Status: May not update often.

Love You More Than I Can Scream

So much in one day..

~~~~~~~On the bus~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm not spazzing! Who said I was spazzing? Everyone goes back with a world-wide known band into their bus after a concert, right? Everyone gets surrounded by the hottest guys ever right?!?!?!?!?!?
"So, I think we should have introductions. I'm jake, this is Jinx, and then CC." Jake said as he put his sleek black guitar in it's case.
"Nice to meet- well, know your names!" I stuttered. We all chuckled and they kept interrogating.
"So, how long ago did you start listening to our music?" Andy asked.
"Two years," I explained. I told them my whole situation from the start; and they didn't seem bored like I expected! Plus one.
"Woah..." CC gasped when I finished, "Even I haven't had to go through a hell like that, and I've met crazy fangirls!And trust me, when I say crazy, when I moved a centimeter, they started running towards me like, 'CC, I WANNA F-' "
"That's enough CC." Ashley interrupted.
"I'm gonna go wash off the war paint." Jake suddenly said.
"Same..." Ashley and CC mumbled.
"I'm gonna follow, just so they don't kill each other." Jinx stated sarcastically. That left me and andy alone.
"When do you need to get going?" he inquired casually.
"I live alone, so it really doesn't matter." I replied. I wonder... He merely made a "hmm" sound and watched the door where the boys went. Once they all returned, Andy went to wipe off his paint. After several more minutes of talking to Jake, Ashley, CC, and Jinx, Andy walked in. "Can I talk to you guys? Karana, if you don't mind staying in here for a moment?" he said as he walked to the front door of the bus, with the rest of the guys tailing him.

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What will they talk about? I'll write another chapter. ^_^