Status: active! <3 updates will be consistent.

Glass Flowers

chapter four.

The next phase of Chloe’s plan was already in the works not long after the incident at the café. As Chloe put it, I had to step up my game. She was over the moon that I managed to get Harry to stutter and blush, but the novelty wore off after about .025 seconds.

Now she was convinced that I hadn’t put as much effort into the initial meeting as I should have. “The first part of the plan went alright, but you have to do better this time. Make sure you leave an impression.”

Okay, so maybe tripping over my shoes wasn’t the best way to get a guy’s attention. But I was kicking myself for something else I only just realized—the guy didn’t even catch my name.

And for all he knew, I didn’t know his, either.

Thank you, Chloe, for pointing that out. “Oh, April, you’re more hopeless than I thought.” She said it with affection, but I was still stung. Oh, and more than a little pissed. It was bad enough that I had to sit there and listen to her drone on and on about how much of a disappointment the first part of her plan turned out to be. It’s been five days, and by this point, I was fed up.
“If you don’t like how I do things, get someone else to go along with your stupid plan,” I snapped. In my defense, I wasn’t in the best mood that day. It also happened to be that special time of the month, but I guess you didn’t need to know that.

“Oh, you know I didn’t mean it like that. You’re doing fine, but just remember what I told you.”

About flirting with guys? Um, no. That information went in one ear and out the other a long time ago. Besides, I already had my mind made up about how I was going to go about this plan from here on out.

“Yeah, about that, Chloe. If I’m going to get close to your boyfriend, I’m doing it my way.”

Chloe looked at me like I just said that I ate her dog. “What are you talking about? There is no other way!”

“Um, yes, there is.” Before Chloe had a chance to argue with me, I plowed on. “We both know I can’t flirt with guys. I was willing to do the first part of the plan your way, but it didn’t work out. I think it’s a pretty good indicator that we can’t keep it up like this.”

I paused for a bit, unsure of how to continue. It was hard to gather my thoughts when Chloe was looking at me like I lost my marbles.

“I just think… it would be best if I just acted myself around him.” I started twirling a strand of hair around my finger, a nervous habit of mine. “It’s more natural that way. I’d be more genuine if we did this my way. You know I’m the world’s most terrible actress.” I let out a nervous laugh. Chloe’s eyes were bulging out of their sockets now. Silence permeated the room after a few moments, and things were getting more awkward by the second.

Suddenly, like she had been electrocuted, Chloe jumped to life. She was shaking her head vigorously at what I had said. “No. No, no, NO, April! That’s not part of the plan! The whole point is to get him to like you!”

I looked at her blankly. That was a no-brainer. As if I could ever forget that part of the plan.

“Harry will never like you if we choose to do this your way! My whole plan would go to shit!” She was close to hysterics now, her voice rising with every word that came out of her mouth.

I didn’t notice that, though. I was too busy staring at her in disbelief. Like, my jaw literally hit the ground. Did she really just say that? Was she implying that I was unlikeable?

I mean, I knew I didn’t exactly have a way with guys, if my poor track record (or rather, my nonexistent track record) with guys was any indication. But did she really have to say it like that?

“Excuse me?” The words left my mouth without my permission, and I didn’t even flinch at how icy I sounded.

Chloe was backtracking quickly after she noticed her slip. “Oh, wait. Oh my gosh, April, I didn’t mean it like that! Ugh, I’m such an idiot—“

“Yeah, you are.” I cut her off, fuming now. Angry tears were starting to build behind my eyes, but I ignored them. Why was I getting so worked up about this?

Oh, right. It was my time of the month. That sounded like a good excuse. It wasn’t because I was sensitive about guys only noticing Chloe, never sparing me a second glance. Or a first glance, for that matter. Nope, that wasn’t it at all.

Let’s all forget about the fact that I spent pretty much my entire life living in Chloe’s shadow. She was better than me at everything. She had more going for her in the looks department than I did. We both knew that. I had accepted that a LONG time ago.

But maybe it was getting a little old. Especially now.

“April, I’m so—“

“Don’t apologize, you said all you needed to say. In fact, I’m glad the truth is finally out about how you really see me. I’m only doing this as a favor to you, you know. I didn’t even want to go along with this stupid plan. Or did you forget that?” My own voice was rising now, but I now that I was talking, I didn’t feel like I was about to slow down anytime soon.

“We all know this was a stupid idea to start with. I’m NOT you. I’ll NEVER be you, and I’ve accepted that a long time ago. I’m sorry that poor little April is so plain that she can’t get a guy’s attention without having to throw herself at him! You’re right, I’m a hopeless wreck!”

This time, a few tears managed to escape, but I hastily wiped them away. “You know what, Chloe? If you can’t find it in yourself to trust your own boyfriend, who has done NOTHING to earn your distrust, I suggest you either suck it up or break up with him. He doesn’t deserve this, and neither do I.”

I spun on my heel and stormed off, unable to look at Chloe anymore. If she wanted to pull a fast one on her boyfriend so badly, she can do it herself.

“Wait, April!”

I ignored Chloe’s plea, instead willing my legs to go faster. I had to get out of here. Grabbing my grey hoodie from its place draped over the living room couch, I hastily put it on. Heading to the front door and putting on my tennis shoes, I avoided Chloe’s eyes as she followed me. “April!”

“I’m heading out. Don’t wait up.” I didn’t wait for her response. Instead, I grabbed the door handle and marched out, slamming the door behind me. Immediately, I was assaulted by a harsh autumn wind.

I ignored it, though. Putting my hands in my pockets, I trudged onward, away from my house. I was pissed beyond words.

I let my feet carry me, unsure of where I was headed. Now that I was outside, my thoughts had calmed considerably. Being outdoors always did have a way of clearing my mind.

That didn’t mean Chloe’s words didn’t hurt any longer. It still stung a lot.

If I was being completely honest with myself, I had always been a little jealous of Chloe. She was just so perfect. She was good at everything she did without even trying.

I never hated her for it, though. I never blamed her the way other people probably would if they were in my place. Chloe was just being herself, and the girl could light up a room with her mere presence. Of course guys always fell all over her.

I had no one to blame but myself for being so plain, so unnoticeable.

It didn’t help that I was lacking in the looks department too. Chloe was blessed with model-like good looks and a body that girls starved themselves for. Did I mention that she was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, tanned and toned goddess?

Because she was.

I, on the other hand, had unruly dark brown hair that never fell the way I wanted it to, grey eyes that didn’t strike me as remotely interesting (the coloring resembled a stormy sky on a gross, rainy day, hardly something to be proud of), and extremely pale skin that burned easily in the sun. I also had the physique of a gazelle (and that was NOT a good thing. It meant I was lanky and awkward, and had the body of a twelve-year-old boy). I also didn’t have a lot of boobage (again, because I had the body of a twelve year old boy), which was a damning thing. Didn’t guys like girls with big boobs and curvaceous bodies?

So no, it wasn’t Chloe’s fault that I was so plain and unattractive to the opposite gender. I didn’t even blame her for my inferiority complex.

Why, then, was I so mad at her for stating the obvious? It was something we both knew to be true. And sure, it was harsh, but honestly, we both thought it all along.

Chloe was just brave enough to finally say it out loud.

It didn’t matter, though. It still hurt like hell, and I was suddenly struck with the burning desire to prove her wrong. Slowly, my mind drifted towards a more vengeful route.

And wouldn’t it be the ultimate ‘fuck you’ to Chloe if I managed to really get her precious Harry Styles to fall head over heels in love with me? It would crush her. It’d be a slap in the face, as well as a wakeup call, not just to her, but also for everyone.

It would be the ultimate proof that April Lin was capable of getting a guy to fall for her without the makeup, without the fronts, without skimpy outfits… just by being herself--April Lin, and nothing more, nothing less.

But as soon as those thoughts materialized in my mind, I squashed them. What was I thinking? Of course it would never happen. It had already been established that I was a bumbling idiot around guys.

Furthermore, while it was true that I was pissed beyond belief, I still couldn’t bring myself to do something like that to Chloe. This was ME, after all. I wasn’t one to steal someone’s boyfriend away from them, least of all Chloe’s. It just wasn’t who I was.

I wasn’t a bitch, to put it simply. Or at least, I hoped I wasn’t.

Also, there was also the fact that I had no idea how to go about getting a guy to like me, let alone get someone like Harry Styles to fall for me.

But still, that didn’t mean I couldn’t entertain the thought. In the safety of my mind, I let the whole thing play out. I smiled, imagining the hell that Chloe would bring about if it really did happen.

Would she cry? Would she eat her words?

It was cruel of me, but I kind of liked the thought. It would serve her right for not keeping her mouth shut.

There I went again with the bad thoughts. What was wrong with me? I sighed, ashamed of myself for finding so much enjoyment in the prospect of bringing Chloe pain. What kind of best friend was I?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I kept my eyes on the pavement underneath me. Suddenly, I found myself looking up at the sky.

My head was throbbing, and the wind was knocked out of me. What just happened?

It took my mind a few seconds to process everything, but I slowly began to piece together the fact that I had collided with someone, and being the weak, athletically challenged girl I was, I fell onto my butt. Which explained why I was now in a horizontal position, facing the sky.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!”

A head of curls and green eyes appeared in my line of vision. I blinked a few times, unsure if I was imagining things. Maybe hallucinating was a byproduct of being knocked over. I must have hit my head hard when I fell onto the pavement.

Because I could have sworn that the person looking back at me, his brows creased in concern, was… Harry Styles?

What was he doing here? I groaned, cursing my bad luck.

This was what I got for even thinking about being a bitch? Karma wasn’t the fairest force of nature, or instrument of fate, or whatever it was supposed to be. Because really? There were plenty of girls out there who dished out bitchiness like it was going out of style, and none of them ever got what should have been coming to them.

I had been a good girl my whole life, okay? I had never been mean to anyone. And to be honest, I thought I had a pretty good excuse for my less-than-kind thoughts about a certain best friend of mine, and how crushed she would be if I stole her boyfriend from her.

But I guess not. This wouldn’t have happened to me if it was okay with the forces of Karma.

Guiltily, I looked up into the concerned face of Chloe’s boyfriend. My cheeks flushed immediately as I realized that this was the guy I was actually entertaining thoughts of getting to fall for me. I hoped he couldn’t read my mind, or he’d be disgusted with what he found in there.

He’d leave me on the pavement, cursing me the entire time because how dare I think he could choose me over his girlfriend? That wasn’t how things worked, after all. The plain, awkward girl never got the guy. It was always the hot, confident one.

Yeah, it was pretty stupid of me. But good thing he wasn’t a mind reader, because he held his hand out to me in order to help me up. What a gentleman.

Awkwardly, I took it, and he hoisted me up. As soon as I was on my feet again, I snatched my hand away from his and brushed the nonexistent dirt from my clothes. “Hey, I know you!”

Startled, I glanced up from what I was doing and met his eyes. “You’re that girl from the café a few days ago! The one who tripped over her heels.”

He grinned at me, and my cheeks flushed with warmth again. Oh, great. So I did leave an impression after all. Take that, Chloe.

Letting out an awkward laugh, I shrugged. “Yeah, that’s me.”

Harry was still grinning. “Wow, fancy running into you here. Why is it that every time we meet, you’re falling over something?”

My indignation flared up at that. “What? That’s not true! This time, it was your fault!”

Harry looked apologetically at me, but there was still humor in his eyes. “Okay, I admit it. This was my fault. Are you sure you’re okay, by the way?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I shifted awkwardly. I really didn’t expect to run into Harry here, and I wasn’t sure how to handle this situation. Self-consciously, I fingered the material of my sweatpants.

I must have looked like a complete mess. There I was, my cheeks no doubt resembling the coloring of a tomato, with my hair in disarray, wearing a lame hoodie and sweatpants. Wow, I was the epitome of sexiness.

But wait, why did I care if I looked like a mess in front of Chloe’s boyfriend? What did it matter what he thought about me? Huffing, I forced my self-conscious thoughts out of my mind. Now was not the time to worry about appearances.

“I’m Harry, by the way. Harry Styles.”

“I know who you are.” At his raised eyebrows, I kicked myself. Real smooth, April. “I mean, I’ve heard of you before. You’re in OneRepublic, right?”

Harry threw back his head and laughed, and in spite of myself, I relished the sound. “Close, but no. I’m in One Direction.”

Oh my God, how much more awkward can I possibly be? Didn’t I already have a conversation similar to this one with Chloe? OneRepublic? Really?

“Oh, sorry.” Yeah, that was the best I could do in a situation like this. Just apologize like you didn’t just indirectly insult him.

“It’s alright, I can see why you’d mix up the names.” There was still amusement in his voice. “But now that’s not fair. You know my name, but I still don’t know yours.”

Right, I didn’t introduce myself. “I’m April.”

“Well, it’s nice to finally make your acquaintance, April.” He held out his hand, and it took me a few moments to process that he wanted to shake hands with me. Wow, weird-much? What, were we at a business meeting now? That was awfully formal of him.

I could tell he was kind of joking, though, as soon as I looked at his face. Oh well, I didn’t mind playing along. Giving him a shy smile, I took it. We shook.

“Well then, now that the formalities are out of the way, what do you say we grab an ice cream or something? You can tell me all about how you ended up here.” He gestured to nearly empty park.

“Only if you tell me how you ended up here,” I blurted.

Nodding, his eyes still alight with amusement, he grinned at me. “Deal.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, thanks for the lovely reviews and subscriptions, everyone! I'm really, really glad people are liking this story. I'll be honest and say that I was sorta-kinda losing interest in it (I have a really short attention span, okay?)-- I haven't written a chapter for this in a while; all I've been doing was reposting the chapters that were lost in the server crash.

But yeah, thanks to the response I got to the last chapters, I decided to crank out this one a little early. Thanks again, everyone! <3

OH, and because it worked for my other story, I decided to do some more shameless self-promoting here. If you like this story, you might want to check out my other One Direction fic, called The Breakup Bible (click to read). It's also a Harry Styles story, but I like to think it's a lot different from this one. So, if you took a peek at it, I'd be really happy. <3

Okay, well. Until next time, guys! C: