Status: Just the start! Comment and let me know!

Waiting On My Turn

Don't Leave.

The day of graduation. Goodbye class of 2012. Jordyn made her way through the crowed of people with her family and Austin's family. When they approached him, Austin's mom gave him a hug.

"Congrats, honey." she said with teary eyes. She hugged her 18 year old son, choking back the tears wanting to escape. His father was next, patting him on the back.

"I knew you could do it, son." he said, pulling away from his youngest son. Austin's elder brother and Jordyn's older brother made their way to him, each giving him a fist bump. Silently awarding him on completing high school. After Jordyn's parents, it was her turn. She was last as she walked up to him. She barely made eye contact with the older boy.

"Congrats, Austin." the 16 year old was quiet and her head hang low. Austin let out a sigh.

"Jordyn." but she didn't listen to him. He looked up at their families, silently asking for privacy and they accepted, walking away from the two teenagers. Austin grabbed her hand, leading her to the bleachers on the other side of the football field. When they got there, her head still hung low, yet their hands still connected.

"Jordyn," he repeated, quietly. "I'm... I'm," he couldn't find the right words. She expected him to say sorry to her, but that wasn't what left his mouth seconds later. "I'm leaving." that's when she finally looked up at at him.

"What?" her voice was soft. It was fragile and it sounded like it would break any second if she kept talking.

"I'm leaving.. I can't stay here. I'm going to California... tomorrow." he kept her hands in his. They were searching each others eyes for something. For some kind of clarification, emotion... anything. By Jordyn's eyes, you could tell she was hurt and sad. So much was running through her head.

As she was about to ask why, but the boy stood up, finally letting go of her small hands. He walked to where his friends were patiently waiting for him. He kept walking, and that's when Jordyn's head landed in her hands, tears streaming down her face. She didn't care who saw her. All she knew was she just lost the guy of her dreams.
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Hey everyone! :). I hope you like this! Its going to be a story in the past (besides this chapter! This is present day, hope you understand :) ) If you all like this, I'm gonna write a sequel story :D.
Don't forget to comment for feedback and subscribe if you like it <3