Downfall to Darkness

No one understands

I just sat there staring. Skyler. He stood tall, at least 6'0. His shoulders were broad but he look like he had a nice combination of slim and muscular going on. With blond hair that was about three inches long and fell just over his eyebrows and soft caramel brown eyes, he looked harmless. But I knew not to go based on looks. Pretty boys were my undoing. I felt my gaze harden and looked over at Liz.

She shuffled nervously. “Well... I was bumped into him during lunch, he had just got there, and when I called you I was on my way to show him to class. But I couldn't just leave him and he said he has missed more than half the day, the other half didn't matter so I brought him with me. I hope you don't mind to much, he's actually quite nice. And I think you'll like him, he's from-”

“Liz your rambling.” I cut in and she blushed. I sighed.

“Hi, It's nice to meet you...” Skyler trailed off with a curious look.

“Victoria, Victoria Evans” I said standing up off my bed. My 5'6 frame was nothing to his.

“Beautiful name.” His voice fit his person perfectly. It wasn't too deep or too high, it was right in the middle and I surprisingly heard a tinge of an accent.

“Where are you from?” I asked.

“Well I was born in California, Lived in London for about 10 years, then moved back to California till yesterday.” He said with a small smile.

“That explains the accent.”

“Oh, I'm surprised you heard it, I thought it was nearly all gone.”

“Well I'm good at picking up things.” I couldn't shake the feeling of familiarly with him. Surely I’ve never met him before... “Let's go to the living room.”

Liz and I plopped down on the longest couch while Skyler sat in the chair facing us. I can't say I was happy about him being here but figured I’d enjoy the company because tomorrow he'd realize I was the school's most favorite target. Thanks to fucking Daniel. Liz noticed my dark expression. “So what happened?”

“Fucking Daniel happened,” I growled.

“Daniel?” Skyler asked, I noted he seemed a little tense. Probably because he was nervous or something. I brushed it off.

“Daniel Blake. The most well known guy in the senior class,” Liz said.

“Yeah and he's my worst nightmare,” I added. “He didn't do much today Liz.”

She nodded. “Hey is it okay is Nate comes,” she asked referring to her boyfriend. I nodded. She stepped out of the room to make call him. I was starring out the window again, thinking of nothing in particular, when Skyler got my attention.

“So what's the school like?”

My thoughts went back to last year. It felt like a life time ago. “Well, when you're exactly what you need to be to fit in, it's amazing. People love you and you make friends easy.” My face darkened. “But beware, the moment you aren't their picture of normal for too long, they'll cast you out. No questions asked.”

He studied me with quizzical eyes. “What did they do to you?” His voice was soft, inviting even. Like I could tell him all my worries in the world and he wouldn't judge me. I didn't fall for it. “Nothing I can't survive.”

Sky looked like he wanted to say something but Liz skipped into the room at that moment and plopped down next to me. “He's on his way,” she said grinning. She and Nathan were so in love. They had been dating since freshman year and were planning on going to the same University. I studied her. Her face looked flushed, no doubt from Nate making her blush. Her long red hair fell down to her waist in waves. Her blue eyes sparkled, like they always did when she thought of Nate. 5'7, slim, and beautiful. She's been my best friend since the 3rd grade, when switched schools.

“What are we going to do when he get's here?” I asked. Liz thought for a few moments. “Let's watch a movie.” she finally said. She walked over to my movie case.

Nate got there about 15 minutes later, and after the introduction to Skyler, we watched The Sorcerers Apprentice. It was surprising how well we got along with Sky. He seemed to just fit in with our little group. I found myself genuinely laughing at the jokes he made. Thought when they were leaving and he went to give me a hug like he gave Liz, I flinched. I could see questions and a bit of hurt in his eyes but I could bring my self to meet them. “I don't like to be touched,” I mumbled looking down.
“Hey that's okay, I understand,” he said softly. Only he didn't. No one did.