Every Little Thing

Uptown Girl

It was weird having Ally so close to me again. It was like she was too close. That feeling you get when someones inside your personal bubble. I just felt as if I had to take half a step away from her each and every time we were near to each other. I felt out of place. I didn't belong that close anymore. It was wrong. I was deep in thought; thinking about all of this. I was thankful that Ally had such a grip on me. I would've fallen on my face otherwise. I pulled my hood back over my head. It was the hair for sure. I looked up at the students at my school. Some groups were sitting in circles on the quad, some under the trees; my group was standing up in the centre of the quad. I saw Sam nudge Alex and they both turned around to greet us. I didn't make eye contact with either of them.

"Hey hey ladies," Alex beamed more towards Ally then me.

"Hey," Ally replied. I stayed silent. I knew I would get the third degree from Sam about this. I'd already heard it from Robert.

"Hey man," I recognized the voice as Sam's. "Check her out."

"Phwoar," Alex answered him.

I turned to see who they were talking about. Across the playground there was a girl. She looked younger then my friends. She was obviously new; I'd never seen her before. She was talking to a teacher. My English teacher. Maybe she was in my year. The girl looked like your average uptown girl from behind. She was tall, long legs, nice hair etc. She turned around and I watched her as she scanned the playground. My whole group was watching her very obviously. From where I was standing the girls hair was black, not naturally. Her school skirt sat just above her knee and her blouse was unironed. She was pretty pale, but that was extenuated by the darkness of her hair. She started walking over to my group.

"Shh," Sam urged. "Make it look like we weren't checking her out."

"Pfft," I replied. "As if! Even I blind man could of....."

I was stopped in my tracks. Miss new girl was standing in front of me. Beautiful pale skin, dark hair, black eyeliner rimmed eyes and a bang sitting at her eyebrows. I stared.

"Hello," she smiled at me. "I'm Katie."