The Heart Never Lies

The Heart Never Lies

Dougie was sitting in his living room, all alone. It was nearly silent, only their new album was playing in his stereos. ‘The heart never lies’ sounded surprisingly good. It made Dougie smile, Tom had thought about the band while he had written it. Once Tom told them, that band was the best thing had ever happened to him. It was the same for Dougie as well. He remembered so well that day, when Tom had called him and asked him to move in with them. His mum was very nice and understanding, she really believed in McFLY and let Dougie move in with three older guys. Other band members were his friends right from the start. Tom, Harry and Danny were actually his best friends he had ever had.

He never got bored with them, and even they sometimes had little arguments and fights, theyhey never were really angry.

Sometimes Dougie thought they were two couples. Danny and Tom, Harry and Dougie. Danny and Tom were the song writers, guitarists, vocalists. They shared everything, sometimes even their tooth brushes (which Dougie think was disgusting). After Tom and Giovanna had broken up, Danny was the one who was next to Tom, comforting and holding him. He made Tom whole again, Tom could say whatever he wanted but that was the truth. Giovanna never made Tom smile the same way as Danny does, Danny just needed to look at Tom and Tom was actually shining. Around Danny, Tom is glowing, sparkling, happy, just everything he never was when he was spending time with Gio. Gio was sweet, but he wasn’t Danny.

Danny is the person who you love after 45 seconds conversation. Danny is the person, who is in public very messy, loud and stupid (in the very cute way), but in private he’s very deep, intelligent and sensitive person. He’s always taking care of the other people, he’s writing songs which are something unbelievable, he’s just absolutely adorable person. You can call him 3am, and he will talk with you for hours. He’s the person who brings you back from the pub when you’re hell of a drunk, cleans up your vomit and sleeps on your couch, just to make sure you’re okay. When you wake up, he’s there with a glass of water and painkillers. He’ll pick on you, but nicely. He’s the person who comes to you when you’re feeling blue and brings some nice movie with him, like ‘The Notebook’, or ‘The Brokeback Mountain’. He’ll make you some hot chocolate with those cute, small marshmallows and whipped cream.
So it’s no wonder, Tom fell in love with Danny, and now they are engaged, loving and caring couple, even sometimes people ask them why they love each other, even they are so different. Well, that’s what people say, they really don’t know that they’re not so different from each other. Danny is whole only when he is with Tom, and Tom is whole only when his with Danny, it’s as simple as that.

And then there was Harry and Dougie. They really were something messy. When they saw each other first time – well, it was some kind of love at the first sight. They had the same bands t-shirt, it even was the reason why Harry came to talk Dougie. Dougie knew from the first moment, Harry was something special.

When they all moved in together, Harry was the one who had helped Dougie to get used to live with three other boys and helped him with homesickness. Harry had slept next to Dougie for so many nights, Dougie even thought Harry had slept alone in his room just for couple of weeks. Sometimes Dougie had come to sleep in his bed, but usually they were in Dougie’s room.

And now when they were living in their own flats, it was the same. Harry was all the time in Dougie’s place, because ‘there was no reason to stay at his own flat’. When Harry and Dougie had girlfriends, they were sleeping in their own apartments, but those relationships didn’t take long, because the girls weren’t for them. For Harry, Izzie wasn’t Dougie, and for Dougie girls were never Harry.

Harry was person, who never really showed his feelings in public, sometimes not even in private. He was good looking, hot and very attractive, and his personality was absolutely charming. He was such a flirt, he didn’t care if it was a girl or a boy he was flirting with.
He had always taken care of Dougie, and he still did. He was the one who made Dougie some coffee in the morning and washed his hair in shower. He was always hugging Dougie, giving kisses on his cheeks, holding him through the night. He took Dougie out for lunch, went shopping with him, and helped him to clean up in Dougie’s flat. Sometimes in the summer, they went to Dougie’s backyard in the night, and sat on the skate ramp, Dougie laying on Harry’s lap. They talked, looked at the sky and just listened to their hearts beating. Those moments are moments which both of them will never forget.

Dougie woke up from his thoughts, when the doorbell rang. He jumped up from the couch, nearly running to the door.
“I’m coming!” He shouted when the doorbell rang second time. He opened the door very quickly, just to meet Harry’s friendly face.
“Hi,” Harry said, smiling and waving a little to his friend. Dougie smiled back happily.
“Hi, come in,” he said, letting Harry inside of his house. Harry left his jacket hanging on the door and went straight to the kitchen. Dougie went after him, grinning widely. He was so happy to see his friend again.
“I thought you were with your family?” Dougie asked, sitting in front of the table, keeping his eyes on Harry. Harry gave Dougie a little smile.
“I came back earlier,” he said taking milk out of the fridge, “Hot chocolate?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Dougie answered lazily. Harry poured the milk into two mugs and put them in to a microwave oven.
“But why did you come back so early? I thought you really wanted to see them.” Harry came next to Dougie, and looked out of the window.
“Well, first, I missed you and the other guys. Second, they really started to annoy me, and third, I don’t think they really are my real family nowadays. Or well, of course they are, I love them, but you know what I mean. You’re my family.” Harry smiled to Dougie and turned to him, “And you know, I said I want to see them, but I didn’t say I want to spend some time with them.”
Dougie laughed, making Harry shine. Harry was always the happiest person on the earth, when he made Dougie laugh.
“I’m glad you came back, you know. I felt a bit lonely, when Danny and Tom are god-knows-where…”
“They went to Spain,” Harry said grinning, making Dougie look at him surprised.
“Yeah, my little dear Pugsley, they went to Spain. ‘A romantic holiday together’, you remember?” Harry was trying to hide his laugh, unsuccessfully.
“Well, Harriet, I thought they we’re just talking ‘bout something like going to Bolton or something. Oh but lets get back to the topic, I was lonely because you weren’t here and I didn’t want to meet or talk with anyone else. So I missed you. Happy now?” Dougie asked teasingly. Harry smirked.
“Well, I could be happier…” Dougie looked at him, smiling slightly. He stood up from the chair, moving closer to Harry. Dougie wrapped his arms around Harry, hugging him. He pressed his chest against Harry’s and nuzzled Harry’s neck slightly, making Harry shiver. Dougie felt how Harry moved his arms around Dougie’s waist and took a deep breath, relaxing and pulling Dougie even closer to himself.
“Happy now?” Dougie mumbled against Harry’s shoulder.
“Mmh, maybe…” Dougie lifted his head up, starting to stare in Harry’s eyes. Harry’s eyes were unreadable, but he had small, adorable smile playing on his lips. Dougie smiled to Harry, and when Harry’s smile widened, something turned around in him. He stared at Harry’s face, and suddenly he realised how much he really did care about Harry. Harry was just all and everything for him, and he really meant it. Harry was his everything.
“Harry,” Dougie said quietly, making Harry nod. He took a deep breathe, and thought for a second if he should do what he was thinking about. He took another deep breathe, sighed and looked Harry in his eyes.
“I just wanted to say, you really are my everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You are the reason why I wake up in the morning, you make me happier than I’ve ever been. I can’t tell you how much I care about you, and even if could, the words would never be enough. You are my sunshine. It’s not always easy, but I’m here forever.” Dougie noticed tears falling down on Harry’s cheeks, but Harry was smiling so happily, that even Dougie, who really never cries, was about to start crying. There was small silent moment, until Harry opened his mouth.
“We are the lovers?” He asked quietly, nearly making Dougie have a heart attack. They we’re staring in each others eyes, and there was a small moment when Dougie thought about running away. Then he thought a little more. Were they lovers? Harry was like Dougie said, Dougie’s all and everything, and he cared about Harry more than about his own sister and mother. If Dougie even just thought about Harry, it made him smile and his heart turn around. Harry was his reason to live. He couldn’t date girl more than couple months, because he always started to think about how Harry felt about it. He missed Harry if he didn’t see him during 12 hours.
He loved Harry.
Dougie took his eyes back to Harry’s. Harry’s smile was gone, he seemed to be worried and even scared. Dougie smiled to him, making Harry’s face turn into surprise.
“Yeah, I think we are.” Harry started smiling, and another tear ran down on his cheek. Dougie raised his left hand to Harry’s face and wiped tears away. Next thing he felt was Harry’s lips on his own, and that kiss felt like as if the whole world had stopped turning around them.

Few hours later they we’re laying on Dougie’s couch, Dougie on Harry’s lap. Harry was playing with his fingers in Dougie’s hair.
“I know you’d believe me.” It took a while from Dougie to realise what Harry was talking about.
“Just look in to my eyes,” Dougie said playfully, turning around to face Harry. Harry smiled, and now the smile reached his eyes.
“’Cause the heart never lies,” Harry said, staring in Dougie’s eyes. Dougie leaned forwards, slowly, and when his lips touched Harry’s, every clock in the flat stopped ticking.
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Huh, so, here's my first fic ever in English. Yes, it's standalone because I suck at writing chaptered ficcies. And there is probably mistakes, because it's not beta-ed.
So, hope you enjoy it. n_N