Status: paused while working on

Just Take a Second to Set Things Straight

Chapter 1


"Honey, will you be okay here on your own?" Erica asked me just as Zack slipped a coat around her shoulders. They were going out for dinner, to meet some people he worked with.

I had been invited by Zack to join them, but I didn't feel like it. It was just one of those days, you know? I guess you get like this a lot when you have my condition.

"Yeah, I'll be okay, don't worry about me. You god, um..." My mind went blank again. Dammit! This was tearing me apart! I wouldn't let them know. I'd just fake it. I couldn't let them know how sad it made me, how disappointed I was with myself and how mad I was. They were already worried enough.

The guy smiled with understanding and patience. "Zack," he offered. Fuck. Of course, how did I forget that?

I smiled gratefully. "Yeah, you and Zack go and have fun. Don't you worry about me." She would anyway, but I had to say it.

Erica pouted. "Alright. But remember, call me if you need anything, okay? Number's on the fridge." I nodded and Erica pulled me into a hug. "I don't care what it is, if you need me, call me. Anything. Even if it's just to ask where the brownies are."

I smiled at her and laughed a little. "Yeah, I got it. Number's on the fridge, call for brownies."

Erica smiled and stroked my hair. She was extremely mom like and protective of me. I guess it was understandable, but I'm a grown adult! I'm fucking twenty three! Gees. "Good. Stay safe, okay? No cooking. you know what happened last time."

Yeah, only because they kept telling me. I didn't actually remember. Apparently I'd cut my hand and nearly burned down the kitchen in the process of trying to cook. That was back at my grandparents. I didn't really like to talk to them. I didn't feel comfortable when I was around them. I got the feeling like they didn't really want me there, and they were always pushing me to remember stuff. Erica didn't push me. Mom didn't push me. Maybe they did at the beginning, but I think they kind of accepted it and instead they were just...there for me. Which I really appreciated, even though they knew that I could forget them at any time. Luckily I had forgotten them a couple of times but they had managed to break through to me to let me know that they were friends and family, that they were here to help me. And they never got mad. The doctors had said it was because they were a constant in my life, so we just had to make sure I spoke to them everyday. It was hard to see my mom seen as she was still in England, but I spoke to her everyday, even though we both knew I couldn't really remember her.

"No cooking, I promise. Now go have fun!"

Zack rolled his eyes. "It's work."

"Yeah but your friends are so fun!" Erica said, squeezing his shoulder.

Again, Zack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just because you have a crush on all four of us..."

"I do not! I-"

"Guys!" I laughed, cutting Erica off. "You gotta go. You're gonna be late!"

They hugged me goodbye one last time and then headed out, reminding me of what not to do. I closed the door behind them, waving. "Finally," I mumbled to myself, leaning my back against the closed door for a moment.

I was pretty sure I remembered where the brownies were. Fridge, right? Yeah, there they were. Fridge. Knew it. Damn, Zack's house was huge. I grabbed the plate of brownies, and took them through to the living area, settling in front of the large flat screen.

Laying down on the couch, I set the plate on my stomach and smiled to myself as some rom com came on the tv. Picking up a brownie, and biting into it, I sighed again. "Well kiddo, looks like it's just you and me."


Twenty minutes late. Zack was twenty minutes late.

But when he arrived to the restaurant, he had an arm wrapped around a blonde woman. A woman I recognised. Erica. But...last I heard she had managed to track down Allie. And she'd told me...well...

"Hey guys, long time no see," Zack said, greeting Rian, Jack and I. We were supposed to just be having talks about a new record, like what we wanted to put on it seen as we had just come off a tour. Well...we came off the tour about a month ago. And I'm not gonna lie, I was a wreck. I missed Allie so much. Even Jack and his dick jokes couldn't make me feel better. We hadn't all seen each other properly since that tour. Rian had been with Cassadee, Jack had been...well doing whatever Jack did, seen as I pretty much pushed everyone away, and Zack was with Erica. Who had been looking after Allie. I needed to talk to her. It had been five months. I needed Allie.

We got through the meal, made conversation about the new record, the stuff we wanted to put on it, and then it was time for dessert, we were pretty happy with what we were planning for the fans. It was the perfect time to address Erica.

"How is she?" I asked, avoiding eye contact, and the whole table went silent. Fuck.

It was a tense moment waiting for Erica's response.

"Please, I need to know. I know you told me before that it really wasn't the right time to talk to her, and I promise I'm not going to push for her to remember something she clearly never will, but please, just let me talk to her. Even if it's just as a friend. A stranger. Please, I need to see her."

Erica and Zack exchanged looks. "Do we tell him now or...?" Zack asked Erica.

She shook her head. " shouldn't be up to us."

"Well she's not going to know to tell him," Zack replied.

"I know she's not going to know Zack, don't you think I realise that when she forgets my name every fucking ten minutes?" Erica said, signs of tears in her eyes.

"Erica, I'm just saying, either way he needs to know..."

"God, Zack, I know that...I just..."

"Wait, what do I need to know? Is she okay?" I asked in a panic. Was something else wrong with her?

Erica looked at me. "Nothing's...wrong...exactly. It's just...well it's not up to us to tell you...we brought her here so that maybe you could find out for yourself, we persuaded her really. I just...well..." She seemed to be struggling for words.

"Why don't we just bring him back and she can meet him and he'll know?" Zack suggested. Yes, I liked that idea. I wanted to know. But...well..."meet" me...I hated that. My best friend, my lover, meeting me. It made me feel sick.

"Oh yeah, because it would be so beneficial to her health for him to freak out and say something he shouldn't, and then get Allie all up in a state! What a fucking brilliant idea Zack!"

"Woah, Erica, chill yo beans," Jack joked. Oops. Wrong thing to say as exemplified by the icy look Erica gave him.

"I promise I won't freak out, whatever it is. Please. I just want to see her again," I managed to choke out.

I finally locked eyes with Erica. She held my stare for a moment and then sighed, closing her eyes and putting a hand to her head. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but fine. You can come back with us. But no trying to tell her you know her or ever did, no trying to romance her as soon as you walk through the door, no confusing her by bringing up the past. Just act like you only just met her. Like she's a stranger, nothing more. And no freaking out," she told me sternly, stressing the point about not freaking out.

"Why would I freak out?" I asked cautiously.

Erica sighed. "I can't say. Like I said, it's not my place, but you have to know anyway. Just please, promise me okay?"

I nodded. "I promise." I was far too ecstatic with the fact that I would finally get to see Allie after Erica had told me a couple of months ago that it was complicated and no way was she letting me anywhere near Allie.

We left early, and as we were driving, Zack started to make small talk. "So, Alex, what happened to that girl you were with the last couple days of tour?"

I sighed as Erica shot me daggers. "I ended it. Just like the others." None of the girls had made it past a couple of weeks.

"Why?" Erica asked hotly. It was okay, guess she was just looking out for Allie.

"Because they weren't her," I answered simply. That was the end of that conversation.

Cue the awkward car ride. Fuck the aliens.

By the time we reached Zack's house, I was shaking out of control.

"Dude, calm down. You don't wanna freak her out. You know what Erica said," Zack reminded me. I nodded as Erica looked at Zack sharply.

"Well forgive me for looking out for my best friend. Oh, wait, she doesn't fucking remember I'm her best friend!"

Zack hugged her at his side as she fumbled with the keys to open the door. "Hey, I know, it's okay. How about when we get in we introduce Alex, and then I take you out again? Movies or beach, your call."

"I can't just leave her Zack!"

"You won't be leaving her," I interjected. "She'll be with me. I'll look after her."

"You need a break babe, come on. And they need to talk and you know it. This is too much for you. Let me just take you out tonight. One night, I promise. And then you can go back to all protective mom okay?"

Erica sighed and nodded, and unlocked the door. Oh god, this was it. I was going to see her. Fuck, I was so nervous. Just calm down, I told myself. Don't freak her out. You've never met before. She doesn't know you. You're a stranger. But I wasn't though, was I? Because she was my everything.

But somehow I managed to get my nerves under control, nodded to Erica, and she pushed the door open.

"Allie?" Erica called out.

"In here, you back already?" a familiar voice yelled from what I imagined would be the living area. Erica turned the corner, Zack smiled in encouragement, but also nervousness, and ushered me to follow.

"Yeah, but we're going out again in like two minutes, sorry sweetie," I heard Erica say.

"Nah, it's fine. It'll be nice to have the place to myself, and you deserve a break. Don't think I don't know how hard it is for you."

"Thanks Allie, but really, I don't mind looking out for you."

"I know. I guess that's why we became friends, right?" Allie said with a sad laugh in her voice. I saw her. Well, part of her. Erica obscure her from my view. Zack placed a hand on my shoulder, but when I turned to look at him, he wouldn't look into my eyes.

"Yeah, I guess. And...well you're not going to be on your own. One of Zack's friends is gonna stay with you while we're out...uhm, Allie, this is Alex..." Erica said, finally moving so I could take Allie in. Oh god, she looked as beautiful as I remembered her.

Erica shot me a worried look, measuring my reaction. I didn't understand why. But then Allie stood up and moved the plate of brownies.

"Hey, I'm Allie. It's nice to meet you Alex," she said, smiling, holding a hand out for me to shake.

I shook it, but sort of robotically. I was in a state of shock. I tried to move my gaze, but it wouldn't work. I had to blink a few more times and clear my throat.


"Are you okay?" Allie asked me. Finally I moved my gaze to her face. Calming breaths. Come on Alex, you can do this. Come on. She doesn't know you. Just be her friend. Oh god, I missed her so much...and now this? I just...I couldn't comprehend it...what...I mean...

"Yeah, I'm fine, yeah. Um, hey, Allie," I finally managed with no hiccups, smiling and trying to stop my eyes from popping out again.

There was silence for a few minutes. I just stood there staring at a now uncomfortable looking Allie.

Finally, Zack spoke. "Right, well...if we're all done and introduced and such here...Erica?"

"Oh, yes, err...coming, yes, right..." Erica said, trailing off. She smiled reassuringly at Allie, who smiled back at her and hugged her, telling her to have fun and not to worry. To take as long as she needed. Erica then turned to me, back facing Allie, and before she left with Zack, whispered something in my ear.

Something so quiet I barely caught it. But once I understood, it felt like she had screamed the words right next to my ear, and they couldn't be any more clearer.

"It's yours."

Allie was pregnant.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, first chapter! woo! I like this one. But yeah, happy reading guys!