Status: Coming Soon!

The Coroner's Mishap

Fighting to Survive

"We got a body!" called a detective dressed in a nice suit with a badge pin to his coats' pocket.

Shiloh's green eyes looked up from her book as men dressed in white, rolled a dead corpse in behind the detective.

They pushed the body near many glass windows where other dead bodies laid, ready to be taken away and be buried six feet under.

The detective begin reading from a little black pad."The victim's name is Tyler Wells, age 32, died post trauma to the back of the neck--- and damn I've never seen someone so dead." he explained ever so happily.

Shiloh lifted an eyebrow to the man's unprofessionally assumptions to the recently deceased.

Pitiful really. She thought.

"Good luck with the smell! It's strange how he already smells like death not to mention looks like---

"Thank You! I will have someone send the autopsy report to your office when I'm finished. Have a wonderful day." Shiloh replied unfriendly like cutting off the man in uniform.

The detective narrowed his charcoal eyes at her as if he was letting her know that he didn't liked to be cut off in mid-sentence nor liked to be rushed to leave.

"Very well then, have a wonderful day to you too" he spat letting the corner know she made a new found enemy.

Shiloh watched the detective leave with the two men who rolled the recently deceased in.

She signed while walking over to push the body under the hugh light where she would proceed to do the autopsy.

She moved to her desk after getting the body where she wanted it, she looked to get a ponytail holder so she could put up her shoulder-length, curly, brown hair.

She sighed quietly beginning to think where it all went wrong.

All her life she's been alone, growing up not knowing her mother, living with a abusive father for many years. Until one day Shiloh got the courage to tell Her teacher what her father was doing. After she told her secret, she was placed in many foster homes. Then one beautiful morning, a fairly young couple adopt her at the age of fifteen. She grew up knowing them as her family.

Although when she turned nineteen tragedy struck her life. Her newly mother and father died in a car bombing. Since Shiloh was an adult, she didn't need to be put in foster care. In her adoptive parent's will, they left her all their wealth to her since she was their only child.

Seven years later she's graduated college on top of her class in the medical field. She decided working with dead bodies would be best. Since she always been shy. Growing up with no friends and barley any family. So being a Coroner was the perfect job for her.

She's been alone ever since. Not that it bothered her, she liked it that way.

She let out another pitiful sigh as she walked to the hugh sink while her long, white, doctor's rope hung past her. She hurried to clean her examining tools before proceeding to cut open the corpse.

As she was about finished making sure her cutting tools were clean, she heard a noise that sounded like a gurgling stomach. She slowly turned around to where the body is a saw nothing, heard nothing.

"You've been reading to much horror novels." She thought.

She turned back around to finish drying the bone saw.

Then the gurgling noise started back up again.

She turned back to where the body is real fast with the bone saw in her hand.

She then saw the body had slowly sat up, which it happen to be still in the black body bag.

Ok this is not your imagination. She though fearfully.

Shiloh was now shaking really bad. Why in the hell is it sitting up? It's suppose to be dead!

"Who's there? Tyler" her voice shaken as she spoken the deceased's name. She thought it was rather silly talking to the body. What if this is some sick joke? Dead people can't come back to life!

Her words seemed to send the thing into a frenzy. It clawed it's way out of the bag, ripping it to shreds like it was nothing.

What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?

She stood there frozen as the --well-- thing continued to rip it's way out.

As soon as it was done clawing and now into Shiloh's view. It stopped. It sniffed the air and slowly turned its head to the petrified woman. It's gaze burning into her.

She spoke again. "Sir are you okay?"

Big mistake.

It jumped off the table and tried running at her but failed miserably as it's legs were still in the bag.

Shiloh looked around for more weapons then her small bone saw and saw that her umbrella was by the door.

The only bad thing was that the living deceased was in her way of getting to it.

The thing was now out of the bag. And stopped as it began to breath in the air.

Shiloh was curious on why it kept stopping to sniff like a dog. At that moment she realized it didn't have any eyes and the only way to find her was to sniff.

Fucking creepy.

It began to walk with one of his ankles in a painful angle, it then turned towards Shiloh's direction. It sniffed the air again, out of know where, scaring Shiloh shitless, it came at her dead on.

She yelped as she drove the bone saw it into the chest of the supposed to be deceased. He--Tyler--stumbled back unharmed from the fatal blow to the chest.

"Fuck," she thought bitterly.

She was now into view of the umbrella.

She looked at the Zombie which happen to be curious at the moment of the thing in it's chest rather than her. So she sprint passed the desk, table and the living corpse.

As she was arm distance from the umbrella something gripped her ankle and dragged her from it. She let out a scream in fear rather than agony. And turned to see the Zombie had a hold of her ankle trying to reach for her throat. She let out another scream and pulled back the leg the zombie didn't have and kicked him in his skull with all the force she had. Her foot went through his skull like peanut butter and when she pulled it out it was cover in greenish- red blood.

It stumbled back and landed flat on it's back never to move again.

She was frozen on the ground with her eyes on the body waiting for it to move and try to attack her again.

She waited for what seemed like hours.

But it never did move.

She stood up, got the umbrella and walked over to the body with courage and adrenaline running through her veins.

Shiloh looked down at it, silently examining it. The thing was eyeless including eyeliudless so it looked much more creepier then if it did have eyes. She saw that it had no lips so you could see it's greenish-white teeth, which Aldo made it look like to have a permanent smile. "Least you re-died happy." She laughed at her own corny joke while still looking at what she concluded to be a Zombie.

His hair looked like it was decaying or falling out. Her foot did major damage to the forehead.

She signed. Feeling pity for the thing. He probably had a wife maybe even kids.

As she thought more about his life. Fear over took her body.

Why is he like this? Is there more of him? Why was he trying to eat me? Is this a sign to end of the world? In progress Apocalypse?

As more and more questions came to her mind the fear only got worse when she heard screams of woman outside her office door, sirens where heard from police cars miles down the road and what else was she hearing? Helicopters?

The only thought she had left in her mind before locking the door's metal bolt and shoving her heavy metal desk to the metal door was.

I'm definitely fucked.
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Can't decide if i want this to be a love story between Daryl, Glenn or Shane. Or it doesn't have to be and she's just in the group trying to survive. I want to know what you guys want to read?