifts tomorrow. He carried me to his room, where I realized I spent more time then in my own.

I wasn’t that drunk actually, I was just really tired. I had been up most of the night last night getting ready for tomorrow, and I woke up extra early this morning for Birthday Breakfast with my “parents” and the boys.

So I was still very sober when he gave me my gift.

He sat me down on his bed after making me change into one of this tee shirts and a pair of his boxers. Then he went to get my present. He came back over with a little box, all wrapped up pretty in blue paper and a green bow. My favorite colors.

I opened it carefully, trying to figure out what it could be. It had to be jewelry; the box was too small for anything else.

And I was right when I saw the little box. Just big enough for bracelet or necklace.

It was a bracelet. It was a simple silver chain with a heart on it, which was engraved with our names.

Tom and Parker. To the end.

I swear to God I almost cried.

I gave him a huge hug and whispered thank you in his ear before kissing him on the cheek. When I pulled away he had a smile from ear to ear. He helped me put it on and then started at me for a moment, still holding my hand. Suddenly he cleared his throat.

“Come on now, if we don’t get to bed soon we’ll never get up tomorrow” he said. I giggled and climbed under the covers. I snuggled into him and fell into one of the best sleeps I’ve ever had.
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I don't know Tom's real birthday, so I made it up =]