‹ Prequel: Accidental Penpal

Un-Accidental Penpal


Dear random email I made up in my head and decided to write,

I hope that this is an actual email and I'm not making an even bigger idiot of myself as I write this. But I should probably say before I even begin to get to the main point of writing this, I should let you know that I am 100% sober. Ok, maybe 87% That's a lie too. 69% sober. There are you happy now? I told the truth.

Anyway, so you are probably wondering why I am writing this at two in the morning instead of being at the new years party like you probably are at at the moment. Well, I am. I'm just a little sick of watching my best friend and his girlfriend make out and show the whole world how happy they are. EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE CHILDREN IN THE ROOM! Well, one kid. But does Ali even count as a kid? He is wise beyond his years and even puts York to shame sometimes. And York is a very smart and wise person. I will never quite understand how an eleven year old can act so smart for being so young... Maybe its that ridiculously posh school Maggie sends him too that he pretends to hate when all of us know that he really does like it.

But this is getting off topic. The point of this letter is that I hate my friends and they suck for showing off their love in front of us every chance they get. No that's not true, I'm really happy for York and Kendal, they deserve all the happiness in the world for all the crap they've been through in their 20 some years of life. But I want to try and experiment. See York and Kendal met by accident after Kendal wrote him a drunken letter sort of like I'm writing now. Only, this is an email and I'm not looking for love. Just looking for a way to make life a little less dull. So that's where you come in.

Now I know I've been rambling for what seems like forever and you want me to get to the point so you can delete this email and forget that you ever got this. But just hold on, what I have in mind might just make you change your mind about my lack of sanity....

Do you want to go on an adventure?

There you go. That's all I have. That one simple sentence. Eight little words with a question mark at the end.

And if your answer is yes, then reply to this email. It's as simple as that. So what do you say? Are you up for it?

♠ ♠ ♠
Why hello my faithful readers who have stuck around and have been super patient with me for taking so long to update this. I know I'm sorry, I suck. You don't have to tell me.

Anyway, so you might already know this but I'm going at this solo this round. Since Alex doesn't like writing sequels... Why? I don't know... But you guys should definatly got and but Alex and tell her to stop being a poopy face and help me with this... Lol no I love her but I'd love to write another cowrite with her,

But we are also working on another story at the moment called Coffee Shop Soundtrack! =} I'll start working on the other chapter (unless you guys somehow convince Alex to help me with this again! *Hint hint*) so just hang tight and I promise that this won't take as long as this first chapter took! Promise!!