

I held the camera close to my face as I snapped pictures of anything that seemed important. I wanted to remember the first day here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I could only feel peacefulness as I looked at the little screen of my camera and examined the photos that I had just taken. I was getting better with each passing day. I guess when you work a job that you like you’re bound to get better at it.
-So, how do you like your new equipment? – I turned my head and smiled at Abbie. She was my new friend, my co-worker and my roommate. She was also the only one I knew here, because I had only flown in the day before.
-I just need to get the hang of this and I guess I need to read the instructions. I just… Who would have thought I’d get a job as a photographer when I had never even held a professional camera in my hands… - I muttered with a sheepish grin as Abbie grinned at me.
-You have the potential to become a professional, so they are willing to risk it. – She told me as I raised the camera to my face and took a photo of Abbie.
-Well, I hope I won’t mess up. – I shrugged my shoulders as I looked at the camera.
-You won’t. I’ll be helping you out. – I saw Abbie grinning from the corner of my eye and I smiled.
-Thanks. – I told her as I gave her a true smile.
-No problem. What do you know? Maybe the company will offer you a place at the end of your exchange program? – Abbie smirked and I chuckled lightly.
-I’m not the one to think about the future. I prefer to live only thinking of today. It’s better than expecting what tomorrow will be… - I muttered the last part and ran my hand through my hair as the camera dangled from my neck.
-That’s some pretty deep stuff… - Abbie muttered and I shrugged my shoulders. I could barely call myself deep. Being 21, I could barely call myself mature, because I was a complete retard. If I could act stupid and childish, I would.
-Nah. It just seems deep. – I grinned slightly and took out my pack of cigarettes. I popped one in my mouth and lit it. I shoved the beat up pack in Abbie’s direction, but she just shook her head.
-I’m pretending to quit smoking. – She said and I chuckled lightly as I took a long drag.
-What the hell..? – Abbie muttered slowly, completely out of nowhere. As I followed her line of vision, I saw a car pull up in our driveway and two men immediately got out.
-Oy, Abbie dear. – The man with ginger hair grinned and I raised my brow a bit as I once again took a long drag of my cigarette. He seemed oddly familiar.
-What the fuck, Jesse? – Abbie was sprinting at the man called Jesse in a millisecond and I could only raise my eyebrow in surprise and continue on smoking my cigarette. I watched this Jesse laugh as he picked up Abbie and spun her around, her girlish chuckles telling everyone in the neighborhood that she was delighted to see these two men.
-I missed you too, Abbie! – The other guy, very attractive, if I do say so myself, suddenly exclaimed when Abbie was letting go of Jesse. I saw Abbie roll her eyes as she enveloped the guy in a hug.
-Be quiet, Justin. – Abbie told him loudly and I grinned at that. The three of them got into a heated conversation and I turned my head in another direction, so that I could finish up my cigarette and not look awkward.
-Oy, Greta. Get your skinny butt over here and meet these two retards. – I turned my head in surprise and slowly nodded my head. After I had taken the last drag of my cigarette, I threw it on the ground and stepped on it. Then, I slowly made my way towards Abbie and her two friends.
-Hello. – I managed to put on a smile n my face, though it was hard to look friendly for me. My face always made me look angry.
-Why hello there pretty lady. I’m Jesse and this jackass over here is Justin. – Justin punched Jesse in the shoulder who could only laugh. I slightly shook my head, but my smile got bigger nonetheless.
-Pleasure. I’m Gerda, though… everyone just calls me Greta. Everyone I meet always pronounces my name wrong. – I explained slowly, not understanding why I had gotten in detail about such a stupid thing like my name. No one cared about it.
-I’m assuming you’re not from England..? – Justin asked and I shook my head.
-Nope. – I said popping the ‘p’.
-She’s from Lithuania. When I found out where she was from I thought she was from Poland. Gosh, you should’ve seen her face when I greeted her in Polish. This girl will be the best roommate ever. – Abbie gushed beside me and I raised an eyebrow at her.
-Sorry, I didn’t even pass middle school, so I have no idea where Lithuania or Poland is. – Justin grinned at me and I chuckled lightly.
-It’s fine. – I shrugged my shoulders, not really caring if they knew from which side of the world I had come.
-Anyway, we came over to invite you to dinner. – Jesse cut in grinning like a little kid and Abbie pumped her fists in the air.
-Food! – She exclaimed and I smiled at her enthusiasm. I got hyper about food too, but they didn’t need to know that.
-Come on, let’s go. – Jesse motioned for us to go and I stood frozen for a second.
-You coming? – I locked eyes with Justin and I felt a pang in my heart. It wasn’t this pang where it hurts. It was more of this ‘shit, he’s attractive’ kind of pang. I scolded myself as I smiled at Justin and motioned towards the house.
-I need to put my camera away. – And before he could reply I was already in the house and up in my room, almost ripping my hair off my scalp.
I couldn’t fall for a guy. I was a cold hearted bitch that couldn’t love. That’s what I was.
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Uhh, yeah... Awkward~...