Every Little Thing


Sitting in English, bored out of my mind. Ally sat at the desk in front of me. It was good. I could watch her. She was writing something. She was kinda hunched over her table; pen in hand, scribbling away. I opened the novel we were supposed to be reading. The Outsiders. I had read it before. I liked it. I like the movie better though. Patrick Swayzee was in it. I became enthralled in the book, so much so that i didn't notice a letter get tossed onto my desk. I opened it.

-Snores- is English always this boring? Oh dear lord. You probably nodded when you read that right? I'm so screwed. I don't want to read. I only read when it’s quiet. Stupid class. Anyway, just thought I'd write you a note, coos, im bored. Duh! And im tired. We should have a sleepover. Like i could come stay at your place on Saturday night. Maybe. I don't know. It’s up to you babe. Talk after class.

She just said ily. In that letter. Abbreviation of i love you. I read the note again. She wanted a sleepover. We weren't even officially a couple. Maybe that’s what she was gonna ask me.
I felt butterflies go nuts in my stomach. Maybe she was gonna ask me out. I smile spread across my face and i felt my cheeks grow hot and flushed. Another note was tossed on my desk, this time from Robert.

you got it bad sweetie

I looked at him, looked at the teacher, and then after i realised she wasn't paying any attention to us, i smacked him hard on the shoulder.

He whispered "assault much?" and just grinned.